* Posts by jason 7

3181 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jun 2009

Canadian cyborg says Google Glass design is cracked

jason 7

Migraines ahoy!

Just saying.

SimCity 2000

jason 7

When can we have a Master of Orion 2 retrospective?

Just saying.

jason 7

Re: Microwave power! Not entirely fiction

There was something quite wonderful about walking into my local Game store 1993-1995 and seeing three walls packed with those lovely made black cardboard PC game boxes (they really were lovely boxes) all vying for your attention and wallet. Sim City, Wing Commander, Doom, Ultima, Syndicate blah blah blah.....

Now its one rack of budget PC titles stuffed by the stockroom door in crappy DVD cases.

It's just not the same.

So much noise on WinMob, but Microsoft's silent on lovely WinPhone

jason 7

I really wanted a Lumia 920.........

...until I saw the crazy price they wanted for it SIM free.

Way to get market penetration when the opposition have a quad core flagship phone for £280!

Review: Sony Vaio Duo 11 Ultrabook

jason 7

Re: Intel HD graphics


what are we referring too here? I was just commenting that the vast majority of netbooks had crappy hardware specs which is hardly deniable.

Fully aware than Intel HD4000 is a leap on from those days but nothing to do with netbooks.

jason 7

Re: Intel HD graphics

Noo it was slow single core CPUs, slow 4200rpm HDDS and 600 pixel depth screens that killed them.

The Intel graphics was the least of the worries.

LG acquires webOS from HP – but not for mobile kit

jason 7

Re: The best mobile OS in my view...

I must admit I have to agree. I've used all the mobile OSs around at the moment and WebOS is still the slickest and easiest to use. It just has a fluidity and understated slickness that the others just don't currently match.

A case of concentrating on the real OS fundamentals rather than the bells and whistles.

4G in the UK? Why the smart money still says 'Meh'

jason 7

And all the reviewers laughed...

...when the Nexus 4 arrived with no 4G.

Google ain't daft. Neither am I to pay 4G tariffs.

Hipsters have spoken: Microsoft is 'hip to be square'

jason 7

Re: consumers vs enterprise

Yes BYOD is strictly for the Pink shirt and cuff-link brigade.

You know who they are.

SimCity Classic

jason 7

I had SimCity Gold Edition.

I bought it in 1993 much to my dad's disgust as he wanted his new DX33 game free.

I thought at the time it would be the only game I'd ever need. Bizarre because I'd been a gamer since 1983 and I knew full well that's never the case.

I have no idea where the disks went. Landfill probably.

New blow for Microsoft Surface: Touch Chromebooks 'on sale in 2013'

jason 7

Re: Blow?

Ahhh that must be why I had to wait 4 weeks for one to come into stock after xmas.

Higgs data shows alternate reality will SWALLOW UNIVERSE

jason 7

Re: *ploop!*

Yeah I'll leave it to Walter Bishop to sort out.

Review: The ultimate Chromebook challenge

jason 7

Re: I cannot believe....

So you haven't actually used one then?

I have. It works!

jason 7

Re: OK, now how easy is it to wipe the Google cr@pola off?

What you mean delete Linux and put Linux back on it?


On a side issue I find it funny that Linux could well get its time in the sun desktop wise through the Chromebook but it just wont be the vision of linux the fanbois always dreamed of.

jason 7

Re: ...but the Acer has Caps Lock and Search keys

Must admit I hadn't noticed it didn't have a Caps Lock key.

So I guess it's not that important. Folks will be moaning about the missing Scroll Lock key and the fact you can't buy twin-tub washing machines any more next.

jason 7

Re: Gonna be getting myself on of these.

Well in my travels I find that connectivity is generally pretty good and not 2001 like at all.

I must say you don't really need 20Mbps connections to get by on a Chromebook. 1-2Mbps works fine.

jason 7

Re: Gonna be getting myself on of these.

The thing is I feel a lot of folks think that internet connectivity is still as it was in 2001.

How often in any one day are you away from some form of internet connectivity when you actually WANT to do something?

Its really not that often. I have the broadband at home. I have my 3G tethering on my phone. I have access to BT hotspots and most public places worth their salt have wi-fi available, even trains. The only place you might struggle is on a plane. But the google docs still work offline. It caches all your recent stuff.

But FFS folks there are some occasions you can just switch off. Trust me the world can go on without you for a few hours.

jason 7

Re: Ah....oh dear....

Mark, think you've got a little bit of denial going on there.

Chromebook offers a simpler far less fussy experience than Windows, Apple or Linux.

