* Posts by Ken Moorhouse

4168 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Jul 2007

Microsoft tests 45% M365 price hikes in Asia-Pacific to see how much you enjoy AI

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: Searches for import PST to Thunderbird. Nope, nothing.

Not directly, maybe, but PST -> MSG or similar is a possibility.

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: email, calendar & contacts history in my Outlook .PST files

There are conversion utilities to distill that lot out for use with another email client.

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: “listen, learn, and improve”

Oh dear, it is common practice to keep the initials the same e.g., Embrace, Extend, Extinguish, looks like the need some assistance in finding something with three L's. Let me think now...

Listen, Learn and Lunch

Listen, Learn and Lock-in, ah, yes, that's much more appropriate.

Your turn, fellow commentards, for that final L...

DNA sequencers found running ancient BIOS, posing risk to clinical research

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge


What I would call ancient is pre-UEFI, and that would have been ok.

Microsoft declares 2025 'the year of the Windows 11 PC refresh'

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

"the year of the Windows 11 PC refresh"

Dear Microsoft

Thank you for letting me know.

Could you please put a firm date on when you propose to format my hard drive?

Apple offers to settle 'snooping Siri' lawsuit for an utterly incredible $95M

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: Perhaps it was the unzip sound...

I wonder if the sounds of the right buttons being pressed cause activation too.

Eutelsat OneWeb blames 366th day for 48-hour date disaster

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Rocket Science

It seems that rocket science is easier than terrestial date calculations.

25 years on from Y2K, let's all be glad it happened way back then

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: New Turkish Lira (YTL)

Which reminds me. I wonder how many systems out there can cope with hyperinflation. This will be where we find out if systems use "lossless" number formats, and if they have thought properly about boundary conditions. On another note, I'm sure there were inconsistencies when UK made changes to their VAT rate after a long period of stability, particularly with regard to transactions that straddle the point at which VAT is accounted for by different traders.

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

I'm glad that most here valued our efforts...

I did my fair share of Y2K consultancy.

I admit to it having to pay off some technical debt though. I knew for a fact that there would be big problems on 1/1/2000 if appropriate action was not taken.

When I worked on London Underground's computerisation of the Northern/Victoria lines (way before the millennium) we had a problem that the computers being used didn't have the oomph to manage all the tests needed to perform some of the required processes. On at least one program I worked on (to do with programme machines: see google) there were several tests that needed to be repeated on demand every couple of seconds. If the processing of those tests (manifested as inter-process messages in the system) took longer than the allowed time then the message system would collapse (with a negative queue count error: for those of you familiar with GEC 4XXX architecture), taking the whole system irretrievably down with it. It was like a snowball effect, which could be set off by a completely unrelated process taking slightly longer to run. Among the discussions we had to resolve the issue was my suggestion to treat 1/1/2000 as a "special value", which meant that one comparison would suffice for at least two purposes. It doesn't sound like much of an optimisation, but it made a lot of difference in performance. I had already asked what the expected lifetime of the project would be and was reassured that the system would be upgraded well before 2000.

An example of another kludge we had to do in the original system we worked on was also to do with programme machines. IIRC there was not enough space in core to deal with the total number of these on-site, so special code was created to deal with those situated at Kennington (there were an inordinate number located there, compared to other locations). I was totally unaware of this code until I was tasked with taking on and upgrading the program for a replacement system. The performance was dogged by these special tests so I asked if there was any other reason for treating Kennington in this way. The answer was nope so we took up more core to make all programme machines act in a more homogenous way, and performance improved.

It's only a matter of time before LLMs jump start supply-chain attacks

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: Not one of them sports long blond hair and a 40DD bra.

Hello, hello, I think that comment was generated by an LLM in beta.

Back to the drawing board.

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Full circle

In the old days, if you got an email from a Big Corp with spelling mistakes and/or grammatical errors in it, you would identify it straight away as fraudulent in some way.

Now, if the prose is too perfect, then we're getting to the stage where it is put in the dodgy category.

The ocassional spilling misteak nowadays is good to prove some text was written by a meatsack... Until such errors start to find their way into AI systems, and round the loop we go again.

Naïve Reg hack thinks he can beat Christmas food comas once and for all

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: Budding Wainwrights...

You forgot the tins of spam. Better than flares for alerting the authorities to your current location.

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: Organic Maps

(That first upvote is from me). Just downloaded and will give it a try.

So many other apps are really annoying for various reasons. Will give this one a try, certainly looks promising.

Microsoft coughs up yet more Windows 11 24H2 headaches

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: Has Windows become a monster now too complex for Microsoft to handle?


Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: shutdown.exe -s -f -t 0

Shouldn't that be

shutdown.exe -s -t -f 0

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: An unrelated question: does anyone here use any M$ peripherals?

Is this the place where I can complain about the Function keys on M$ keyboards being ridiculously tiny?

Phishers cast wide net with spoofed Google Calendar invites

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

That reminds me...

I've got an automatic calendar appointment to attend this afternoon.

My dentist.

At 2:30pm (yes, really, but to be pedantic I think it's the cavity that's hurty).

When old Microsoft codenames crop up in curious places

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: Grimsby

The Geordie version of Windows deserves a namecheck too.

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge


Funny enough the most consistent band for album naming is/was also called Chicago, but it was perhaps fortuitous that they had their only name change right at the beginning(s) of their career: Chicago Transit Authority. Still one of the best albums of all time imho.

Google Timeline location purge causes collateral damage

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Being old-school...

I don't quite see what all the fuss is about. In my day we had things called Diaries and, in generations since people might have had a thing called a Filofax.

Has society moved on so much that we have forgotten about these things? I appreciate Sam has a further disadvantage than most of us, but sometimes, just picking up an old diary might remind us (him?) of a lot more than what is formally recorded - that hastily scribbled phone number on a beer coaster wedged inside, for example.

Maybe this is a wake-up call to get your butt down to Rymans to pick up a 2025 Diary - size is your call. Week to a view or two pages per day, or anything in between. Be inspired...

Abstract, theoretical computing qualifications are turning teens off

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: a potential across a length of wire causes charged particles to move resulting in a current

Hmm, there are "concepts" in between that adequately describe a process to a "lay" person.

I've been thinking about your comment today. Is it important to understand how things work... to a point? To what level? Very briefly, I think the deciding factor for me is that when our ancestors used to roam the jungle we would automatically associate "food" with "food", but if someone had laid a trap for us to fall into, then we could easily become the "food". Evolution engenders an interest, for survival sake, of looking beyond how things are presented to us, just in case. If we don't ever need to use that information, fine, but it is there, for future reference, if necessary. In today's society it is paramount that we understand the prize of a free iPhone is likely to be a trap, so we must be alert, not merely to "face values", but also to what might lurk behind. When Armageddon hits then arguably we're all going to have to brush up on our foraging, building skills, etc., etc. because humans will adapt.

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

The books that inspired me to pursue I.T.

(1) Mullard's Electronic Counting book. The frustration with that book though was that it omitted "debounce" circuitry essential to make things count without skipping.

(2) How A Computer Works by W.L.B. Nixon, publisher: University of London, Insititute of Computer Science


Typewritten and mass-produced using a Gestetner machine (eh? what's a gestetner machine? Oh Lord, how we suffered without laser printers. Now listen, you've got a browser, go google it). Seriously though, extremely well written, with exactly the right depth to it.

Bought from the bargain basement of Pooles, Charing Cross Road. My 2nd edition copy stays with me until they wheel me out in a wooden box.

(3) Texas Instruments orange hardback guide to the SN7400 TTL range of IC's.

When I was at South Bank Poly, no matter how good your labwork was, you only got 9/10 max. Even going down to the British Library to seek out papers by Turner on his method of measuring inductance fared me no better. When we did a lab on TTL though I went the extra five Irish miles and I got a 10! (No that is not a factorial sign, please be realistic).

(4) Motorola M6800 Microprocessor manuals. IIRC one of the breakthroughs Motorola had with the M6800 was their PIA and ACIA peripheral interface chips which got rid of the need for any Input/Output instructions, and you could have as many of these chips as could be addressed by the bus.

(5) Software Tools/Software Tools in Pascal by Kenighan and Plauger. A few here have I think, have alluded to these.

(6) The course book we used for digital design was Douglas Lewin's Logical Design of Switching Circuits (I still have a 2nd Edition copy, with dust jacket!). One of the interesting projects outlined in this book is the semi-automated method of optimising Karnaugh maps devised by McCluskey.

I may add to this list.

Maybe some of us commentards should have a discussion about providing some kind of legacy resource. In the coming years this kind of knowledge will be lost forever. Google is on a trajectory to forget material it thinks is no longer relevant. Who determines that, then? This is not just I.T. I've come across people who are amazed that Plate Tectonics is a recent advancement in science. It is, I feel, essential that the evolution of such technology is not lost. It highlights how dogmatic and arrogant experts were, and how inspirational it was for someone to gradually change everyone's minds until now, we can't think of anything different.

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

My first lessons on programming...

