* Posts by jason 7

3181 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jun 2009

PM resigns as Britain votes to leave EU

jason 7

Re: If I hear a single pensioner...

Yeah at age 24 I started putting in extra to retire at 55 (oh how young and silly I was) now at 45 I may be able to retire at 75 or 80 as I'll still have to pay for my babyboomer parents that will still be alive and well past 100.

At least my parents voted to remain.

For every £1000 a year in pension I want, I have to save up £35000. It's probably at least £45000 now.

jason 7

Re: Say it with song

The one Sex Pistols quote that comes to mind a lot these past few days is -

"Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?"

jason 7

To me it now looks like it was the cleverest FU to Boris in the history of FU's. Cameron did the right thing.

As we can tell Boris never expected Leave to win. He now lives in a city that despises him and wants him hung drawn and quartered. He is now expected to stand as the new leader by a bunch of ignorant racist knuckle-draggers and soon to die pensioners that never gave any thought to their decision.

Not only that, he will have to do all those tricky trade negotiations that he never actually thought he would have to do, again surrounded by people that despise him. His nose will get so sore from all those doors slammed in his face.

He's screwed totally. And I can think of no-one more deserving of handling the UK's course to being a G30 status country at best. If he had any sense or decency he would own up and call for the vote to be made null and void.

jason 7

Re: Ghastly Mess

Well I think my cynicism has served me quite well so far in light of the past 48 hours revelations.

Now we know that Leave never expected to win in the first place and our 'scaremongering experts' were correct.

I don't see what's wrong with being able to know bullshit when I see it.

Better to be cynical than irresponsibly naive.

jason 7

Re: @Jason

@Alan Brown, I totally agree. I was telling all the Leave folks I met what about all the things you mentioned and their faces just went blank and all I heard was "...yeah but immigration..."

Now everyone knows the whole Leave Campaign was total bullshit from start to finish.

Well I say everyone, 16 million of us knew that from the start but we were just scaremongering apparently.

The other 17.4 million should be banned from voting ever again if they are that stupid and gullible.

The best thing that can happen is Cameron before he leaves just null and voids the vote in the interests of the future financial security of the UK and drops the mike and walks off stage.

jason 7

Re: Ghastly Mess

Let's be honest..more of the same then. Just with less money and fewer jobs.

The agenda will carry on. It will now be easier.

jason 7

Re: Ghastly Mess

Yeah I'm amazed at how many people (well 17.4 million) think that Britain is now going to become some wonderful egalitarian economic powerhouse that has freedoms and representations for all and will embrace and support the 'common man'. That all of the existing Govt infrastructure will be swept aside and a new fairer Britain that every country will want to be best mates with, will emerge.

The truth is the only people liberated are the 1%/establishment who can now rip us off with 100% impunity and with ALL laws now fully supporting them.

jason 7

Re: Good news for the British workers!

I am looking forward the great Polio comeback and Landlords to have the right to put "No Blacks No Irish!" signs up in their windows again.

Ahhh freedom!

jason 7

Re: If I hear a single pensioner...

"Or you could swallow your pride, put childish emotions aside and try and do something positive to help not only yourself, but others, avoid a depression."

Okay well care to give us some tips o wise one? I already went to the trouble of trying to make myself financially stable, have savings, invest in UK companies, try to get ahead on my pension, try to pay off my mortgage etc. and that's kind of all going to pieces in front of my eyes.

I didn't even give a toss about immigration, because I could see it for the silly inflammatory, non-issue it always was. I don't even use the NHS even though I could.

I guess it's the 'Leave' folks I'll be asked to bail out in a few years time.

jason 7

Re: @Jason

Democracy? What a naive concept. We haven't had proper political democracy in the West for years. Whomever is in power just carries on the same old agenda.

