Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Glittering Street is an outdoor gift set favored by the companions: Keqing, Lan Yan, Ningguang, Shenhe, Xingqiu, Yanfei, Yun Jin, and Zhongli.

It is obtained from the Realm Depot for Realm Currency Realm Currency ×240.

Required Furnishings[]

Character Interactions[]

Interaction Rewards

The following characters favor this Gift Set:

NingguangGeo Ningguang
Primogem 20
Guide to Prosperity 2
Mora 20,000
KeqingElectro Keqing
Primogem 20
Guide to Prosperity 2
Mora 20,000
YanfeiPyro Yanfei
Primogem 20
Guide to Gold 2
Mora 20,000
XingqiuHydro Xingqiu
Primogem 20
Guide to Gold 2
Mora 20,000
ZhongliGeo Zhongli
Primogem 20
Guide to Gold 2
Mora 20,000
ShenheCryo Shenhe
Primogem 20
Guide to Prosperity 2
Mora 20,000
Yun JinGeo Yun Jin
Primogem 20
Guide to Diligence 2
Mora 20,000
Lan YanAnemo Lan Yan
Primogem 20
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment 1
Mora 20,000

Interaction Dialogue

If a character's favorite furnishing set is placed in the same realm as the character for the first time, the character will automatically teleport to the furnishing set. Interacting with the character will initiate a special dialogue, after which the character will teleport back to their original position.

NingguangGeo Ningguang
Media:vo mimitomo ly ningguang store 01.ogg Ningguang: I have observed Liyue from the Jade Chamber for years - every building and every tile is etched into my memory.
Media:vo mimitomo ly ningguang store 02.ogg Ningguang: I cannot sense the slightest feeling of discord from this street... It is quite a rare find indeed.
Media:vo mimitomo ly ningguang store 03.ogg Ningguang: Your ability never ceases to surprise me...
KeqingElectro Keqing
Media:Vo mimitomo ly keqing store 01.ogg Keqing: As I thought, you've carefully observed the streets of Liyue.
Media:Vo mimitomo ly keqing store 02.ogg Keqing: Your understanding of the layout of stores and vendors is most detailed.
Media:Vo mimitomo ly keqing store 03.ogg Keqing: Would you be interested in discussing plans to improve Chihu Rock with me?
YanfeiPyro Yanfei
Media:vo mimitomo ly yanfei store 01.ogg Yanfei: You wouldn't see any operational mistakes in this commercial area even during a busy festival season.
Media:vo mimitomo ly yanfei store 02.ogg Yanfei: I can tell that you've put a great deal of time into this.
Media:vo mimitomo ly yanfei store 03.ogg Yanfei: Do you plan to attract more shops? I can provide you with legal support.
XingqiuHydro Xingqiu
Media:vo mimitomo ly xingqiu store 01.ogg Xingqiu: This place captures the atmosphere, yet avoids such disturbances and clamor as are common to the city.
Media:vo mimitomo ly xingqiu store 02.ogg Xingqiu: Your design for this street is most exquisite.
Media:vo mimitomo ly xingqiu store 03.ogg Xingqiu: A stroll here will certainly serve as inspiration for my writing!
ZhongliGeo Zhongli
Media:vo mimitomo ly zhongli store 01.ogg Zhongli: The flourishing city of Liyue developed from small streets dotted with a few shops, just like this one.
Media:vo mimitomo ly zhongli store 02.ogg Zhongli: You have a talent for many pursuits, as well as a boldness of spirit.
Media:vo mimitomo ly zhongli store 03.ogg Zhongli: To me, each day spent with you is as valuable as gold.
ShenheCryo Shenhe
Media:vo mimitomo md shenhe store 01.ogg Shenhe: If we were in Liyue Harbor, this street would be crammed with people... and I don't think I'd stay longer than I needed to.
Media:vo mimitomo md shenhe store 02.ogg Shenhe: But here, this street seems like such a safe place...
Media:vo mimitomo md shenhe store 03.ogg Shenhe: Join me for a walk. It could be good practice for you, helping me acclimatize to the mortal world.
Yun JinGeo Yun Jin
Media:vo mimitomo md yunjin store 01.ogg Yun Jin: I always love to take a stroll around the night market after a performance.
Media:vo mimitomo md yunjin store 02.ogg Yun Jin: This street has a striking resemblance to those back in Liyue. It really feels just like being there.
Media:vo mimitomo md yunjin store 03.ogg Yun Jin: Let's take a stroll around here tonight, then. What do you say?
Lan YanAnemo Lan Yan
Media:vo mimitomo ly lanyan harveststall 01.ogg Lan Yan: Wow, I never thought I'd get to take a walk down the country lanes while I'm here! Did you set all this up just for me?
Media:vo mimitomo ly lanyan harveststall 02.ogg Lan Yan: Fresh fruit and vegetables, groceries, and... what's that over there? I feel spoiled for choice! Haha.
Media:vo mimitomo ly lanyan harveststall 03.ogg Lan Yan: I gotta walk down this street and take this all in. Come on! Keep up!


  • Glittering Street is an outdoor set, but contains the Pine Dining Chair, which is an indoor furnishing. This allows the Pine Dining Chair to be placed outdoors.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishGlittering Street
Bǎilǐ Línláng Jiē
Hundred-Li Street of Glittering Jewels[• 1]
Bǎilǐ Línláng Jiē
Hyakuri Rinrou Machi‍[!][!]
Hundred-Li Street of Glittering Jewels‍[※][※]
Korean보물이 가득한 거리
Bomul-i Gaduekan Geori
Street Full of Treasures
SpanishProsperidad y bullicioProsperity and Bustle
FrenchRue foisonnanteBusy Street
RussianСверкающая улица
Sverkayushchaya ulitsa
Glittering Street
VietnamesePhố Rực Rỡ
GermanGlitzerstraßeGlitter Street
IndonesianJalan yang BerkilauGlittering Street
PortugueseRua Cintilante
TurkishIşıltılı Sokak
ItalianStrada luminosa
  1. Chinese: From the idiom 琳琅满目/琳瑯滿目 línlángmǎnmù, "glittering jewels as far as the eye can see," used to describe a superb collection of beautiful things, or a feast for the eyes.

Change History[]

Version 2.4

Version 1.6

  • Glittering Street was released.

