* Posts by james 68

611 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Jul 2009



james 68

Re: **** the European badge

Yeah because Spain is the entirety of Europe. The 'Merkin education system at its best, who needs geography when you can have creationism?

Brits' borked Samsung kit held up after repair centre slips into administration

james 68

Ahhh Acer.... does their 'stuff' ever actually break?

Many moons ago I was working in the bell tower of a church installing some free space optics kit and dropped the Acer laptop I was using to set up the laser. When I retrieved it, despite falling approx 120 feet onto tarmac, it worked perfectly (once I popped the battery back in as it had shot out on impact) and only had a few scuffmarks, no cracks or breaks. Truely impressive build quality, considering that laptop casings and screen hinges on most other crap tend to crack and break just from being looked at funny.

Dead Steve Jobs sued by own shareholders in no-poach pact brouhaha

james 68

Re: "widely respected businessmen"

Steve Jobs was indeed a widely respected businessman, slimier than the lawyers he was so fond of hiring and as immoral as a pedo in a santa suit at christmas, but he did indeed have the respect of other businessmen and his cult like followers. In fact those very immoral aspects are probably why other businessmen respected him, he was what they wished they could be if only they could eject the last of their humanity, he was a hero to many of those people.

However to those of us who are sane, humane and had not drank the apple flavoured Kool-aid he was best described as an asshat.

Judge says there's no such thing as a 'Patent Troll'

james 68

Re: But they are patent trolls!

"That fact that Apple produces some stuff..."

Nope, Apple design and market some stuff, production is left to the Chinese slave labour in factory cities that could pass for internment camps.

This is a catch-22 for Apple, fighting a patent troll in court which could lead to a legal decision against trolls which could well be used against their own trolling in the future if it sets a legal precident, perhaps I am a little twisted but I find great amusement in that thought.

Fearful of the drone-filled skies? Get some protection

james 68

Re: Try this then

Depends on how you power the BB gun, compressed air tank is always fun (and available cheaply from paintball supply stores).

This is a 1mm compressed air powered BB gun vs aluminium sheet the thickness of a coke can:


same weapon vs cd case:


That would tear the average joe public drone to pieces.

james 68

Re: Try this then

Plenty of BB gun sentry turrets out there that could be used instead (and even plans to make your own), perfectly legal and could be incorporated into the detection gear.

This detects the drone, arms the turret and the turret gains its target using webcam motion detection and voila, busted drone.

You could even reimburse your costs by selling slightly used drone parts on ebay :)

TIME TRAVEL TEST finds black holes needed to make photons flit

james 68

I had a headache until I read this story.

So... either I broke causality or trying to think about this took my mind off it long enough for the pain to dissipate. Either way I'm happy.

Amazing never-seen-before photo of colourful hot young stars (Thanks Hubble)

james 68

Re: For all the believers out there

I fail to see what relevance this tirade has to the story.

Did a young earth creationist piss in your cornflakes this morning or something?

I ask because I'm curious.

IT'S ALIVE! ISEE-3 responding to commands

james 68


Congratulations are in order I recon.

Well done those chaps.

US DoJ to appeals court: Haha, no, seriously – Apple totally inflated ebook prices

james 68


“If allowed to stand, the ruling will stifle innovation, chill competition, and harm consumers. This court should overturn it.”

Well if anyone should know its apple they perfected this strategy.

Samsung WRISTPHONE – for those who wanna whisper to strap-ons

james 68

Re: Samsung

well according to apple fanbois it means they get to call other businesses success's failures.

james 68

Re: Samsung

yeah like their cheap plastic failure they call the galaxy... oh wait right theyre outselling EVERYONE else.

i try not to make fun of the developmentally challenged but viewing success as failure is just plain retarded.

No such luck: Apple, Samsung say peace talks are off – way off

james 68

Re: Legalese

"Not that either side is whiter than white in this area, but I do wish Apple would just STFU and get back to packaging products and buying software startups."

fixed that for you.

Graphics pros left hanging as Adobe Creative Cloud outage nears 24 hours

james 68


This is why I will never update to a cloud based service (especially for job critical tools like MSoft Office or Adobe Creative Suite).