I was quite anti the idea but once you try it for a few weeks you realise a lot of people are farting around out there with gear that is way too high maintenance for what they need.

jason 7

Re: Ah....oh dear....

Well to be honest the Chromebook is for those that are just tired of -

"Fucking about!"

No need for AV.

Updates happen without you knowing it.

Take the Chromebook out of the box and within 10 seconds of switch on you are up and running.

If you mess it up you just reset it and log in again.

Hardly any settings to mess around with.

No need to learn CLI or other such dark arts.

Works just like Chrome..cos thats what you are used to.

No bizarre UI to get used to.

No worries about backups.

No need to call in the IT chappie/son to fix it.

Oh and it costs £200........

Lot of folks out there who are primed and ready for such an experience.

jason 7

Re: Multiple accounts?

I currently have three Google accounts on my Samsung.

My main account. A Google Business Apps account and a junk account to let people play around with when I demo it.

All work independently.

Facebook turns billion-dollar profit into tax refund

jason 7

Re: Naive & sentimental comment -

Well it seems the problem is that the Govt's own watchdogs just want to look the other way.

I think what has happened is that a lot of people have been 'gotten to' by the banks and the big corporations.

Take a look at the faces of the regulator lawyers in the US when grilled and asked some straight questions.


You can almost see the look of "god don't let her ask about the brown envelopes!"

'Bah, this Apple Shop is full of APPLES'

jason 7

Re: Daft name

Yeah I walked into an Alpaca Pete's shop in the US and they didn't sell a single Alpaca! Just loads of products made from them.

Who would have thought.....

jason 7

Re: Daft name

Been there 24 years apparently.

jason 7

I was there last summer with friends.

Nice little shop.

We all jokingly remarked that we were surprised that Apple hadn't squashed them from orbit in some legal challenge (which is kind of a shame that we all thought that as soon as we saw it) and wondered if anyone had been thick enough to call them for Apple support.

We concluded "Well we are talking about Apple users here!"

Oh how we laughed that crazy hot summers day in Wroxham.......

Any storm in a port

jason 7

Re: I'm sure I can beat 37 out of 37


One day someone really clever will design a plug for computing that actually works. Currently every one of them has some form of flaw.

Inside Microsoft's Surface Pro: A fiendishly difficult journey

jason 7

Thinking of writing to my MEPs.

I find it hard to equate a corporations Green credentials when it now makes impossible to fix/upgrade products using lots of rare metals that is designed to last one week past warranty.

Any device like this should be mandatory for the user to be able to replace the battery and the storage device as a minimum.

With dwindling resources of metals like silver it's crazy that this kit is now classed as purely chuck to landfill and replace.

With a few user replaceable parts there is no reason for laptops and tablets to be able to function for 5+ years.

Sod obsessives and their aesthetic needs, we live in a world that needs to start thinking about making stuff last longer not shorter.

Cache 'n' carry: What's the best config for your SSD?

jason 7

Re: Backup needed

Sleep mode and SSDs are a tricky mix. I tend to switch off most of those options when using SSDs.

jason 7

Re: No need for any cache - just go pure SSD

No your point was just totally over the top. Try a little less testosterone in your posts maybe?

jason 7

Re: No need for any cache - just go pure SSD

"And a 512GB SSD would be enough for what exactly ?

Booting the OS maybe and just that blah blah blah."

My goodness you build some shitty computers! I wouldnt ask you to run my IT dept!

jason 7

Re: Missing - hybrid drive?

Yes its all in the access times really. Once you get over 150MBps with near instant access times then application opening etc. becomes moot.

jason 7

Re: Sandisk Extreme

Ebuyer have them for £85.

I have bought half a dozen of the Sandisks (Ultras and Extremes) all of them have worked fine.

jason 7

So the lesson here is....

...just buy the Sandisk Extreme? That it?

Well It's what I've done already.

Chrome OS code suggests Chromebook Pixel could be real

jason 7

Re: Android.

No you have to see the funny side.

Yes linux may finally get the desktop/laptop exposure it's always wanted. However, it just wont be the crappy distro/KDE/Gnome/CLI clusterf*ck version of it that the linux fans always dreamed about.

Now thats worth £220 of my money to make that happen and I did.

jason 7

Yep everyone I've shown my Chromebook to really likes it. Several on order or purchased.

Microsoft Surface Pro launch: It's easy to sell out of sod all stock

jason 7

Re: Nexus 4...

No you just hold back until the press starts getting negative.

jason 7

Re: Nexus 4...

