* Posts by jason 7

3181 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jun 2009

Being an IT trainer is like performing the bullet-catching trick

jason 7

Always enjoyed my IT training days.

I had two main methods to make it run smoothly.

1. Identify the smart-arse know it all ASAP and set a trap for him in not giving him some important info (that would have been given later in the course) so he screwed something up when charging ahead. That always put them in their place.

2. Always go at the pace of the slowest trainee. Yes it may annoy the smart-arse but it meant that the 20 people that turned up all went away trained and knowing what they were doing. Seen way too many courses where the trainer is a lazy arsehole that just panders to the two smart-arses and leaves the rest behind.

Adpocalypse 'will wipe out display ad growth' by 2020

jason 7

Spot On

A site I use regularly does a cash drive every year to drum up funds for it so they don't have to use ad networks. All the money goes direct to them. No one else (well maybe PayPal) involved. I chuck them $20 a year.

Kill Flash now? Chrome may be about to do just that

jason 7

Re: Google catches up to Apple, while Microsoft trails the pack

Jobs did hardly anything to kill Flash. He maybe knocked three months off it at best. It's 2016 now and Flash is still hanging around all over the place. It's hardly dead. Will still be with us at 2020 I reckon.

Did Spotify hire Alan Partridge to run its Netflix-style video push?

jason 7

How about - Rolf's...

...oh hang on...sorry.

Microsoft: Why we tore handy Store block out of Windows 10 Pro PCs

jason 7

Re: Moving to Chromebooks.

Ermmm like a lot of offices...send emails and write some documents. Stupid bloody question.

(Shrugs, bemused)

jason 7

Moving to Chromebooks.

Windows is just too big and lumpy. We want a change. We've trailed a few and people like them. Super fast, secure and updates don't cripple it.

Database man flown to Hong Kong to install forgotten patch spends week in pub

jason 7

I remember several years ago...

we were doing yet another company merger IT rollout and my boss told me and my mate that we were to go up to Cheadle for 4 days to help with the rollout there.

"But Boss, that's not one of our branches! It's a collections branch not a claims branch!"

He wouldn't discuss the matter, we had to go. So we did, after hiring the highest class of hire car and the best hotel in the area that we could. We usually did things on the cheap but this was so farcical we thought "what the hell!" Drove up from Norwich, booked in and went round to the branch to show our faces and get the expected response.

"What are you pair doing here? This isn't one of your branches! Piss off!" said the guy managing this office.

"We know! Thank you we will!"

After that we walked straight out and spent three days from 11am till 11PM in the pub next door, drinking and eating. Was a nice little break really.

EU set to bin €500 note

jason 7

Re: Re:It's time to start hoarding gold while you still can

Yeah hoarding gold for the collapse of the world never made sense to me. Quite how you make change with a Krugerrand I have no idea. Always thought tins of baked beans and getting your shotgun license organised was more useful.

US telly stations fling malware-tipped web ads at unsuspecting surfers

jason 7

So where are our resident Ad Network shills?

Still flogging that "Adblockers are evil" dead horse?

Hold on a sec. When did HDDs get SSD-style workload rate limits?

jason 7

Re: We need more reliable, not just larger.

Thats why I never strayed much past 1TB single platter HDDs. I see these 5+ platter beasts and I just cringe.

3-in-4 Android phones, slabs, gizmos menaced by fresh hijack flaws

jason 7

Re: Eternal Optomist

Yeah I remember my life as a Nexus 4 owner wasn't all rainbows and lollipops. One update screwed up the 3G radio. Had to use a radio file from the previous Kit-Kat version to make it work.

jason 7

I'd say so. My Dad has mine now.

The case for ethical ad-blocking

jason 7

Ethics don't don't come into it.

If you have good content I'll pay to see it. Don't need frustrating irrelevant ads getting in the way.

And yes targeted ads are a fantasy. They don't exist. I'm a huge Amazon shopper and they cant even get "Due to your shopping habits you might be interest in..." lists right so what chance so who are the ad networks trying to kid?