Also why I always talk companies out of cloud services - though in that case it also often involves schools as the services cannot ensure data security for childrens details etc both in transmission and storage same goes for business data and bank details for companies.

Disambiguation: Cloud = A puff of methane erupting from the "talking hole" (re: arse) of an insane salesperson. The purpose of which is to provide amusement when someone strikes a match...

Report: Climate change has already hit USA - and time is RUNNING OUT

james 68

@Fluffy Bunny

Unfortunately it doesn't work like that.

The synthetic oil developed in WW2 was made from coal and is energy intensive in making, meaning either you use more oil not less just to make fake oil or you go back to coal in power stations to provided the needed energy, which is worse than oil for pollution.

Of course more nuke stations are an option but one that will never float since the politicians would have to take a u-turn after all that Fukashima scaremongering.

The only real viable alternative is growing your fake oil (rapeseed etc) but since on any real scale that would necessitate removing vast amounts of land from farming actual foodstuffs, it's not a great idea either especially long term when you figure in drought etc which will mean even less foodstuffs again and less fake oil leading to both food and oil shortages.

Google Glass teardown puts rock-bottom price on hardware

james 68

Low yield runs on manufactured items cost ridiculous amounts of money.

I can easily see google being charged $400-$500 more per unit manufacture at present considering they have only had a limited run of around 3000-4000 units, as they ramp up manufacture to 10,000 units plus per year then the price of manufacture will fall drastically.

Something I haven't seen the detractors take into consideration.

As per usual I await many downvotes for pointing this out, talking sense seems to bring out the morons as evidenced by prior sensible replies in this thread.

Boffins build billion-synapse, three-watt 'brain'

james 68

Re: “you have to know how the brain works to program one of these”.

theres always the yanks with their MK-Ultra "experiments".

though the argument could be made that they got it badly wrong...

Privateers race to capture forgotten NASA space probe using crowdsourced cash

james 68

wayward son...

shouldnt that then be "pelvic trusts to the tune of kansas"?


im old

MIT boffins moot tsunami-proof floating nuke power plants

james 68

Re: And when the Greens get pissy...

but do they have lasers on their heads?

inquiring minds need to know

Feast your PUNY eyes on highest resolution phone display EVER

james 68

Re: Pixel wars

call me convinced, better processors and more memory are obviously useless and a natty flash is the dogs bollocks

woe is me ive been living a lie for sooooo long now... not

james 68

Re: Pixel wars

the view could also be taken that they simply rebadged the same tired old crap every year safe in the knowledge that their adoring zealots would fork out the cash for it anyway, because its "new".

that or they felt a bit guilty about asking samsung to make them even better screens what with the sueball broadside being launched and all.

innovation > stagnation

james 68

Re: Pixel wars

you sir, made me giggle, bravo.

you realize it was apple that started the whole pixels per inch thing right? "retina" displays?

Android engineer: We didn't copy Apple or follow Samsung's orders

james 68

Re: Amazing

this is an apple patent filing (please forgive the huge address) http://pdfpiw.uspto.gov/.piw?Docid=D0618678&homeurl=http%3A%2F%2Fpatft.uspto.gov%2Fnetacgi%2Fnph-Parser%3FSect1%3DPTO2%2526Sect2%3DHITOFF%2526p%3D1%2526u%3D%25252Fnetahtml%25252FPTO%25252Fsearch-bool.html%2526r%3D1%2526f%3DG%2526l%3D50%2526co1%3DAND%2526d%3DPTXT%2526s1%3DD618,678.PN.%2526OS%3DPN%2FD618,678%2526RS%3DPN%2FD618,678&PageNum=&Rtype=&SectionNum=&idkey=NONE&Input=View+first+page

note the patent is only for the part of the image with solid lines.

which is rectangle with rounded corners.

a plain old rectangle, with rounded corners.

so yeah. believe it.

james 68

aaaaaaand the issue with that is that the newton looks nothing like an ipad, whereas the ipad is identical to the knight-ritter tablet. a lot more so than any samsung product look like an apple one, and since apple is being all pissy about "design patents" thats a pretty bloody big thing.

