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Sumeru: The Gilded Desert - Series II contains Achievements related to the Desert of Hadramaveth area in Sumeru and rewards the Sumeru: Sandstorm Namecard.

Achievement List[]

There are 13 Achievements in Sumeru: The Gilded Desert - Series II:

Achievement Description Requirements Primogem
Continental Explorer: Dune Dreams (II) Light up the maps of the following area in Sumeru: Desert of Hadramaveth. 5
Over Sandstorms and Mirages (II) Unlock all Teleport Waypoints in the following area in Sumeru: Desert of Hadramaveth. 5
Sanctuary Pilgrim: Dune Dreams (II) Unlock all the Shrines of Depths in the following area in Sumeru: Desert of Hadramaveth. 10
The Desert Will Guide You Home (II) Follow 4 Seelie in the Desert of Hadramaveth to their Seelie Courts. 5
The Desert Will Guide You Home (II) Follow 8 Seelie in the Desert of Hadramaveth to their Seelie Courts. 10
The Desert Will Guide You Home (II) Follow 16 Seelie in the Desert of Hadramaveth to their Seelie Courts. 20
Quicksand Treasure Hunter (II) Open 50 treasure chests in the Desert of Hadramaveth. 5
Quicksand Treasure Hunter (II) Open 100 treasure chests in the Desert of Hadramaveth. 10
Quicksand Treasure Hunter (II) Open 200 treasure chests in the Desert of Hadramaveth. 20
Quicksand Adventurer (II) Complete 7 Open World Time Trial Challenges in the Desert of Hadramaveth. 5
Quicksand Adventurer (II) Complete 14 Open World Time Trial Challenges in the Desert of Hadramaveth. 10
Quicksand Adventurer (II) Complete 28 Open World Time Trial Challenges in the Desert of Hadramaveth. 20
The Dirge of Bilqis Complete "The Dirge of Bilqis." 10

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSumeru: The Gilded Desert - Series II
Xūmí - Shìjīn Shāyuán - Qí zhī Èr
Xūmí - Shìjīn Shāyuán - Qí zhī Èr
Sumeeru - Kinmekki no Sunahara - Ni
Sumeru - The Gilded Desert - Two
Korean수메르・황금 모래사장・두 번째
Sumereu - Hwanggeum Moraesajang - Du Beonjjae
Sumeru - The Golden Sands - Second
SpanishSumeru: Las arenas doradas (II)Sumeru: The Golden Sands (II)
FrenchSumeru : Désert doré - IISumeru: Golden Desert - II
RussianСумеру: Позолоченная пустыня II
Sumeru: Pozolochennaya pustynya II
Sumeru: The Gilded Desert II
ThaiSumeru - ที่ราบทรายสีทอง: ตอนที่ 2
VietnameseSumeru - Sa Mạc Dát Vàng (II)
GermanSumeru – Die goldene Wüste IISumeru - The Golden Desert II
IndonesianSumeru: Lautan Pasir Emas (II)Sumeru: The Sea of Golden Sands (II)
PortugueseSumeru: Deserto Dourado — IISumeru: Golden Desert - II
TurkishSumeru: Yaldızlı Çöl - II. SeriSumeru: Gilded Desert - 2nd Series
ItalianSumeru, il deserto dorato: Serie IISumeru, The Golden Desert: Series II

Change History[]