Hmmm yes cos the folks at Google are just too smart to not realise selling a top of the range smartphone for half the price wouldn't have been a sure fire hit.

They didn't underestimate demand at all. They had already had dry runs of this marketing technique with the Nexus 7 etc. You want to tell me that Google makes those mistakes over and over?

Make it scarce and buzz gets around and more folks want one. Being scarce isn't necessarily a bad thing, it doesn't reflect badly directly on the product. Folks hear about so many people wanting it and they want in too.

You as a company look a bit of a twat but you just pull the "we didn't realise this product was going to be so danged popular defence!" Then once the buzz settles you release the 4 million in backstock into the channel.

jason 7

In an alternative universe......

....Ms rolled out 5 million Surface Pros and got slagged off for only selling 1.5 million of them in the first week leaving retailers with masses of unsold stock after 7 days on sale.

No win situation......

BYOD is a PITA: Employee devices cost firms £61 a month

jason 7

Re: What happend to the company providing kit to do their dirty work with?

Yeah but that might work for the gadgeteers that know how to configure a pagefile etc. but what about the rest of the staff that dont have a clue about how to setup a laptop properly?

Again BYOD only works for the tech smartarses and gadget showoffs.

Office Willy waving of the next generation. It's just another way to create a pecking order.

As an aside the IBM Thinkpads and Dell lattitudes our corp issued us with worked fine. Maybe some firms just need to find better build teams.

jason 7

Re: What happend to the company providing kit to do their dirty work with?

And most average joe's home hardware is any better?

I service normal computing folks gear for a living. I have to antibac it before touching most of it let alone have it connect up to a corporate network.

I have to say that laptops costing more than £400 are pretty rare. Not to mention most don't have a working copy of Office or legit software on them.

BYOD was thought up by an small elitist bunch of gadgeteers that didn't want to be part of the herd. However, as usual didn't bother to think how the rest, that really don't give a crap about their computer hardware and showing off how much disposable income they have would fare.

jason 7

What happend to the company providing kit to do their dirty work with?

Why are we all wanting to let the company off their duty to provide the tools to do the work?

I would never use my kit for company use. They want me to do the work, they provide the kit.

If this carries on soon you'll find a electricity meter sitting beside your desk that you'll have to fill with your own 50p pieces.

Dead Steve Jobs 'made Tim Cook sue Samsung' from beyond the grave

jason 7

The problem Apple has now.....

...is that they have painted themselves into a corner design wise.

If they design anything with the slightest hint of any other manufacturers previous design then they are in for even more legal battles.

So they either just keep reconstituting their current design or they come up with something totally un-phone like.

jason 7

Re: Appel one..

The iPhone doesn't really have any cachet any more though. It's the most common phone around.

When everyone is the same no one is special.

If I see someone I know brandishing an iPhone proudly I just adopt Lili Von Shtupp's accents and say "Oh an iPhone...how ordinewy!"

You should see their little faces drop. Awww bless.

jason 7

Let the market decide!

That is all.

Microsoft needs to keep visible under waves of Blue

jason 7

Re: Shhhhhhh.......

Yeah its odd. A version of Ubuntu I installed in 2010 was screaming at me that it was no longer supported just a few months ago. Had to install a new version which surprise surprise had a new UI to it!

But that's all okay I guess as it's linux.

One rule for one........

jason 7

" hyping new versions for more money or ensuring old versions of Windows quickly run out of support"

But it you look more closely MS doesn't really do that. When does official full support for XP finish? Thats 12 years old already. Not exactly putting a gun to users heads is it?

Every version of Windows I've bought since XP has cost me less.

Ethernet at 40: Its daddy reveals its turbulent youth

jason 7

Re: IBM's arrogance was that they could make standards ..

Yeah its like digital cameras. The £70 one and the £400 have the same chips and sensors its just that the £70 one has the settings reduced in the firmware to make the £400 one look far better.

jason 7

Wouldnt mind.....

...a little bit of Token Ring's efficiency creeping into Ethernet.

Always feel with Ethernet I have a huge V8 Muscle car that's always stuck in first gear.

BBC blueprint to make EVERY programme on TV a repeat revealed

jason 7

Damn you Microsoft! Die Dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

...oh...hang on, wrong topic, got carried away there!

I do apologise. As you were.

Seagate squeezes out 4TB desktop monster

jason 7

Has the words...LIABILITY

written all over it.

A new Mac Pro coming this spring? 'Mais oui!'

jason 7

Re: Nah.

Hang on, do people think that the recognition factor/looks of a machine factor into improving performance/value for money?

What a funny world we live in.