Order within three hours!!!
> you can download your Amazon data here
"Usually, this should not take more than a month."
HOW in this day and age can ANY customer's account need a month to pull data?
> This is plain and simple deceptive practise .... All this other stuff about race seems largely tacked on...
I think you are right.
In the (lily-white) woods on the north-east coast of Maine USA, hundreds of miles above Boston but just off US Route 1:
> "It may say if I order within three hours I'll get it the next day; as soon as I order it they claim I'll get it two days later,"
Every dang time. Amazon begs and tricks me to pay for Prime but seems incapable of moving goods quickly.
It's not about who delivers it: I have had 12-hour delivery from UPS (this may have been a mistake). FedEx's contracted trucks are fast and reliable here.
Amazon can stall my orders in the warehouse for a week. Rarely will it move next-day, even when I foolishly pay for speed.
> Amazon ..... maintaining ..... that the issue pertains to driver safety. ....crime rates in the east end....
Crime here is low and usually domestic squabble or $5 break-ins. Assault on delivery drivers is nearly unknown.
My lover has been saying "Walmart". She's right, at least for some things. Small plumbing 2 day free, Lenovo Flaptop next-day free. Walmart's listings manage to be worse than Amazon, and I hate their supply-side policies, but Wally is seriously fighting Amazon on delivery to my woods.