Re: This one should be interesting
I was going to write something long, but will simply point out that USA residents pay AT LEAST twice as much for medical coverage as anyone in more civilised countries - coverage that gets yanked at the slightest excuse and often used as a tool for chaining people to their jobs
Yes it's free (or cheap) at point of use. We pay for it in advance out of taxes and massive hospital bills/medical expenses are an alien concept to most people outside third world countries
Thanks to years of agitating by various nationalist politicians we have charging for non-resident users of non-urgent medical care here in the UK now - and most Americans find that the "full costs" are still vastly lower than their copay, let alone the final bill
The American private medical insurance industry is extremely efficient at separating people from the contents of their wallets. Actual medical outcomes are a completely different kettle of fish. Price fixing and cartels are a logical way to maximise profits no matter what kind of cloak that's used to cover it up (If it looks, quacks and walks like a duck it's probably a duck, even if the label on it says "not a duck")
WTF is a "Medical bankruptcy" anyway? This is the most common form of personal bankruptcy in the USA but simply doesn't exist anywhere else in the world. Perhaps that's a clue that the USA is doing things wrong (Another clue might be that as soon as developing countries can afford to, they move to single payer centrally funded health systems because they are cheaper and give better outcomes for both the population & economy)
Unless and until the USA loses its atitude of "screw the poor" and punching down at every opportunity, things are simply going to get worse - particularly now the toddler-in-chief has started screaming the quite bits out loud in venues where it can't be handwaved away
I'd say I hope that the Justice Department prevails, but I'm fairly sure that money will change hands and orders will come from "on high" to drop or settle the prosecution.