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Nilou's birthday is celebrated on December 3rd.


Time/Date2022-12-03 (During Version 3.2)

I like to observe what's around me and take inspiration from them for my dance steps.

The rolling waves, a fluttering Crystalfly... All these beautiful things that are within reach, I wish to express their brilliance through dance.

However, after observing the landscapes of Sumeru for so long, I'm running out of inspiration...

Maybe it's time to learn from the Shaggy Sumpter Beasts and pack enough supplies to venture further?

Ah, I know, I can go to the desert!

The last time I danced at the oasis, creative ideas kept popping into my head. I'm sure I'll find something new if I go back!

Let me gather some friends! We can admire the dunes together, go stargazing, and sing around the bonfire! How does that sound?

The Dancing Rain...
Time/Date2023-12-03 (During Version 4.2)

A few days ago, as I was passing through Apam Woods, it started raining heavily. I had no choice but to take shelter under a tree and stand there quietly watching the rain.

As the raindrops sent out large ripples across the water, and all the plants and flowers in the forest swayed happily, it suddenly occurred to me that the whole forest seemed to be dancing to the melody of the rain.

Could it be that, just as the wind finds its shape as it blows through the treetops, so too might the rain be using the plants in the forest to perform a dance of its very own? When I thought of this, I tried to imitate the rhythm I saw before me, and by doing so created a brand-new dance!

But before I stage an official performance... Perhaps I can first express my gratitude for nature's inspiration by performing this dance of joy for my close friend to witness!

The Meaning of Dance...
Time/Date2024-12-03 (During Version 5.2)

A few days ago, I went to the desert searching for inspiration. Guess what extraordinary thing happened?

I came across an exceptional desert dancer! We didn't know each other's names, nor did we exchange any words, yet somehow, we found ourselves dancing in perfect harmony amidst the golden sands. Her movements radiated strength and conviction, and together we spun, waved, and stretched... When the dance ended, we shared an exuberant high-five!

To me, this embodies the essence of dance: a way to communicate with the beauty around us, to interact, and to express through motion. By weaving my thoughts and emotions into the dance, I can share this beauty with others.

Before parting, we exchanged gifts. Now, I want to share the same sense of joy with you!


Birthday Artwork[]


Did you have fun? I'm really happy when I spend time with friends.
Time always flies when chatting with everyone. Look, the moon's out!
Huh? You have a gift for me? It's on my head now...?
A Padisarah! When did you put it on me? I—I didn't realize at all... So, umm, do you think it suits me?
Since you gave me Padisarahs before, I have something for you today too.
Ta-da! I made you a garland, fancy trying it on? I can also add any other flowers if you'd like me to!
Although most of my time at Zubayr Theater is spent dancing, I also get involved in the costume creation process with everyone else.
After all, us dancers know more than anyone how our costumes can make our dances stand out. Anyway, making it for you was my pleasure!
What do I do when I'm not at the Zubayr Theater...?
Spending time outdoors with good friends and enjoying nature, like today, brings me a lot of joy.
Besides, without a large audience around, it's the perfect place to practice some dances I'm not yet confident with.
Want to watch me practice? Sure! And if it's you, I'm sure you could offer some great suggestions for improvement!


Nilou Birthday 2022 - Shorts
Nilou Birthday 2022 - Shorts
Official Genshin Impact Twitter
"Nilou must be so focused on her dance that she even forgot her own birthday!"
"Let's go back to the Grand Bazaar together, shall we? Everyone's been waiting for your entrance!"
Nilou Birthday 2023 - Shorts
Nilou Birthday 2023 - Shorts
Official Genshin Impact Twitter
"I got so absorbed in my dancing today! My tummy's starting to rumble already... Hmm, what should I eat first... a full-blown meal? Or go straight for a dessert..."
Nilou Birthday 2024 - Shorts
Nilou Birthday 2024 - Shorts
Official Genshin Impact X (Twitter)
"Hmm... Where should I gather inspiration for the new dance?"

Taking Pictures and Recounting Good Times[]

December 3, 2023

Today is Nilou's birthday, let's go and celebrate with her!
Paimon: Nilou— Sheikh Zubayr asked us to pass you these letters.
Traveler: We heard that the mailbox was filled to the brim today too.
Nilou: Ah, thank you both! Audience members will often write to us about their thoughts about the performance. Ah, I suddenly feel a little nervous.
Nilou: Traveler, Paimon, if you have a moment, would you like to read them with me?
Paimon: Of course!
Nilou: "Ms. Nilou is as luminous as a Nilotpala Lotus blooming in the night..." "I came here all the way from Port Ormos just to catch the performance, and it was so worth it!"
Paimon: Looks like your last performance was really successful again! Hehe.
Nilou: "Happy birthday! See you at Lambad's Tavern after the performance~ We've prepared your favorite desserts!" ...Huh, the sender of this letter is...
Traveler: Ahem—
A new photo has been recorded! Let's check it out~
Dialogue Review: "If you have a moment, would you like to read them with me?"
Nilou TPRGT 2023 - Aether
Nilou TPRGT 2023 - Lumine

December 3, 2022

Today is Nilou's birthday, let's go and celebrate with her!
Paimon: Nilou, the dance you just did felt kind of different from your official performance!
Nilou: Yeah... Usually, when I'm practicing, I try to adapt the dance according to how I feel in the moment.
Nilou: Oh right, Traveler. Would you like to dance together?
Traveler: Eh? But I don't know any Sumeru dances...
Nilou: Don't worry. Please stand here.
Nilou: Look. The tree by the Sanctuary of Surasthana seems so tiny from here. The sounds and bustle of the city are also muffled now.
Nilou: There's no one else here. Even the fishes in the lake have gone to sleep. Only the surrounding plants and the moon are your captive audience.
Nilou: It's the perfect time to dance your heart out!
Traveler: Nilou...
Nilou: Don't worry about how graceful your movements might look. Your dance is a unique "language" that belongs only to you. Just give it a try! I'll try my best to understand it.
A new photo has been recorded! Let's check it out~
Dialogue Review: "Don't worry about how graceful your movements might look. Your dance is a unique 'language' that belongs only to you. Just give it a try! I'll try my best to understand it."
Nilou TPRGT 2022 - Aether
Nilou TPRGT 2022 - Lumine

