back to article Salesforce sued in attempt to block release of Capitol riot info

Salesforce has become a defendant in a case brought by the Republican National Committee (RNC) that seeks to prevent the release of information revealing communications within the Republican Party related to the storming of the US Capitol building on January 6, 2021. Salesforce has become embroiled in the case because the US …

  1. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

    Buttery males

    I thought the RNC understood this from last time. If you like to send incriminating emails, use your own server.

    1. fajensen

      Re: Buttery males

      Why would that lot bother to understand something when every problem they ever faced in life, big, small and insignificant, can be solved by shouting and being angry?

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: Buttery males

        "Why would that lot bother to understand something when every problem they ever faced in life, big, small and insignificant, can be solved by shouting and being angry at the Democrats?"


        Someone should explain the meaning of the psychological term "projection" to the Republicans.

        1. Blank Reg

          Re: Buttery males

          The republicans basically advertise all their misdeeds through such projection. Pretty much any time they accuse someone without any facts to back them up it's because they themselves are doing the same thing.

          That's why so many are adamant that elections are rigged. They always try to rig elections so the concept of a politician running for office and not trying to rig an election just never crosses their feeble little corrupt minds

          1. teknopaul

            Re: Buttery males

            They seem to be pretty clear about the fact that they are an 'orrible organisation supporting' orrible politicians that you don't want to be associated with them.

            "... risk of economic reprisal, loss of employment, threat of physical coercion, and other manifestations of public hostility by individuals opposed to their association with the RNC and Republican candidates"

      2. Blank Reg

        Re: Buttery males

        Or by having Daddy pay off the right people to make the problem go away

    2. DJO Silver badge

      Re: Buttery males

      Odd how the RNC bleats out "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime" but cries like a baby when the same is applied to them.

      Fucking snowflakes.

    3. Eclectic Man Silver badge

      Re: Buttery males - use your own server

      Nah, Hilary tried that, and look where it got her. (Although I have to admit I believe that calling a whole lot of registered voters 'deplorables' was not her most astute political move.)

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Buttery males - use your own server

        You can have pity for a deplorable. Republicans fear and hate.

      2. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

        Re: Buttery males - use your own server

        Elephants are grey. My car is grey, therefore my car is an elephant.

        Deplorables have joined the Republican party. ??? is a Republican, therefore ??? is deplorable.

        Republican communicators are good at taking quotes so far out of context that they make no logical sense and Republican voters are really bad at spotting logical fallacies. It did not matter what Hillary said. They would have found some way to turn it around - no matter how daft. For example many Republicans actually believe Al Gore claimed to have invented the internet.

        Hillary's email server was not illegal at the time. It was against State department policy and for that she deserved a scolding and a slapped wrist from the Secretary of State (herself). The emails were almost all found and recovered from computers they were sent to. Despite the best efforts of the RNC there was nothing in the emails that showed anything illegal. GWB43 was illegal and the destruction of hundreds of thousands of emails that went through that server during the run up to Iraq war V2 was illegal.

        Hillary made many mistakes when running for the 2016 presidency. Fairly high up was being a loud critic of Putin. Russia as a gun manufacturer is a major contributor to the NRA which can make campaign contributions which Putin could not do directly. The most obvious mistake was not including the Trump campaign's "get out the vote" software. This was an area where the Republicans had previously been hilariously incompetent and Donnie wasn't going to waste any of his hard earned campaign contributions on that. Robert Mercer provided high quality "get out the vote" software that no-one saw coming. This meant the polls were off by 6% and Hillary spend the final weeks campaigning in safe Trump states instead of the marginals.

        Hillary earned an end of her career by losing to Donald but not for using her own email server - which was a response to the proper tools of the time not being made available to her. "But her emails" was a common "joke" aimed at Republicans every time Donald did something ridiculously stupid and harmful between 2016 and 2020.

        1. Jamie Jones Silver badge

          Re: Buttery males - use your own server

          Your post would make sense, but... BENGHAZI!

          1. Youngone

            Re: Buttery males - use your own server

            Didn't that other fellow wear a tan suit one time?

            1. Agamemnon

              Re: Buttery males - use your own server

              This one's for you.

      3. DS999 Silver badge

        Re: Buttery males - use your own server

        Based on what happened on January 6 of last year and the conspiracy leading up to it, it seems she was proven right about at least some republicans.

