* Posts by jason 7

3181 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jun 2009

Apple CORED: Boffins reveal password-killer 0-days for iOS and OS X

jason 7

But but...but...

...this isn't mentioned on the BBC website...so it can't be true!

Most odd for them to not mention something Apple related...

The NHS pays up to NINE TIMES over trade price for commodity kit

jason 7

Not just NHS

I remember back in the day at a multi-national I worked at we were paying £300 for a £30 32MB SIMM and having to wait 4 weeks for delivery when Crucial could deliver next day.

I questioned this with one of the IT Contracts/Procurement team. He went red in the face and I was told to "Shut up and don't mention it again!"

Intel inside: Six of the best affordable PC laptops

jason 7

Re: Ugh AMD laptops?

For £10 less - http://www.ebuyer.com/660252-lenovo-thinkpad-s440-touch-laptop-20ay00bfuk

i5 CPU

8GB DDR3 1600

1600*900 14" Touch screen


Backlit Keyboard

AC Wi-fi

jason 7

Re: Ugh AMD laptops?

Indeed, I was looking on Ebuyer a few months ago for AMD laptops. The best one I could find then was a HP with 4GB of ram, a 5400RPM HDD and a 1366x768 screen.

Yours for nearly £1000.

Laugh? I nearly shat!

The best A10 one on there now is a 4GB/500GB HDD/1366x768 13" model for £815.00.

There seems to be no middle ground/ultrabook quality level with AMD. Cheap junk or overpriced junk is all you get.

I wish it were different. I doubt we'll be seeing much change with the new AMD mobile chips either.

jason 7

Re: Ermm summat wrong with UK pricing

I put a layer of clear sticky back plastic on any laptop trackpad I buy. Also on the palm rest.

Works a treat. Keeps the wear down and doesn't reduce sensitivity on the trackpad.

jason 7

Re: Affordable?

Reasonable spec?

Have you tried using one out of the box...like a normal user?

Painful! I get them brought to me fresh out of the box by people that bought them saying "Its really slow!" wanting me to make them usable.

Well there is a cost to that...

£199 + 4GB more ram + 120 GB SSD - cost for someone to fit/transfer all that = cost of a decent laptop in the first place. Plus it will still have the same crappy E1 CPU in it...

New Laptop - Don't spend less than £400.00.

jason 7

Re: Is it me or is it 2008?

Retina is just upscaled 1440x900x2 when you actually look deeper.

Nothing revolutionary there.

jason 7

Re: Affordable?

"You have failed to read the spec correctly."

No I haven't.

I can tell sh*t from Shinola that's all.

jason 7

Re: Why also 15" models?


But then they have to use Excel on a 1366x768 screen...

Robbing Peter...

jason 7

Re: Affordable?

As much as I'm an AMD fan I wouldn't touch an AMD laptop. Not the range and the specs are usually awful for the price. Sure the APUs are fine (avoid the E series CPUs at all costs) but the rest of the kit is poor usually.

You get the feeling that the OEMs begrudgingly push out AMD equipped laptops.

As for AMD desktops...well you have to roll your own on those.

jason 7

Re: Try this:-

Been looking at them for a while now. They will probably get my business next year when I replace my 6 year old Dell. That exact model.

Nice that you can order kit without parts to keep the cost down. I don't need an OS/RAM or SSD (got them already) so I can bump up the spec elsewhere.

jason 7

Why also 15" models?

Do people still like this size? 10 years ago 98% of laptops were this size and you paid £500 more for a smaller model (probably a Thinkpad).

But nowadays 15" laptops look and feel huge. 13" seems more the sweet spot for on the go laptop usage to me.

jason 7

Re: Mid year resolution?

Totally agree with you 110%.

How hard would it have been to throw in a few 1600x900 panels even? That should have been the minimum standard 5 years ago.

jason 7

The problem with buying the real budget stuff...

...is you end up with a laptop with a almost tablet spec CPU in it. That tied with a 5400RPM HDD and it makes a painful experience.

Well worth paying an extra £100 for a proper CPU.

It's 2015 and Microsoft has figured out anything can break Windows

jason 7

Why not just integrate EMET into Windows 10?

I don't get why they still leave this functionality out. Or is this part of EMET rebranded?

Well even if they did they would hide it and make sure it was all switched off by default.

Can't have Old man Withers in Armpit Arizona annoyed cos his obsolete 2002 shareware spam filter software no longer works.

Microsoft picks up shotgun, walks 'Modern apps' behind the shed

jason 7

Well the leader of that project left a few days after it came out...with a huge wad of cash in his back pocket.

