Yup. We have Sky Sabre. And we've got a Giraffe! link to Wiki of Giraffe radar
It was a bit slow for early deliveries, so I don't know how many sets we now have operational. A quick Google says we've got about 6 batteries (command vehicle, radar and 4-6 launch vehicles) but info doesn't seem to be that reliable or well sourced. MoD secrecy again.
But Poland are buying it, along with more Patriots from the US.
Sky Sabre is the land version of SeaCeptor (the RN's shorter range SAM - Aster / Sea Viper being the long range one). This uses the CAMM missile, which is heavily based on the ASRAM to save costs - but is radar guided (active seeker - so its own radar built in).
Most of NATO have worked under the assumption that we could easily achieve air superiority. So not built up our air defences. And while prep has been done for drone warfare, and militaries have been talking about it for a decade or two - there's a difference between the relatively small number of drones our forces have and the vast numbers of quadcopters with 3d-printed grenade launchers stuck to them that are flying round the front lines of Ukraine. Plus ballistic and cruise missiles are getting cheaper - and Iran are willing to hand them out like sweeties nowadays.
So I think a big investment is needed. SPAAGs (self-propelled anti-aircraft guns) need to make a comeback (like Germany's old Gepards that are doing sterling service in Ukraine. They're cheap and cheerful. But only being short range means you need an awful lot of them. Starstreak and Martlet are also pretty good for short range air defence. Stormer is decent but doesn't have radar - but can be networked to SkySabre - to give layered defence.
We should also have bought SAMP/T - which is the land based version of Aster (Sea Viper) - which France and Italy came up with. France gave a set to Ukraine. We're retro-fitting some of the anti-ballistic missile tech from that into the Type 45 destroyers' missiles - as well as buffing them by giving them an additional 24-36 Sea Ceptor. The Navy have also got all the SPAAGs they need - so it's time we got the army some of this stuff.
There's also anti-drone electronic warfare. And I think we're going to have to get in on one of the anti-missile satellite networks. Tracking cruise missiles is hard - they're only 20 miles from the radar horizon if they fly low enough. So you'd need a radar every 40 miles to track one - and then you'd often get minimal warning. Tracking them from above would be better.
Apart from that bit - and drone-hunting drones - all the tech exists. We had Navy Phalanx systems mounted on trailers, with a generator, to defend the bases in Afghanistan, so all this can be done with the will. And the budget.