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Imaginarium Theater: The First Folio contains Achievements related to the Imaginarium Theater and rewards the Achievement: Poetic Pages Namecard.

Achievement List[]

There are 10 Achievements in Imaginarium Theater: The First Folio:

Achievement Description Requirements Primogem
Opening Night Complete Act 3 in the Imaginarium Theater on any difficulty. 5
Opening Night Complete Act 6 in the Imaginarium Theater on any difficulty. 10
Opening Night Complete Act 8 in the Imaginarium Theater on any difficulty. 20
Revue Synchronicity Complete an entire performance in the Imaginarium Theater after having invited a Supporting Cast character. 5
Fate's Unpredictable Favor Complete an entire performance in the Imaginarium Theater on any difficulty having selected at least 8 Mystery Cache events. 5
Reliable Narrator Complete an entire performance in the Imaginarium Theater on any difficulty having selected at least 8 Wondrous Boon or Brilliant Blessings events. 5
More Than Pearls and Gold Obtain a total of 3 Toy Medals. 5
More Than Pearls and Gold Obtain a total of 6 Toy Medals. 10
More Than Pearls and Gold Obtain a total of 9 Toy Medals. 20
The Uses of Enchantment Learn 3 total Thespian Tricks from Wolfy's Thespian Trove. 5

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishImaginarium Theater: The First Folio
Gensou Shiataa - Ichi
Imagination Theater - One
Korean현실 환상극・제1
Hyeonsil Sok Hwansanggeuk - Je-1-Jip
SpanishTeatro Fantasía: Parte 1Fantasy Theater: Part 1
FrenchThéâtre de l'imaginarium - Partie IImaginarium Theater - Part I
RussianТеатр «Воображариум»: Часть I
Teatr "Voobrazharium": Chast' I
"Imaginarium" Theater: Part I
Thaiโรงละครในจินตนาการ: ชุดที่ 1
VietnameseNhà Hát Giả Tưởng - Tập MộtImaginarium Theater - Episode One
GermanTheater der träumerischen Realität – Reihe 1Theater of Dreamy Reality – Series I
IndonesianImaginarium Theater: Jilid PertamaImaginarium Theater: First Volume
PortugueseTeatro das Realidades Imaginárias: Série ITheater of Imaginary Realities: Series I
TurkishHayal Dünyası Tiyatrosu: İlk Cilt
ItalianTeatro immaginario: Prima collezione

Change History[]

