Re: In Vino Veritas
Bulk composition of Venus is essentially similar to Earth, including a nickel/iron core. Venus's slightly lower density is explained by lower gravitational compression as opposed to chemical makeup.
If you really knew why Venus lacks a global magnetic field a Nobel prize would surely be on its way, because noone really knows for sure. Current thinking is that it is ultimately down to elevated temperatures boiling off all the water. That means it can't be subducted under the surface, and in turn shuts down any system of plate tectonics through lack of lubrication. That traps heat inside the planet and ultimately stops convection within the core. No convection = no magnetic field.
Like I said, it's speculative and little more than a best guess, but it's the one preferred at this moment in time. I recall hearing of a proposal to put seismometers on the Venusian surface, that is challenging given the conditions but potentially a goer with the right equipment. If memory serves that was a proposal submitted at the same time as what ultimately became Messenger.