james 68

you can take that date back to 1994


james 68

i fail to see your point, it looks just like any other newly opened (past 8-9 years) store from various brands that are trying to be chic/hip/twattish.

in fact, looks more like an O2 store as opposed to apple, besides nothing to do with phones, you know those things the lawsuits are all about?

james 68

careful... they've probably patented that under "gestures:mobile device, subcatagory - human v1.0, proviso:emoji"

could lead to financial ruin

Reg LOHAN spaceplane: Punch and Judy show in comedy non-explosive climax

james 68

gotta be careful with fuses in extreme cold if they're the metal strip/wire type.

the strip/wire is very thin and held firmly at both ends, in extreme cold the metal contracts and can snap (not helped by also becoming brittle) especially the cheap ones, the more expensive ones have a twist in them which means they can stretch further and last better in the cold.

when i stayed in canada we often had to replace vehicle fuses for this very reason.

Japanese schoolkids arrested in £2.4 MEEELLION phone fraud bust

james 68

doubt it

japanese police and their law in general is not only extraordinarily harsh (hence the low crime rates) but extremely expensive for anyone considered a suspect.

its a lot like legal extortion, you pay for everything, even access to your lawyer, phone calls to/from family etc, but no matter how much you pay it wont effect the outcome of your case. even your own lawyer will be in on it, cant pay extra? too bad you get a real estate lawyer instead of a criminal defender, and the whole time your own lawyer will be trying to make you confess anyway.

its often better for innocent people to claim guilt than fight a charge.

if anything by denying involvement the third guys family will end up financially broken and he will get the longest sentence.

Spy-happy Condoleezza Rice joins Dropbox board as privacy adviser

james 68

Re: Simmer down, people: she's a lobbyist.

alternatively they'll use her to get better concessions (read as: money) from government etc for deep access to their hosting facilities.

its not a one way street and when in doubt the answer is 99% of the time, money.

Apple eyes virtual reality goggle game with patent filing

james 68

hang on a sec....

Don't apple and their zealots already live inside a heavily augmented (virtual) reality distortion field?

Ancient Earth asteroid strike that dwarfed dinosaur killer still felt today

james 68

Re: It should be measured in Essex girl knee tremblers.

they some big girls....

when their knees tremble not only does the ground shake but due to the revealing nature of their clothing you can see seismic waves flowing across the exposed flab

james 68

Re: Fascinating

you realise this is The Reg?

It should be measured in Essex girl knee tremblers.

LOHAN's Punch and Judy show relaunches Thursday

james 68

just claim to your boss that you're upgrading and testing ssl and point em towards a link to a heartbleed story.

i've used it for a days dossing already, works a charm.

USA opposes 'Schengen cloud' Eurocentric routing plan

james 68

Re: even more exclusion?

"Like Australians not being able to see content on Hulu or BBC web sites when they are supposedly promoting globalisation"

You think thats bad? There are areas on the BBC websites that British citizens cant access, because they contain "content not available in your country". Not only television shows but forums and news sites too.

British Broadcasting Corporation my ass, if its paid for by my bloody TV license then I want access to it.

Middle England trembles before roaring LOHAN

james 68

actually i alluded to a thrusting bell-end, but my enquiry was serious.

james 68


Just wondering what kind of nozzle your going to use on the rocket motor, bell or aerospike?

I would think an aerospike would be much better at providing good high speed launch at altitude as its self regulating providing better thrust than your typical bell-end.

Apple: You're a copycat! Samsung: This is really about Google, isn't it?

james 68

Re: Oh please thise same tired old crap...

cannot decide if troll or deludedly serious, well played sir.... however april first was yesterday.

Snowden files latest: NSA and GCHQ targeted German satcomms

james 68

Re: Blackberry

they didnt need to hack the blackberry - as you stated its authorised to run on DoD networks, thats pwned by definition right there.

james 68

Re: How long before normal companies....

"Look what happens when the US doesn't use aircraft-carrier diplomacy and relies on the EU to police their backyard - Russia invades, and annexes parts of other countries."

as opposed to when the US creates and arms terrorist organizations that later come around and bite them and everyone else on the ass?