    4. Agamemnon

      Re: Buttery males

      Damnit... you owe me a keyboard.

      *Tea Everywhere*

  2. ShadowSystems

    Be transparent.

    Post all the files & data to every file sharing site you can get to, making sure it gets spread as far & wide as possible, so there's no way to sweep any of it under the rug.

    "We're sorry, we got hacked & the $Nation state threat actors put it out on the internet. There's nothing we can do about it now."

    Yes it would reveal much, but that just means none of you reprobat, retrogr, retar, retrip... politicians can keep lying to the faces of those of us you are supposedly representing while in office.

    "But but but it might reveal my home address!"

    Yes, and so does your tax records while a public employee of the government. Since that info is already public info, you can't argue that revealing it publicly will do any harm.

    "But but but it would reveal my private conversations with my coworkers!"

    You mean those coworkers whom are also public employees of the government & subject to FOIA request, public records laws, and a metric ton of other you-don't-get-to-hide laws that you & your fellow replicants created?

    "But won't someone think of the children? Think of th-"

    *ShockyStick(TM) to the face*

    *Deep sigh*

    I'll go refill my DriedFrogPill rx now...

    1. aregross
      Thumb Up

      Re: Be transparent.

      LOL at the use of 'replicants'

  3. Khaptain Silver badge

    All parties

    If the Republicans have to do it then it should alsobe done for the Democrats, that would be democratic....

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: All parties

      "If the Republicans have to do it then it should alsobe done for the Democrats"

      The trouble with that line of reasoning in this particular case is that the Democrats haven't been accused of being complicit in the storming of the US Capitol building on January 6, 2021. Trump and his Republicans have, for what are clearly obvious reasons. The only question remaining is how far they went in their attempt at the un-American and anti-America activity of overthrowing the United States Government. Thus the request for information.

      No point in pussy-footing around, call it what it was. Unless you're a coward, of course.

      1. Cederic Silver badge

        Re: All parties

        Yes, the Democrats have been accused of being complicit. Pelosi explicitly, for instance, relating to multiple curious decisions made.

        The whole inquiry is partisan and pointless - they refuse to even release the footage that would show exactly what happened on the day, they refuse to demand FBI and other federal agency employees to explain why they were present and the role they played, they refuse to do anything other than try and demonise one group of people.

        Statements like "their attempt ... of otherthrowing the United States Government" are frankly exactly why the whole affair reeks. Unarmed people wandering around taking selfies is not an attempted coup.

        Demanding control over the US nuclear arsenal is. But that was Pelosi..

        1. james 68

          Re: All parties


          "Yes, the Democrats have been accused of being complicit. Pelosi explicitly, for instance, relating to multiple curious decisions made."

          Would these be the Republican accusations which ignore that she does not in fact control the Capitol Police and has little to no input on how they perform their roles? Or the accusations that blame her for not calling in the National Guard which she doesn't actually have the power to do?

          You realise that you are accusing Pelosi of trying to help Trump right? How exactly does that fit into your worldview? Does it make you lay awake at night in sweaty dilemma wondering if that means you should in fact be supporting her because your conspiracy theories claim she actively tried to support Trump?




          Maybe she's Q!!!

          1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

            Re: All parties

            I think some people don't understand who controls the Capitol Police. Answer is simple. The Capitol Police Board, which are the Serjeant-at-arms of each house, plus the Architect of the Capitol. Which must be a fascinating job. So would be Serjeant-at-arms, although that carries some less traditional LEO duties, eg becoming Doorkeeper and gavel carrier.

            And then there's appointment of the Serjeant-at-arms, which is done by the Speakers, ie Pelosi for her half of the Capitol. The Speakers have long been responsible for the Capitol's security, although in typical political fashion, not accountable.

            So given Pelosi's official duties, it's reasonable to ask what the Speakers knew, when, and what actions were taken. Or were not taken. Especially since this 'insurrection' was the biggest thing to hit the Capitol since the Crown in 1812.

            But such is politics. In an ideal world, the investigation would be impartial and focus on establishing the facts. Or in this case, collect as much intelligence on your political opponents as you can. So I think it's reasonable to expect a narrower request.