Do you think that with Boris and IDS in charge, that things are going to magically change for the better? That minimum wage will go up to £20 an hour. House prices will become affordable? Universities will become free again? The NHS will be perfect? Bankers won't be ripping us off for all they can? Wow is that John Lennon's 'Imagine' I hear in the background?


jason 7

Re: Nigel Farage's next venture.

I would have thought his MEPs are not too keen on losing their jobs soon. Whilst they did nothing, I'm sure they enjoyed all the perks going. Plus without his MEPs...UKIP is basically totally defunct and he can just disappear. Hopefully.

jason 7

Re: Racism

Well I got told today that the leave campaign was nothing to do with finance and the economy.

Ahhh so it WAS just all about "sending them back!"

jason 7

If I hear a single pensioner...

...moan over the next few years about how crap things have got, they will get a punch in the face.

Yes I am a little annoyed. A line has been drawn.

Germany: If Brits vote to Remain, we'll admit Hurst's 1966 goal was a goal

jason 7

"bloody awful sausages " - 'floppy fat tubes' we call them. Never found any trace of meat in a German sausage.

Maplin Electronics demands cash with menaces

jason 7

The graphics cards...

...in Maplins always make me laugh. £50 for a 5 year old bottom range GPU that will sell for £10 on Ebay.

When DIY is not enough: Web-snack firm Graze has an offline awakening

jason 7

Re: Not for me...

Well I won't eat anything with the word/letters 'anal' in it.

You might have to think about that one.

jason 7

Not for me...

...more a pork scratchings kind of guy.

Personally never seen any one buy anything more then the starter pack then give coupons for.

Hipster nibbles.

The Microsoft-LinkedIn hookup will be the END of DAYS, I tell you

jason 7

Re: How much?

Yeah always amazes me that so many here and in IT just refuse or cannot realise this.

Lalalaaa not listening!

It's too late guys, it's all the same. You cannot escape it if you want to work in or with IT. It's one huge multi-corporation complex now. It's no longer the wild west.

Just stop whining and make the best of it.

Google doesn’t care who makes Android phones. Or who it pisses off

jason 7

"Most people want a phone that works out of the box and continues to work and to be fully updated and secure until they pass it on, 2-3 years later, to a relative who uses it for the next 2-3 years and who also wants it to remain fully updated and secure in that time."

I bet if you asked the first 100 Android phone users you saw in the street 99 wouldn't have a clue about updates or really care. From talking to most customers they actually find phone updates annoying as it 'breaks stuff'. Yes ignorance is a kind of bliss.

My Gf hates the fact her phone comes with Cyanogen on it. "Fucking nerds keep updating it!" She especially loved the last update a few days ago whereby the receive updates over wi-fi OR data had been reset by the last update to pull the 400MB in over her data allowance instead of wi-fi, while sat in the living room.

jason 7

Nice idea chap but some (read most in fact) just want a phone that works out of the box and till the day we chuck it on the shelf 2-3 years later. All it would do is give the XDA crowd more to obsess and waste their lives on than they do already.

TalkTalk says 8-month app outage lasting 'bit longer than we hoped'

jason 7

Re: oh talktalk

From what I have seen out in the wilds as a roving IT Guy, I can imagine the people using this are probably over 55 and have no clue that any other such software or application exists and do not understand what a 'web browser' is, only the term 'Internet Explorer'.

They are the ones that will hand over money for anything without question. I've seen so many paying £60+ a month for TV and phone services when they only watch Freeview.

Yes...I do call up the provider for them and either cancel or downgrade the package.

jason 7

I always encourage...

...any of my customers to move to anyone but TalkTalk. Miserable company for broadband. I've known several folks that were stuck on 1.5Mbps Talk Talk connections when every other house in the street was on 6Mbps minimum. You would call TT and they would say it was the best their line could manage. Sorry nothing they could do but please stick with it!

So the customer would move to BT/Sky etc. and bingo...6 or 8Mbps.

England just not windy enough for wind farms, admits renewables boss

jason 7

Re: Stop Dicking about!!!!!