The only web folks that are worried about this are the ones that just steal and link to other superior content. They can die off today for all I care. Either provide it for free or if you want to get paid for it, make people pay for it. You might be surprised.

What the world needs now is... not disk drives

jason 7

Yeah HDD reliability has nosedived since the flood about 5 years ago. I think they dropped manufacturing tolerances a few % to get more product out the door and didnt bother to up them again after things got back to normal.

One other thing I would say as a IT repair guy is that if you have a reasonably new (3 years or fewer) Toshiba HDD in your laptop, you really do have a ticking timebomb there.

Ad-blocker blocking websites face legal peril at hands of privacy bods

jason 7

Re: Ads are bad, mmkay

Not on any of my systems/PVR etc.

jason 7

Re: Ads are bad, mmkay

"Live TV" there is another example of the Ad people's reality disconnect. Anyone with any sense and money watches TV on demand and just clicks straight passed the ads.

Watching ads on TV is a thing of the past. Is the Shake & Vac lady still on?

jason 7

Online advertising....

...is as useful and wanted as the old paper Yellow Pages and phone book. They still deliver those tombstones to our apartments. All of them go straight in the recycling.

jason 7

I'm rolling out 200 machines next week...

...every one will have ad-blockers installed as standard. Been standard practice for some years now. Keeps maintenance down if nothing else.

jason 7

Re: Publishers could simply

I'm happy to pay. I just don't want ANY ads. If you don't want my money, then you too can fuck off.

jason 7

Re: Almost enough to make me want to vote to stay in

No joke really. The internet is in need of a major cull of crap and parasite sites. We could lose over half of it and hardly notice.

jason 7

Re: @FF22

"Tell us, which soon to be defunct/obsolete advert pusher do you work for?" - FTFY

jason 7

Re: Click here to view this title.

C'mon, he might live in London! £5 a pint!!!!

HTC 10: Is this the Droid you're looking for?

jason 7

Re: Don't believe the (CD) hype (HiRes)


Spot on. That's how I read it all years ago too. Back when hi-fi magazines were worth a read.

jason 7

Re: Meh

Not really. Speakers should be listed about 20th on any smartphone manufacturers list of importance.

Speakers in phones will be hamstrung whether you invest millions in micro speaker tech or not. You are just hitting a brick wall with acoustics and physics. The difference will just result in either poor or hmm...not bad, not great...but not bad.

jason 7

Re: Meh

Yeah I never get the fuss over smartphone speakers. They are all universally limited. It's like saying "I'll take that one!" if being forced to pick from a selection of steaming turds.

If it works well enough to give directions while driving and make you go "Awww!" over a baby sloth video that's good enough.

Some folks give far too much importance to trivial parts. It's like the Mk5 Ford Escort was designed round a sunroof as that was the thing most customers wanted back then. Look how that turned out!

Woz says wearables – even Apple Watch – aren't 'compelling'

jason 7

Also not convinced at the moment.

The few folks I know with an Apple Watch just try desperately to justify their purchase by demonstrating how much useless and unnecessary info the watch tells them about their day. You can tell by the look in their eyes that even they are not 100% convinced by their purchase.

Lauri Love backdoor forced-decryption case goes to court in UK

jason 7

Re: Don't know about UK law

Well if we leave the EU lord knows what the powers that be will be able to do to us!

Scrap the courts system completely? Take away our vote? Who knows.

This headline will, in part, cost pepper-spraying University of California, Davis $175k

jason 7

Re: Just wrong

I see your point...but unfortunately, lots of young people there have access to guns...and some of those young people are a bit odd and highly strung.

It's a bit of a wider problem.

Look up University/College Shootings.

jason 7

Re: Just like in Bolivia

Do the campus Police's badges have "How's My Smile?" written on them?

jason 7

Re: He should of used...

If you want to clear an area of young people just switch off the wi-fi and data.

Uninstall QuickTime for Windows: Apple will not patch its security bugs

jason 7

Apple just isnt serious...