My first lessons on programming were at South Bank Poly. I remember one incident very vividly and has stood me in good stead ever since. When we'd written our programs we'd submit them as two Hollerith decks: 1. the program and 2. the data (showing my age).

So we all got to eventually get clean results (a week or so later @ one run a day, if you were lucky), then the lecturer asked us to submit some data he had prepared, and we were aghast.

The program he had asked us to submit implemented the customary quadratic equation (-b +- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/2a

We had all used sensible values for a b and c. But he wanted us to submit a=0 (for example) (I bet the computer operators all loved us).

We all know what happens when the tyres are not properly kicked prior to putting code into production (ask Microsoft about buffer overflows, for example). But far too many coders are guilty of coding to run cleanly with no thought to rogue input at all. Nowadays coders use try except constructs to bat away erroneous input, but this can have unintended consequences if not properly thought out, and I've seen many too many examples of swallowed exceptions to think that is not a commonplace 'solution' for anything that can't be immediately solved.

When I worked for A Big Organisation my boss would test his programs on the test system with his fingers crossed. If it 'held up' for a 'decent' length of time then 'it was fine'. If it crashed he would restart the system and assume it was a minor glitch. Only if it did that a couple of times would he investigate. Me? If the system fell over once I would immediately get a core dump and go through it until I found the culprit.

This is another thing: Log files imho are completely useless these days. I worked with a company that had a Silverlight application installed. My $Deity, please spare me from users reciting Silverlight error codes to me. Even the designer didn't want to know what they were.

Anyone who touched my programs would know of my love of the circular buffer for anything my code eyeballed, in the order it was to be dealt with. Conversations about race conditions were easily settled by a look at the core dump (this was a real-time messaging-driven system btw).

And that's another thing: Do students still learn about things like circular buffers?

Contrary to some, traceroute is very real – I should know, I helped make it work

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: It assumes everything is DHCP. If not it's wrong.

Not going to embarrass the vendor here, but I used to have Wireshark logs which show a WellKnownRouterBrand dishing out the same IP address to two devices in close sequence. Notified them, but I've never seen this advertised as "fixed", but then again I've moved on from using their products...

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Traceroute in combination with Looking Glass Servers

I can't remember the nitty gritty now but one of my customers had a problem with their website. Anywhere in UK it worked fine, but in USA (their target market), surfers were being served up with the International Herald Tribune homepage. I managed to run Traceroute from locations across the USA to determine where the fault manifested itself, then contacted the relevant site. Turned out that a server along the path had been compromised, had to be rebuilt from scratch then forced to respond properly to DNS requests. In those days it could take several days for invalid DNS requests to be properly squashed which was a frustration.

Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation admits to hole in security

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

If their emails were hacked...

They'd be sending out hundreds and thousands.

Veteran Microsoft engineer shares some enterprise support tips

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: Troubleshooting assumes that underlying systems behave in a deterministic manner

A Factory Reset is the new method of Burning Witches at the stake.

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: Troubleshooting assumes that underlying systems behave in a deterministic manner

I suspect W7 is where the problem lies in your case. HMRC Devs were given details, but that message may not have found its way to end users.


The reason this was left in limbo was that my client unfortunately died whilst this matter was in progress, his successor had the same problem but suddenly rectified itself of its own accord, many months later.

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: Troubleshooting assumes that underlying systems behave in a deterministic manner

The latest problem I've wasted hours on - still ongoing - is a program that needs Office 365 32-bit. So you uninstall the 64-bit version, then install the 32-bit version, which it says can't be installed because the 64-bit one is installed. But it's not on the Apps list. Trying to run MS's Easy Fix [sic] didn't work either. MS seem completely unable to uninstall and reinstall programs cleanly.

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Troubleshooting assumes that underlying systems behave in a deterministic manner

Unfortunately Windows belongs in Witchcraft territory.

One of my customers has been complaining that their payroll package can't connect to HMRC. This has been going on since April (a workaround has been in place). Every so often we'd give it another look, but same result, the manufacturer's test utility, and everything else says it should work. Today we go to Factory Reset his pc (for other traumas) and I'm told "oh btw, Payroll's now working." He swears he did nothing. Unlike another of my clients, where things right themselves after a hefty effluxion of time, this client does not have a cat. Now I'm not suggesting there is any connection between witchcraft and cats, but...

(Can we have a cat icon?)

Amazon accused of cheating low-income Prime users out of two-day deliveries

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: companies putting a small thing in a big box and chucking in a load of filler.

Reminds me of the condrum of someone wanting to send a pole through the post.

The pole was 5 ft 5 in length, but the maximum allowable package size was 4 ft by 3 ft by 1 ft 6 in.