Almost like he planned it!

Apple's HomeKit: So, you know, it exists and all that. Oookay ...

jason 7

Re: Homekit


Maybe my imagination just extends past gadget greed, rainbows and lollipops and can see the myriad of downsides, why the hells and snags with all this?

jason 7

Re: Homekit

Well take security and usability, current if someone wants to 'interact' with my home they have to have physical contact with it.

With these systems it means folks in China/Russia etc. will likely have the ability to 'interact' with it too.

I'll pass.

jason 7


So I need this...why?

Make my home life more complicated with more 'shit that doesn't work'?

The thing about Apple's 'one MORE thing'? It's a streaming music thing

jason 7

Re: Err - Offline Mode on Spotify

Have an upvote for both from me!

jason 7


That is all.

Paper driving licence death day: DVLA website is still TITSUP

jason 7

Once again...

...someone didn't think it cool and maybe a 'bit negative' to put a 'CONS' heading up on the initial brainstorming session.

I have seen it happen!

Remake, remodel: Toshiba Chromebook 2

jason 7

Re: Your wish is granted.

To be honest...that's more interesting. Thanks for sharing.

jason 7

Re: Your wish is granted.

or -

6) Oh look someone else saying "I installed linux on mine!" for the 75th time.

Yawn...yes we know!

jason 7

Re: Your wish is granted.

But from the sound of your initial post you are trying to make a saw work like a chisel.

jason 7

Re: Your wish is granted.

Erm have you thought about just using the ChromeOS it came with? You might have got some work done by now if you had.

jason 7

Re: Small

I say to folks they are to replace a tablet when you find that stabbing a screen with your finger to type doesn't cut it. I know a few folks that have dumped tablets for Chromebooks.

So the smaller size works, plus they don't have as much hardware in them as a standard laptop so you can reduce the size again.

My fave Chromebook size is 11".

I think the smaller screen thing has been BS/laziness all along. Might have taken Google to push OEMs to deliver smaller screens at a lower price.

jason 7

Re: That keyboard layout ...

And amazingly they can do it for a tenth of the price.

Fancy that.

FBI: Apple and Google are helping ISIS by offering strong crypto

jason 7

Re: Interestingly...

Kind of like knowing that 9/11 was going to happen but just sitting on the info.

The gamble being that if it went to plan, your dwindling post Cold War budget would increase 1000 times afterwards and your monthly meeting with the Secretary of State would become a daily briefing with President and a new office down the corridor.

jason 7

They don't want to look for terrorists.

They are under orders from the 1% and the corporations to look out for future political dissent at home so they can avoid what happened in Eastern Europe in the early 90's.

They need to watch out for and deal with anyone that might get enough people to say "You know what? This isn't fair and it's not working for me anymore!"

Things are not going to get better, they've run the numbers and they need to take steps to keep us all under control when it starts getting really bad.

jason 7

Re: NI

I remember watching 9/11 on the TV and saying to myself "Welcome to the real world USA!"

I was under the impression they would handle it like everyone else (as mentioned above) and just soldier on regardless.

I was wrong.

One USB plug to rule them all? That's sensible, but no...

jason 7

Re: Never happy!

"you're going to know that a £1 Amazon basics cable isn't the best thing to use"

Oh I dunno, I've been really impressed with the quality of the Amazon Basics stuff. Puts a lot of the premium stuff to shame.

What an eyeful: Apple's cut price 27in iMac with Retina Display

jason 7

Re: Can it handle...

I take it that it can't.

jason 7

Yes but can you slap a Windows 7/8/10 DVD in a current Macbook Pro and install it as the only OS on the machine?

jason 7

I'm surprised MS with its "Let's get our software on as many devices as possible" mantra hasn't planned to bring out a version of Windows 10 that will install straight on a Mac with no need for OSX to be installed.

jason 7

Can it handle...

....editing 4K video streams?

One would think this might be why people would buy it?

Fanbois designing Windows 10 – where's it going to end?

jason 7

The issue is...

....from what I see of run of the mill customers.

Is that all new stuff should look and work exactly the same as all the previous old stuff.

However, this ONLY applies to Windows and NOTHING else in the entire world apparently.

Now in the real world IMO Windows 8 only differed from previous windows UIs by say 25% (no Start and the Start Screen mainly) but that was enough to send everyone into frothing anger.

Stuff changes in 11+ years I had to keep telling people. Are all the buttons and switches in your new car or TV in the same place as the previous one? Nope, but did you rage quit with it at the dealers just as you opened the car door? "F*ck this Climate system crap! I'm off to Audi!"