Yeah cost doesn't really come into it when a modern economy cannot function without electricity. It will cost what it costs.

As for nuclear waste...it's a hell of a lot less than people think it is. Much less.

Doesn't matter though cos as soon as the NIMBYS can't charge up their iPads they will be bending over backwards for Nuclear. It's going to happen so why fight it?

jason 7

Re: Stop Dicking about!!!!!

Yeah ask any Green what happens when we've gone 100% renewables on a cold still Xmas night when folks across the country turn on their kettles for the EastEnders Xmas episode.

They go very silent.

Don't get me wrong, the local Green politicians where I live are fantastic people for getting behind local community issues. They really do put in the effort unlike the Labour and Tory folks. But on bigger national and more technical issues they are as thick as two short planks and twice as naive.

jason 7

Stop Dicking about!!!!!

Just build the 8 or so new Nuclear stations we need and be done with it.

Christ the time wasting is appalling. I can see what will happen, we'll start getting brown outs and rationing of power and then all the twats that were so 'anti-Nuclear' will be screaming at the Govt to build them yesterday.

EU referendum frenzy bazookas online voter registration. It's another #GovtDigiShambles

jason 7

Re: How come....

Sigh...so you say 10 knowing you'll only get the 5 you need.

Have you never done that? Works quite well.

jason 7

How come....

...whenever the IT manager says to the tech guys "How many servers will we need to handle this system/game?" And the tech guys say "Oh five should do it!" That they haven't learned by now to quadruple whatever figure they say.

Who's to blame for the NHS drug prices ripoff?

jason 7

Re: The problem often is...

So you are saying the NHS has limited bargaining power? One of the largest buyers of drugs in the world.

Yeah...(rubs chin).

jason 7

Re: The problem often is...

At the end of the day chap, whether Public Sector or 'Public Service' some of you (not necessarily you) need to start being a bit more careful with the 'Public Money'.

It isn't in endless supply.

jason 7

Re: The problem often is...

The NHS...is public sector as much as anyone cares.

jason 7

The problem often is...

...that Public Sector workers just don't give a shit about costs. As long as the work gets done, orders filled and the boss isn't having a go at them, who cares? Cutting costs and negotiating decent contracts takes time and effort.

After all...it's only tax payers money!*

*A phrase that my other half heard many many times in her 6 weeks working in the Public Sector as a Projects co-ordinator. She quit as she couldn't live with the wasteful and lazy mentality.

'Whites are taking over': Race storm hits heart of Africa's internet body

jason 7

My Dad goes to South Africa every 3-4 years.

and every time he goes back the conditions just get worse. The power cuts, the break down of infrastructure.

Such a shame.

Smartwatches: I hate to say ‘I told you so’. But I told you so.

jason 7

Yeah of the folks I've seen with a Apple Watch it just tells them lots of useless dull info about their dull day to day routine. But boy will they try hard to enthuse over it to you.

Server makers love Intel Xeons (true) - but not the price tag

jason 7

Wait three years...

...then pick them up on Ebay.

Microsoft warns of worm ransomware, finds fix in Windows 10 upgrade

jason 7

And it could all go away...

...is standard user accounts were the default instead of Admin ones.

Samsung: Don't install Windows 10. REALLY

jason 7

Re: Five minutes with a small screwdriver and...

No they don't. In the past ten years only HP have given that error.

I regularly upgrade older Dell/Toshiba/Lenovo etc. laptops with newer wi-fi cards.

My current Dell has had three over the 8 years I've had it. I swapped a atheros wi-fi card for an Intel in a Lenovo for my Gf last week to make it better for the Kali linux distro she wanted to use to learn some hacking techniques.

jason 7

Re: Five minutes with a small screwdriver and...

Not that I have noticed. Works fine. No such compatibility notices appear on most occasions and I know the ones you mean.

If you do you kit might just be too old.

jason 7

Re: Samsung?