....about any computing other than iPhone and Tablet.

Ad slinger Phorm ceases trading

jason 7

Re: Don't crack open the champagne too soon...

Yeah I'm getting Person of Interest Samaritan type vibes here.

Somewhere an attaché case with a couple of HDDs in it are being handed over.

Hey, tech industry, have you noticed Amazon in the rearview?

jason 7

Re: Amazon?

No the search on Amazon is the worst ever. Go for lowest price means having to scroll though 20 pages of £1 upwards unrelated crap before getting to what you need. Better to go high to low and then you only have 5 pages to scroll through.

Selecting other search categories like size, price or brand can totally throw search results too.

It's the one area Amazon have totally neglected.

However, as said paying for stuff once you find it is so simple. Two clicks for me and done.

I had one of my old IT Trade suppliers call me up recently to ask why I had not bought anything from them for a while. I just told them that Amazon is usually within a £1 or so of them and offers cheaper delivery with two click purchase. Whereby they always require I login every time, have to confirm my address, type my credit card details in over and over and don't offer a free delivery option. I told them that even if Amazon is a few quid more expensive I'll still buy from them as it saves me 10 minutes. I'm a lazy sod!

The future of Firefox is … Chrome

jason 7


Some people like brown sauce and some people like tomato sauce.

This is like HP saying "Hey to make it better for everyone we are dumping brown sauce and making it just like tomato sauce!"

This is just a move to reduce costs by letting someone else do 90% of the work.

Have these people no pride and honour?

Half of people plug in USB drives they find in the parking lot

jason 7

Re: I have largely given up sorting students.

No cos badgers are too sensible to call me at 8pm!

Good payers too.

At the end of the day it's the old hassle to reward ratio. Students just go too far up the top of the graph.

Student wants to pay £30 for 6 hours work.

Domestic/small business customer wants to pay £100 for 1.5 hours.

Not a tough decision.

jason 7

I have largely given up sorting students.

They never do backups.

They call up at 8pm demanding it fixing there and then.

They don't like paying for work (that will be a wake up call for some later).

The machines when asked if in English arrive in Russian/Chinese/Thai etc.

The software on them is always pirate or blacklisted.

Just not worth the bother.

Windows 7's grip on the enterprise desktop is loosening

jason 7

Re: I'm curious

The little blade is all you need to do most cutting. Boxes, tape, cable ties, packing straps etc. Hardly ever use the big blade.

Screwdriver...well I work in IT. Its a Crosshead.

jason 7

Re: Saddo!

"To be fair, the old machine would still fetch well over £1000 on eBay."

Is that £900 for the 2TB worth of SSDs and £100 for the old MBP?

jason 7

Re: Macs might last longer than _Windows_ PC's

Indeed corporate IT buying has never been based in simple logic. I remember questioning why we paid £200 for 32MB of ram with 4 weeks wait when Crucial sold the same stuff for £75 with next day delivery.

I got told to 'shut up!"

Otherwise you sweat the assets for 5 years and then sell them out the back to a guy that takes them away. I then buy them off him for £60 a throw. Thanks very much the circle of life continues.

Often easier and cheaper to buy new kit every few years than sanitise and check 2000+ 5 year old laptops and PCs, re-spec and rebuild them. Plus all covered by support contracts etc. etc.

You seen the state of company issued laptops after just one year let alone 5+?

jason 7

Re: Macs might last longer than _Windows_ PC's

"I am a Penguin, so my knowledge of Windows is thin and Macs even thinner. I keep seeing Windows PCs replaced because of software issues - the required software only runs on new versions of the OS, the new version of the OS will not work with old hardware. "

Yeah your knowledge is a little out of date. Maybe stick to your linux install on that Athlon XP 2600+ PC with 1GB of ram?

Windows has been getting better and better with old kit since Windows 7. Hence why people are not buying new machines. Windows (any version from 2009 onwards) should work just fine on any hardware since around Vista days. If you cant find a driver then Vista onwards drivers will work fine too. VMs will work fine for old software too in most cases.

jason 7

Re: Saddo!

