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Bamboo Rain is a 4-Star Character Outfit for Xingqiu.

During Version 4.4, Bamboo Rain is obtainable for free as a reward from the "Vibrant Harriers Aloft in Spring Breeze" event. In Version 4.5, it became purchasable in the Character Outfit Shop for the cost of Genesis Crystal Genesis Crystal ×1,680.


"What? Meowndering Hero's gone missing!? At this juncture, of all times!?"
The troupe leader's furious voice echoed backstage.
"And right when Feiyun Commerce Guild's having important guests from Fontaine over for an evening banquet? Come on! If we run our reputation into the ground here, it's is going to be disaster for our shows on both shores of the sea!"
The actor playing the "wandering hero," head shrunken back in a panic, looked nothing like the part.
"Th—There's still time before we take the stage. I'll go look for it right now!"

Outside the backstage window, sitting leisurely on a corner eave, was Xingqiu.
"I see, I see. So it is a matter of saving face, then, that no one from our Guild was asked to join the search? That complicates things... How, then, am I to tell them that you're here, Mr. Cat?"
Standing up, Xingqiu peeped down the chimney mouth next to him — within, a black cat in swashbuckling garb stared up at him, eyes vigilant.
To say nothing of his own chicanery in secreting himself away from the banquet making him ill-suited to meet others directly, someone known as the "second young master of the Feiyun Commerce Guild" finding this 'Meowndering Hero' would make things terribly awkward for the opera troupe.
"I guess I'll just have to rescue you and take you backstage in secret, huh... Ugh, I hope I don't get these clothes dirty, or my brother's going to ask some pointed questions about where I've been again..."
Xingqiu reached cautiously into the chimney, but the cat ducked into a corner, rejecting his proffered helping hand.
"Spooked by the unfamiliar environment? Or are you just not fond of the banquet atmosphere? Either way, Mr. Cat, getting others in hot water is not quite what a cat with your title should be doing."
He grinned wryly. No getting this kitty to come along without getting his hands dirty, huh?

The night went as planned, and the troupe took the stage without a hitch.
Meowndering Hero twirled and flipped to the strict rhythm of the gong, seemingly endless applause breaking out.
"Amazing! Most amazing!" Xingqiu exclaimed while grabbing onto his older brother. What grabbed said brother's attention, however, was Xingqiu's new attire.
This Fontainian-style ensemble's well-tailored lines were adorned with elegant bamboo patterns. Clearly, the work of a master...
And yet, when he had first received it, had this little lad not complained that it "restricted movement" and "made it hard to conceal oneself," wearing it but once before folding it up and putting it back on the shelf? Where was this sudden love for it coming from?
As if reading the doubt written on his brother's face, Xingqiu smiled softly, saying: "I came across this line while reading last night: 'One should make guests feel at home'... Changing into these clothes to welcome guests from Fontaine is a form of courtesy too, is it not?"
The doubt knitted into the elder brother's brows dissipated, and he looked Xingqiu up and down once more. His clothes were quite clean, so he certainly didn't seem to have snuck out like he had last year...
Perhaps his kid brother really had matured a little this year, he thought with some relief.
...Still, there was a faint smell of ash in the air. Where was that coming from, exactly?

"No need to trouble yourselves. I'll change by myself."
When the banquet was over, and the servants were sent away, Xingqiu would take his coat off, revealing his dust and dirt-stained inner garments.
"Phew... That was a close one. Good thing this was in the cabinet. There was no way I was fooling my brother otherwise..."
Perhaps his next novel could be about a chivalrous thief from Fontaine, then?
"Hmm... Let's start with this: All know the common wisdom that damasked dress makes a deficient disguise, but none realized that celebrity was the cloak of this chivalrous thief..."


The following Voice-Overs can be heard when equipping the outfit.

What do you think? Does Fontainian fashion suit me?枫丹风格的衣装,在我身上看着如何?
Fēngdān fēnggé de yīzhuāng, zài wǒ shēnshàng kànzhe rúhé?
Transcription missingTranscription missing
It's quite difficult to conceal one's identity while wearing clothes like this...穿着这身衣服似乎很难隐藏身份啊。
Chuānzhe zhè shēn yīfú sìhū hěn nán yǐncáng shēnfèn a.
Transcription missingTranscription missing
"The hero's valor ripples through his robes, his garments steeped in the spirit of the bamboo groves."「暗香裁作剑袍饰,竹影拓为侠客衣。」
"Ànxiāng cáizuò jiànpáo shì, zhúyǐng tà wéi xiákè yī."
Transcription missingTranscription missing

Outfit Showcase[]

"The hero's valor ripples through his robes, his garments steeped in the spirit of the bamboo groves." – Xingqiu's New Outfit Showcase "Bamboo Rain"


In-Game Assets[]



Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBamboo Rain
Yǔ Huà Zhúshēn
Yǔ Huà Zhúshēn
Chikushin Uka‍[!][!]
Korean비에 물든 대나무
Bie Muldeun Daenamu
Bamboo Tinged in Rain
SpanishLluvia de bambúBamboo Rain
FrenchPluie de bambousBamboo Rain
RussianБамбуковый дождь
Bambukovyy dozhd'
Bamboo Rain
VietnameseMàn Mưa Rừng Trúc
GermanBambusregenBamboo Rain
IndonesianBamboo Rain
PortugueseBambu da Chuva
TurkishBambu Yağmuru
ItalianPioggia di bambùBamboo Rain

Change History[]

Version 4.5
  • Bamboo Rain was made purchasable from the Character Outfit Shop for Genesis Crystal Genesis Crystal ×1,680.

Version 4.4

  • Bamboo Rain was released.

