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This masterless mansion has become the haunt of monsters from the rift. Defeat them all and obtain the treasures within.

Tutelage: Nest-Bed of Ambition

Moshiri Kara is a One-Time Domain in Inazuma. It contains one level, Tutelage: Nest-Bed of Ambition.

Unlocking the Domain[]

  • Find and complete three time challenges scattered on the smaller islands surrounding the domain:
  • After completing the challenges, the Elemental Monuments on the main island will unlock. Activate all three with Electro to unlock the domain and gain a Precious Chest.
  • Unlocking the domain grants the Wonders of the World achievement, Moshiri Kara.


Tutelage: Nest-Bed of Ambition
Defeat 22 opponents.

First Time Completion Rewards[]

Primogem 40
Adventure EXP 500
Electro Sigil 5
Entangling Bloom 1
Guide to Elegance 2
Hero's Wit 3
Mystic Enhancement Ore 5
Mora 30,000


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
59Duel in the MistRealm of Tranquil EternityBeneath the Abandoned House, Crumbling Guilt, Formation Estate, Hidden Mountain Base, Moshiri Kara, Occupied Hold, Police Detention Center, Shakkei Pavilion, Tenryou Commission Headquarters (Domain), As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared: Part I (combat), As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared: Part II (combat), Bastion of Nightmares (combat, before entering borderland)
Combat, Event Gameplay


  • According to Ainu mythology, Mosir-kar-kamuy (Ainu: モシㇼカㇻカムィ) was a kamuy (god). He is attributed to the creation of landmass, molding it to form mountains, islands and rivers. The following may also be references to the mythology:
    • The ruined arch at the left-side of the Domain entrance may be a reference to the mattock left by Mosir-kar-kamuy before departing to Kamuy-kando (Gods Realm) with the rest of the Ainu kamuy.
    • This may also imply that the Domain sits atop of a sunken Mount Optateshke, the final creation of Mosir-kar-kamuy left to be inhabited by the Ainu people. Which would explain why the Domain was left abandoned, as Mosir-kar-kamuy's work was considered finished.
    • It is unknown if Mosir-kar-kamuy has any relation with Kapatcir, seeing as both forms are in the shape of birds.

Video Guides[]

Unlock Guide

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishMoshiri Kara
Màozhī zhī Ké
Shell of Moshiri
Màozhī zhī Ké
Moshiri no Kara
Shell of Moshiri
Korean모시리의 껍데기
Mosiri-ui Kkeopdegi
Shell of Moshiri
SpanishRefugio MoshiriMoshiri Refuge
FrenchMoshiri Kara
RussianМосири Кара
Mosiri Kara
ThaiMoshiri Kara
VietnameseMoshiri Kara
GermanMoshiri-SchaleMoshiri Shell
IndonesianMoshiri Kara
PortugueseCasca de Moshiri
TurkishMoshiri Kara
ItalianMoshiri Kara

Change History[]