Samsung has abandoned selling laptops in a lot of the world so its safe to say its not a priority for them.

jason 7

Five minutes with a small screwdriver and...

...I'd have a Intel wi-fi card slipped in there no problem.

Just be careful as HP locks the wi-fi card to the machine for some Nazi reason. Most others can be fully upgraded.

That or just install the Windows Vista/7/8/8.1 driver for that Broadcomm card.

A lot of the old soundchips in PCs work running 10 with the old Vista driver.

With old kit you just have to get a little creative. It's not impossible.

jason 7

Re: What an absolute

"Perfect time to upgrade to one the many wonderful Linux distros available for free download :)"

Yes and then when you go tell people which wonderful distro you installed you get told 18 times in 2 minutes --

"Oh you installed the wrong distro mate!"

I'm not wrong am I, let's be honest here.

Surface Book nightmare: Microsoft won't fix 'Sleep of Death' bug

jason 7

Re: Still copying Apple

My 70 year old dad took my spare Chromebook just fine on a five week trip to South Africa. He said he really enjoyed using it.

If they have been using Chrome then they are 75% there already...

HR botches redundancy so chap scores year-long paid holiday

jason 7

Myself and three mates were forgotten about....

...for a whole year almost. We sat in our office just eating, reading newspapers, long lunches and browsing the web.

We'd been in a re-organisation and given over to a new manager. They never bothered to come in and see us.

Thing is that manager was just in the office next door, 6 feet away. We just waited for the next re-org...

jason 7

Re: The Real Ale Defence

US ales all taste very bitter and metallic to me. Unfinished.

Microsoft won't back down from Windows 10 nagware 'trick'

jason 7

A big thank you to Microsoft.

This underhand practice has made me a huge amount of money over the past few months. The number of roll backs, black screens of death, bad intel GPU drivers etc. etc. that I have had to sort out for customers that either did or didn't want Windows 10 has been incredible.

Well done, thanks for supporting the little guy!

The fact you continue to alienate your grass roots customers is another matter.

Pointless features add to browser bloat and insecurity

jason 7

Re: Wow? I don't understand the hate for so many wonderful things.

Sorry chap but going forward, security and locked down experience is going to be the way forward.

It's going to be carnage over the next 5 years.

All that garnish is just going to get tossed aside. But you carry on listening to John Lennon's Imagine all you like.

jason 7

Yayyy flabby and lazy is the future!

Shame imagination and drive for something better is dwindling away in IT.

All those versions you say are a problem...and yet you probably recommend Linux?

All I'm asking for really is a custom install that lets me install what I NEED. The rest can sit in a secure locker ready in case I ever do require it. Until then its safely dormant.

jason 7

That's not really the point chap. The usage patterns of a lot of people are becoming increasingly narrow. Having masses of unwanted/unused code just adds complexity and increased security risks. Often the chink in many systems has been some unused, little forgotten bit of code that everyone has ignored. I hate knowing that a large percentage of the software and code on my PC just isn't needed or used. Plus if it's not installed, I don't need to waste time and bandwidth on updates for it.

The unused stuff may be beneficial to some but as no one is shouting for it...

If it's not needed then get rid of it. Either that or in future, browsers and operating systems need to only add features if they are actually asked for. If the request never comes up, it never gets installed.

We should be aiming at making hardware and software more lean, tailored, efficient and secure not bloated, mostly dormant and one size fits all.

jason 7

Re: Swiss Army Knife

Nah...the Swiss Army Hiker is as much as most of us here would need.


Even then I don't use the saw or the 'odd thing with the hole in it'.

jason 7

We could do with some of this trimming...

...with operating systems too. 80% of the 'added stuff' I never use.

Blighty's Virgin Queen threatened with foreign abduction

jason 7

Hands up...

...who will be really upset about this going?

Hmm no one? Yeah didn't think so. Amazing how the elite seem to think all of us are made of money.

99.99% of the population have far bigger things to worry about than a painting that only 4-5 people really care about.