            Especially given previous IT related issues. DNC servers got 'hacked by Russia. Or someone with USB port access did it. Or Clinton's personal email server, which was insecure, hacked, and found to have held classified data. Then wiped, thus destroying potential evidence of multiple crimes.

          2. Alan Brown Silver badge

            Re: All parties

            the part I don't understand about Q is why he moved from antagonising Picard to trolling Americans

            1. jake Silver badge

              Re: All parties

              "the part I don't understand about Q is why he moved from antagonising Picard to trolling Americans"

              This is the wrong place to ask that question. Instead, ask the kiddies on 4chan, who invented Q for the lulz. Report back, we could use some lulz, too.

            2. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: All parties

              Because unlike your typical MAGAt... Picard is not a boot licker.

              1. jake Silver badge

                Re: All parties

                Ah, yes, the MAGA set ... "Muppets Annoying Genuine Americans".

        2. Jamie Jones Silver badge

          Re: All parties

          they refuse to even release the footage that would show exactly what happened on the day, they refuse to demand FBI and other federal agency employees to explain why they were present and the role they played, they refuse to do anything other than try and demonise one group of people.

          Statements like "their attempt ... of otherthrowing the United States Government" are frankly exactly why the whole affair reeks. Unarmed people wandering around taking selfies is not an attempted coup.

          There are 100's of videos out there, even those released by the rioters themselves. A complete inability to see reality also explains you being a brexit supporter.

          "Footage released that shows exactly what happened on that day"

          "Unarmed people walking around taking selfies":

          Mental illness is a horrible thing. Please seek help.

        3. Not Irrelevant

          Re: All parties

          If you're going to try to whatoutism us you might as well actually mention something Pelosi did that was unethical if not technically illegal (yet) like how she's accused of giving her husband privileged information to buy and sell securities at an advantage, which looks a lot like insider trading.

          BTW, that strategy is stupid anyway, burn all the corrupt politicians regardless oh which color their signs are!

          1. Agamemnon

            Re: All parties

            Oh, yeah... this.

            So in the US, even on the Intelligence Committee, it's legal for a Congress Critters to make trades on things they know.

            Not legal for me if my housemate tells me the exact release of $program and I invest in his company, that's bad.

            I mean, what I wouldn't give for an Intelligence Take and a good investment banker and zero flak.

            I'm a little jealous.*

            *Not enough to sell my soul and compromise my ethics and become a Congress Critter tho, not that jealous.

      2. Mr. Goodprobe

        Re: All parties

        What, you mean TREASON? Don't worry, you orange fool, your boyfriend Vlad will get you out of this one...

    2. Pascal Monett Silver badge

      Re: All parties

      Don't worry, I'm pretty sure that, if ever the Democrats get accused of some horrible crime against Democracy, the Republicans will be all over it and subpeona everyone and their dog to get the dirt.

      Republicans are very respectful of legal procedure when it's a case of bashing the Dems, much less so when it's their turn to be bashed.

      It's called hypocrisy, and it is shameful when you are supposed to represent The People.

      1. Lars

        Re: All parties

        "It's called hypocrisy"

        No, it's called a two party system, and I wonder if Americans actually understand how unlucky they are having copied that shit from the British.

        1. lglethal Silver badge

          Re: All parties

          You are aware that the United Kingdom isn't a two party system, right? Yes there are two parties who hold the majority of seats, but there are 9 other parties in the British Parliament (plus 7 independents in the House of Commons and 42 non-affiliated members in the House of Lords).

          What the US copied from the British was a Bicameral Legislature or in plainer English a "Two House Parliament".

          Since you havent understood even the basics of the American Parliamentary System, I think we can pretty much ignore everything else you have to say on the matter...

          1. DS999 Silver badge

            Re: All parties

            It would be wonderful if the US had as many viable (in terms of being able to actually win seats in congress, let alone in state legislatures) parties as the UK. Trump would have formed his own party instead of co-opting one of the only two we have!

            Hopefully so much dirt comes out about January 6th in the next couple years that republicans nominate someone for 2024 who isn't Trump, or a Trump wannabe like DeSantis. I really hate not having any choice when I vote, but so long as republicans are enamored with Trump I'm voting for the democrat (no matter how distasteful I might find them) in ANY race that includes Trump or a supporter of his until the Trump disease is purged from the GOP!