However, most people, when they realised that things change over time, were a bit more accepting.

"Well I suppose you are right!"

Force Touch tweak: Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display

jason 7

Re: Difficult to justify the upgrade expense

The cases are nice but getting a bit tired and samey.

Maybe time for some new colours or textures? This isn't 2010 anymore.

jason 7

Re: Where's capitalism when you need it?

Why would you?

A clean install of Windows is as good as a clean 'out of the box' install of OSX and also works with a lot more software. Its the OEMs and their junkware that screw Windows up.

Hackintoshes are mostly novelty hobby machines but for a lot of users, Windows on a Mac is essential.

jason 7

So now a power user is defined as...

he or she that needs more than one USB port at a time?

Interesting times.

Windows 10 upgrade ADWARE forces its way on to Windows 7 and 8.1

jason 7

Re: You Know Windows 10 Is Going To Be Good...

My Dell OEM is included. Got the icon yesterday.

jason 7

Re: Free*

Well going by recent developments with 8 Upgrades etc. it seems you can at least install 'fresh' but the new install gathers up all the 'old OS/software' into one big archive which you can delete later.

Works well and not like the old day when I would cringe at hearing from my Boss -

"Oh I upgraded that Win3.1 laptop with the Win95 upgrade floppies...seems a bit flakey but it might work..."


It's FREE WINDOWS 10 time: 29 July is D-Day, yells Microsoft

jason 7

Re: @Paul Shirley

Well I have a Dell with the bios update for 7 Pro and no license key (only for Vista) yet with Dell's Windows 7 Pro installed I got the "10 Upgrade" offer.

I would guess these machines (and in effect most OEM machines) wont be affected by any license loss.

jason 7

I can see the panic now!

I do part time IT support work for a group of IFAs that due to the systems they use, are still limited to running Windows 7 Pro (the version of Citrix they use doesn't work with 8 or higher) and their IT dept hasn't done anything the past two+ years to fix that. It's annoying as all the laptops have to be encrypted and obviously Windows 8/8.1 Pro has Bitlocker all built in, unlike 7.

Now that all their users will be getting "Hey upgrade to Windows 10!" messages I hope they have gone on full alert.

jason 7

Re: Windows 10?

I also remember all the hassle of 60Hz issues in gaming in the early days of XP. Can't remember what it was exactly but it caused a lot of confusion in the early days.

As mentioned Vista just got burnt through cheapskate OEM suppliers (it'll run just the same as XP with 512MB of ram won't it?) and lazy third party driver development.

Will Apple reveal a $10-a-month Spotify rival next week? Yeah, yeah, probably

jason 7

Re: A Spotify rival that isn't as device/OS agnostic as Spotify?

I have to say I don't hear many people talking about iTunes. Most folks I know are fully into Spotify or other streaming services.

iTunes has largely been forgotten for many. Not the big I am it once was.

Strap-on fiddle factor: We poke ten Apple Watch apps

jason 7

Fake Block?

tap tap tap...tap tap tap

Free Windows 10 upgrades from Microsoft will FLATTEN PC sales

jason 7

Re: Windows 10 won't give PC sales a fillip

And the real reason for this is that OEM builds of Windows are truly awful and a clean build of Windows is great.

I've had a couple of customers who run Windows machines and Apple Macbooks.

They bought the Windows desktops for work but just could get on with them due to the noisy buggy OEM builds. SO they moved 90% to the Mac.

I've since rebuilt their Windows 7/8 machines to clean properly configured Windows Installs with just the software they need on them.

The reaction?

"This is great! It...it just works how I want it. So smooth and fast! Why don't they make them all like this?"

So now they are happy using the Windows machine and one of them is so impressed he's decided to not buy a new Macbook.

The secret is Windows works great as a clean build. Most Mac users will have a clean Windows Install.

Microsoft's greatest enemies are the very OEMs that Windows gets installed on. It's time for MS to lay down the law of system builds or they start making more of their own Signature builds available.

I think I read somewhere that Windows 10 will have a clean restore option that will wipe all the bloat and just put Windows 10 back on. Maybe they should add this as a initial start option on first boot?

jason 7

Re: @Steve Davies 3 - Correct for me.

When anyone posts up an anonymous "MS Conspiracy against Linux with Secureboot" post I wish it would unhide their real ID so we can laugh them off the forum and never hear from them again.

Tossed all your snaps into the new Google Photos? You read the terms, right? ... RIGHT?

jason 7

Switched it off.

Don't need it on my phone thanks.