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Three Days and Nights in the Belly of the Great Fish is an Achievement in the category Challenger: Series IX. To complete this achievement, the player needs to defeat the Shadow within the All-Devouring Narwhal without being hit by any of its attacks.


  • The name of this achievement references the Biblical account of the prophet Jonah. The Lord commanded him to preach to the people of Nineveh, but fearing their wickedness, Jonah fled and boarded a ship for Tarshish. When the ship is beset by a great storm, Jonah admits to the crew that he is being punished for his disobedience and tells them to throw him overboard. Reluctantly, the crew complies. Jonah is swallowed by a "great fish" and spends three days inside it before the Lord accepts his repentance and causes him to be vomited up on land.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThree Days and Nights in the Belly of the Great Fish
Jīngfù Zhōng de Sānrìyè
Three Days and Nights in the Belly of the Whale
Jīngfù Zhōng de Sānrìyè
Kujira no Hara no Naka ni Ita San'ya
Three Nights in the Whale Belly
Korean고래 속에서의 사흘
Gorae Bae Sogeseoui Saheul Bam
SpanishTres noches en el estómago del NarvalThree Nights in the Narwhal's Stomach
FrenchTrois jours dans le ventre du cétacéThree Days in the Belly of the Cetacean
RussianТри дня и три ночи в брюхе рыбины
Tri dnya i tri nochi v bryukhe rybiny
Three Days and Three Nights in the Belly of the Big Fish
VietnameseBa Ngày Đêm Trong Bụng Cá Voi
GermanDrei Tage und drei Nächte im Bauch des großen FischesThree Days and Three Nights in the Belly of the Great Fish
IndonesianTiga Hari Tiga Malam di Perut PausThree Days and Three Nights in the Belly of the Whale
PortugueseTrês Dias e Noites na Barriga da Baleia
TurkishBüyük Balığın Karnında Üç Gün Üç Gece
ItalianTre giorni e tre notti nel ventre del grande pesce

Change History[]