Macs lasting longer than PCs is generally a myth. Usally perpetuated by those that want to help justify the £1400 outlay to the wife and family over the £600 box the kids wanted to play BF4 on. The biggest killer of any computer is usually human stupidity than component fails. And then again the components whether Mac or PC are still all made by FoxConn.

It's only the case and OS that's different at the the end of the day.

I remember the folks I used to give Mac gear jobs to (before they went under) had plenty of people queuing round the block with faulty Apple gear.

jason 7

Windows 10 could be improved...

...with a simple custom install option like we had up and including Windows 98SE.

When you go to install a list of tick boxes appear with all the stuff that is not critical to the OS functioning and you get to untick all the stuff you don't want or need.

Windows 10 for me is becoming that huge Swiss Army knife display that has 258 different blades and tools in it and weighs 4KG when all I need is the little blade, bottle opener and screwdriver.

jason 7

I work in supporting small business and domestic IT. I have yet to see a single Mac in any serious usage business wise.

Three of my customers decided to buy them for work even after I told them I didn't support them (pressure to buy them from their iPad using family). But all of them called me back within a year to 18 months to tell me they had gone back to Windows for work use.

No serious Mac support out there you see. What happens, Mac Store arrives and takes away 60% of the Mac support guys bread and butter work. Then Apple make the damn things harder and harder to take apart and repair and its not worth it financially. They give up. So if you are a Mac user the only support you can get is iTunes issues or if you've dropped it, from a 'Genius'.

Adobe preps emergency Flash patch for bug hackers are exploiting

jason 7

Re: Because it isn't a player

"Even those who hated him should nominate him for sainthood for his role in helping hasten the fall of Flash"

To be honest looking back and the fact that it seems Flash will be with us for at least another 3-4 years, it might be he helped hastened it's demise by all of 3-4 months. His actions really didn't do much at all with hindsight.

All he did was made a few people uninstall it really.

Just had a phone call from the Register?

jason 7

Yes sorry Phishing. Gahhh

jason 7

Just had a phone call from the Register?

Had a 'unknown' number just call me with a lady saying she was from the Register on the line.

I could not get what the hell she was talking about. Something to do with wi-fi APIs? Anyway she wasn't putting it across very well so I told her that and hung up.

Scammers? Fishing?

How do you build a cheap iPhone? Use a lot of old parts

jason 7

Indeed, yesterday I saw a 'homeless person' sitting in his begging patch on his iPhone 6s.

I guess those phones don't pay for themselves...

Blighty starts pumping out 12-sided quids

jason 7

Re: counterfeit pound coins

I have a collection of about 20 of them that I have been given in change over the years. They got better and better as time progressed. The early ones were quite crude in comparison. If you have more than 5 or 6 quid coins in your pocket there is a pretty good chance one might be a fake. They never got the edge quite right.

I mentioned to a friend I had better spend them before they are removed. He said "Oh it's illegal to spend counterfeit money and they aren't worth anything!"

I just looked at him as if to say "Really?!?" and said "Well in my experience they are valid and accepted anywhere!"

I have noticed a lot more shiny new 2015 pound coins in my change. I guess they are clearing all the stock into circulation before they are phased out.

Adblock wins in court again – this time against German newspaper

jason 7

Re: Dear Advertising People

I had to smile reading your amendments as I thought of most of those, especially the clean up bit, while writing it but decided to trim it down.

I didn't want to confuse the marketing numpties with too many hard real-life concepts.

jason 7

Re: How it was, and how it should once again be

I had a rare spot of posting on a LinkedIn article someone from marketing posted up saying about how great internet ads are and its the future blah blah blah. Myself and many others posted up quite politely and plainly why ads are mostly a bad thing and how bad it is but the marketing types just totally failed to grasp it. They were still saying "but...but why don't you want ads? We are offering so many extra benefits to readers and customers!"

They live in a totally other world from the rest of us. Eventually the rest of the world will block them out and they won't notice for ages.

Time is not on their side.