Re: "Always keep a second passport"
@Pascal Monett
"I would venture that, in every country that delivers passports, having a second one is against the law.
Of course, in democratic, civilized countries, you most likely don't need one unless you are a foreign agent (aka spy) or a hardened criminal."
That's a load of old bollocks.
I have both a UK passport and an Irish passport, possession of both is perfectly legal (even in Japan where I currently live, where Japanese citizens cannot possess more than one passport) and their possession by myself doesn't make me a spy nor a hardened criminal. Possession of both simply offers me more options when traveling, for example I can use the Irish passport to quickly pass both myself and my Japanese family through customs in Europe and the UK passport for the same in any commonwealth countries.
Your statement is either profoundly ignorant based solely upon bad 60's Hollywood movies or pathetically poor trolling.