            1. Someone Else Silver badge

              Re: All parties

              In that case, you might be able to vote Republican circa 2044...

              1. DS999 Silver badge

                Re: All parties

                No way Trump lives that long with all the Big Macs he eats.

            2. Lars
              Thumb Down

              Re: All parties


              Sadly the British are not better at all, the same two party system and even less internal control of the government.

          2. Lars
            Thumb Down

            Re: All parties


            Don't fool yourself, when was Britain run by some other party than either the Conservatives or Labour, and don't give me the Lib.dems, when did they run the country alone.

            A country should never be run by a government of just one party, those systems are for countries like North Korea and China, and sadly for most English speaking countries due to the English.

            A shame, Britain is the only west European country that is still a class society unable to get rid of a outdated ridiculous political system with idiotic undemocratic features like "fist past the post".

            Democratic countries are run by coalition governments from several parties, 2/3 of the world.

            The American system is slightly better in that both houses have power, and I suppose you cannot buy or inherent a "chair" in that "other house", but all the gerrymandering is there and nothing divides a country like a two party system.

            OMG how can you not see it, or perhaps you can, but you cannot admit it.

            Shit is shit even if it's one owns shit.

            1. Jonathon Green

              “Fist past the post”

              15 hours since this was posted and I still can’t decide whether that phrase was a typo or an astute observation…

              1. Lars

                Re: “Fist past the post”

                @Jonathon Green

                Perhaps it was subconscious.

                1. This post has been deleted by its author

      2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: All parties

        It's called hypocrisy, and it is shameful standard practice when you are supposed to represent The People.

      3. Agamemnon

        Re: All parties

        *cough* I live in America... fortunately on the Left Toast so I'm spared much BS, but ummm...

        Hypocrisy is very much a coin in this realm. In case you haven't been here, they *are* representing the people.

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

    3. Grunchy Silver badge

      Re: All parties

      If the Republicans have to do it then it should also be done for the Democrats, that would be democratic....

      Furthermore, people who never get convicted of anything should be sent to jail once in awhile, so they can see how they like it ! !

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: All parties

      If the Republicans have to do it then it should alsobe done for the Democrats

      Of course! It was the Democrats who turned a group of peaceful, law-abiding Republican tourists who happened to be in DC into the savage mob of thugs that stormed the Capitol and tried to mount a mini-coup. No, that wasn't it. The mob of thugs was a false flag operation directed by Hillary Clinton. No, that wasn't it. The rioters were there to protect True American Patriots (tm) like Boebert, Greene, McConnell and Pence from the evil Nancy Pelosi who eats babies and drowns puppies. No, that wasn't it either. The ghost of Ted Kennedy turned "Make America Great Again" caps into mind-control tools as a part of the Biden-Gates-Soros plot to use 5G phones and the so-called covid vaccine to let deep-state communists take over the country and take away our guns. Well, that's what Fox News told me. So it has to be true.

      Add tin-foil hats to taste.

      1. MrDamage

        Re: All parties

        I'll skip on adding the tinfoil hat to taste. Makes my fillings itch.

      2. Alan Brown Silver badge

        Re: All parties

        you missed: "Hunter Biden!" "Benghazi" :)

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I never had Salesforce on my ethical companies list so when I read this:

    The subpoena also notes that Salesforce was worried by the RNC's use of its platform and moved to prevent it sending emails it felt could incite violence.

    I'm genuinely shocked. It must be quite a step to block one of your own paying customers that also happens to be a major political party.

  5. Grunchy Silver badge

    You would think RNC should be suing Congress to stop its nosing around in stuff none of its business? The RNC should sue the American Constitution next, for allowing such “frivolity.”

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      They seem to have come close to that: The RNC has tried to stop that from happening and made Salesforce a defendant, along with many select committee members.

  6. DS999 Silver badge

    There's a compromise available

    If there is sensitive information about how the RNC conducts its business, only allow the two republican members of the committee, and their staff, to view that information and decide whether it is relevant to the investigation.

    There is precedent for this, there have been a few members of the Trump white house or Trump campaign who weren't comfortable being questioned by democratic members of the committee, so the committee agreed to let the two republican members conduct those interviews alone.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Face it Drumpf, the only "federal facility" you'll be in for the foreseeable future will be a PRISON, not the Oval Office. :)

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