LOHAN bloodhound unleashes solar-powered minitracker

james 68

Re: just a thought

Perusing related links on here i came across this http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/12/31/paper_plane_flight/

Size and shape would be perfect and its capable of holding the tracker.

On that note in the comments on that page, the suggestion for lobbing a paper aircraft from the ISS and wether or not friction would cause it to burn up were stated previous to my posting here.

I apologise to both Joe Gurman and Blitheringeejit as it must seem like i tried to plagiarize - I had no intention of stealing your ideas and did not in fact know you had made them till just now.

I guess great minds think alike.

james 68

Re: just a thought

Too big and it would be a tad awkward for a suited astronaut to faff around with.

Time to de-orbit shouldn't be an issue, with an astronaut simply throwing it directly towards earth, gravity would do the rest causing it to constantly accelerate until the atmosphere became thick enough for friction to overcome its effects and start slowing it down or maybe burning it up, but that's ok too because the point would be that it's an interesting and fun science experiment, NASA gets to perform a simple and super low cost experiment that kids can appreciate (including big kids) which they seem to like, the Reg gets so much "WIN" that Charlie Sheen would spontaniously combust and Major Tim would get even more coverage and kudos especially if he were to participate in a column for the Reg (or better yet 2, one preflight and one post, explaining what he thinks would happen and then explaining the results). It's great PR all round.

james 68

just a thought

I would have thought you chaps would have contacted the soon to be launched UK astronaut Major Tim to lob a paper plane toward earth (perhaps containing one of these trackers and Reg logo wing chevrons) from the ISS and perhaps write a column for the Reg on his antics and wether or not a paper aircrafts low mass/high drag would slow it enough on re-entry not to burn up.

Seems like a perfect fit to me, just sayin...

NSA spies recorded an entire COUNTRY'S phone calls for a MONTH: Report

james 68

Re: James 68 Kept sectret from the public, or from the target government ?

I bet Angela Merkel thought Germany would be waaaaaaayyyyyyyyy down the list too.

james 68

Re: Kept sectret from the public, or from the target government ?

Well if its the UK you can be guaranteed our lords and masters just bent over and said "sure... just ram it right on in there".

Spineless bastards the lot of them.

iPhone 6 FEELS your heat, wetness... and it'll TELL Apple – report

james 68

Re: GPS is FAR more accurate at altitude

"I'm not saying a barometer is utterly useless, but there are plenty of features that could be added to smartphones that 1% of people will find useful, but if you want the Swiss Army Knife of smartphones that includes a bunch of niche features just for the hell of it, you buy a Samsung Galaxy, not an iPhone."

That's because everyone is fixated on altitude. There is another use for barometers - weather prediction, combine barometer, moisture and temperature gizmos and weather is the obvious answer.

Add to the above that Apple will then be able to collate a HUGE realtime database collected from its customers devices it can then sell to third parties to make even more monies off of its users like weather services etc and its a no brainer.

Apple pedometer patent filing cranks up the iWatch rumor mill

james 68

Re: Article title caused serious WTF moment.

yeah they screw up a lot of words, mostly its amusing though.

I always giggle when asking an american where they're from, to which they reply "i'm a merkin".

or the classic george w bush "i am proud to be a merkin" which he seemed to state with alarming regularity. probably the most honest words he ever uttered.

schoolyard humor perhaps but bloody hilarious when you consider the growing number of signs appearing across the states demanding that english be proclaimed the official language and anyone who doesn't speak it should go home.

BuzzGasm: 9 Incredible Things You Never Knew About PLIERS!

james 68


slow news day huh?

US judge Koh won't ban old Samsung gear, tells Apple: Your patents aren't that amazing

james 68


shame we cant post images here - oh well have a link instead, it sums up the whole apple/samsung bruhaha in my eyes.


Apple throws sueball at China's patent office over Siri clone

james 68

Apple didn't invent siri they bought it outright from siri inc in 2010.

Your argument is still valid but lets not add to the confusion by intimating that apple actually "invents" stuff ;-)