(I think I've got that right). This was the sort of question that used to get asked in interviews, is that still true?

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: Amazon has become a bit better with packaging

Oh yeah?

I ordered 3 off Item A, 3 off Item B, and 6 off Item C for delivery on 30 Nov (all very small, fairly low value items).

All duly delivered on time, but why, oh why 12 separate packages? They weren't even consistently packaged.

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Surely easy to do some methodical tests...

Order identical stuff from Amazon at the same time, and get it delivered to different places, is there consistency in arrival time/date?

This does have to be done over the course of several deliveries as things can go pear-shaped in isolated cases. I have to say delivery mistakes are rare with Amazon, but where mistakes are made they can tend to happen when most inconvenient. Worst one of recent times was ordering two 230 Litre water butts (a few days apart). One arrived in the advertised time frame. the other went for a tour of England Mainland, luckily when it did arrive they dumped it in my front garden rather than getting my neighbour to take custody of it lol.

Windows 11 24H2 rolls out to more devices – with a growing list of known issues

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

gamers face black screens

You are in a very dark cave...

New York Times lawyers claim OpenAI accidentally deleted evidence in copyright case

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

A hard drive is evidence

The way data is extracted from the evidential hard drive is not by sticking it in a pc and doing a copy. First off the drive should be cloned under careful supervision, and that cloned copy should solely be used to issue copies to plaintiff and defence alike. We're talking about the entire history of everything that ever was written to the drive, including deletion of files, extension of edited documents, because they have outgrown their initial hard drive allocation, copying new files, and overwriting of deleted files because that is how file allocation algorithms may work. SSD's have their own peculiarities regarding these algorithms, but this is of no consequence so long as the clones have faithfully captured the results. This is data forensics 101, no?

If either party wishes to stick their copy in a pc and copy files from it is entirely up to them, but that ignores such important things as chronology, and what is now no longer there on the surface.

Severity of the risk facing the UK is widely underestimated, NCSC annual review warns

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: Cybersecurity job market

To my mind Cybersecurity is difficult to start a business in, for the simple reason that your actions have to be formally clearly defined and approved before you can start tinkering with other people's systems. There have been cases where, even with that explicity approval, pentesters have been arrested because different departments within the target company (with understandable reasons) were not notified of intent.

$373M ASML chipmaker shrinks to $228 – but it's made of Lego

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: the name of an export restricted product

Seriously? If the parts are labelled "potato peeler", "chip cutter", "chip fryer" surely they would alow that?

Microsoft shuttering dedicated licensing education, certification site

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: I like that analogy

"at least the announcer will tell you if your train is cancelled"

Yes but it won't tell you that catching an alternative train may result in a court appearance...


So maybe a better analogy than at first sight.

1,000s of Palo Alto Networks firewalls hijacked as miscreants exploit critical hole

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Sliver implants

Did the hackers use silicon implants?

(Can we have a Benny Hill icon please?)

Microsoft pulls text recognition from Photos app preview

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

there have been reports of app crashes after installing the preview

Ha, I reckon they fed it one of those Escher staircase images and it exploded.

Andrew Tate's site ransacked, subscriber data stolen

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Andrew Tate debased

Oh, I'm thinking of Ashton Tate.

Whomp-whomp: AI PCs make users less productive

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: asking it to check for stupid mistakes.

Yes, but I wouldn't even trust it with that task.

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: ...however, closer look showed...

AI is heavily promoted as a way to cut corners, but, as we know, the expression "cutting corners" should be treated as pejorative.

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: incaable

Someone here is taking the "p".

The revolutionary thing that people will shortly be discovering with the advent of AI is that any piece of text with a typo or grammar error in it will undoubtedly have been written by a humann.

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Many AI users spend a long time identifying how best to communicate with AI tools

I would suggest this to be the time required to source a sledge hammer from their favourite retailer.

Data is the new uranium – incredibly powerful and amazingly dangerous

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: Information extracted from data has value

I would add...

If it is correctly interpreted.

Microsoft starts boiling the Copilot frog: It's not a soup you want to drink at any price

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: the Neville Shunt Reverse Timetable Dichotomy

I thought I might find you here.

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: waiting for the doors to welcome and enjoy my traversals

I wonder how much soup Morrison consumed in his soul kitchen.

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: Why would you ever use your real name for forum posts?

Hi John

Maybe something to do with commentards engaging more sensibly with one's [sensible] comments. The atrocious puns? Maybe that helps to convince others that I'm not an AI bot.

Regards, Ken

Microsoft still not said anything about unexpected Windows Server 2025 installs

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

"Microsoft is said to have pulled for now"

Those last two words...