* Posts by Alan Brown

15983 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Feb 2008

Feds drop bomb on Multiplan in legal war over healthcare 'price-fixing' algorithms

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: This one should be interesting

I was going to write something long, but will simply point out that USA residents pay AT LEAST twice as much for medical coverage as anyone in more civilised countries - coverage that gets yanked at the slightest excuse and often used as a tool for chaining people to their jobs

Yes it's free (or cheap) at point of use. We pay for it in advance out of taxes and massive hospital bills/medical expenses are an alien concept to most people outside third world countries

Thanks to years of agitating by various nationalist politicians we have charging for non-resident users of non-urgent medical care here in the UK now - and most Americans find that the "full costs" are still vastly lower than their copay, let alone the final bill

The American private medical insurance industry is extremely efficient at separating people from the contents of their wallets. Actual medical outcomes are a completely different kettle of fish. Price fixing and cartels are a logical way to maximise profits no matter what kind of cloak that's used to cover it up (If it looks, quacks and walks like a duck it's probably a duck, even if the label on it says "not a duck")

WTF is a "Medical bankruptcy" anyway? This is the most common form of personal bankruptcy in the USA but simply doesn't exist anywhere else in the world. Perhaps that's a clue that the USA is doing things wrong (Another clue might be that as soon as developing countries can afford to, they move to single payer centrally funded health systems because they are cheaper and give better outcomes for both the population & economy)

Unless and until the USA loses its atitude of "screw the poor" and punching down at every opportunity, things are simply going to get worse - particularly now the toddler-in-chief has started screaming the quite bits out loud in venues where it can't be handwaved away

I'd say I hope that the Justice Department prevails, but I'm fairly sure that money will change hands and orders will come from "on high" to drop or settle the prosecution.

Microsoft walking away from datacenter leases (probably) isn't a sign the AI bubble is bursting

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Where's the heat going?

"You can't just sink this level of heat into the environment without it having some kind of impact"

It's low grade heat but it works wondefully in polytunnel greenhouses

You'd be surprised how much energy goes into commercial greenhouse operations. They can easily soak up the exhaust from datacentres and ask for more heat

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: "gigawatts" capacity ?

"I've wanted a faster CPU for years now, but progress seems slow"

Over the last 15 years computers have pretty much stayed at the same speed but power consumption has dropped 80-90%

It was about that long that serial DDR2 ram (remember that and the Rambus licensing fiasco?) drew 11W per 2GB and the processors in the Dual CPU Supermicro X8 motherboard that 24 of them were loaded into drew another 300W - not much less at idle - for a total power consumption of over 700W

Now I can do 64GB and 3 times as much same compute power (22 vs 8 cores) in less than 100W at full song, down to less than 50W when idling. The 64TB HDD array pulls more power than that, which is a good incentive to ditch spinning media for SSD (or at least buy larger capacity drives even if they pull about the same power)

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: "gigawatts" capacity ?

You're falling into the same trap that caused my manager to doubt my calculations so much that he went behind my back, revising power and cooling requirements for our small datacentre downwards to what he thought was "reasonable"

The end result was a server room that couldn't take the thermal load of the equipment that was supposed to be housed in it even before it was handed over and cost an extra £700k sorting it out (which somehow became all my fault, go figure)

Thankfully I no longer work there and it took them several years to replace me - at double the salary I was on.

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Are you sure obtaining power is cheap?

Grids are straining, generation is straining and local power distributors are straining (most street distribution was based on 400W to 1kW rolling average load per house depending on when it was installed. Adding heat pumps, EV charging and all the rest will push that well past exploding footpath territory(*) in short order even if battery powerwalls become the norm - and NO, most houses won't come close to balancing their consumption with solar panels on the roof)

(*) London's exploding footpaths are mostly overloaded distribution cables finally letting go

Let's hope that the government don't take a page from Brazil (the movie) and blame the creaky infrastructure's increasingly violent and more frequent failures on "terorrists"

There's a whole lotta spending coming and the fixation with renewables instead of nuclear is forcing massive redundant capacity to be overlaid to deal with rapidly changing flows instead of concentrating on getting ahead of the curve instead of simply playing catchup to "matching electrical generation" (We're going to need 4-6 times as much generation capacity (annualised TWh, not peak power) in most western countries and bringing developing countries up to speed will need even more investment, or else their increase in carbon emissions will vastly outweigh our reductions

I suspect minds will be strongly focussed once the Laptev Sea methane clathrate deposits blow out (it's already locked in, merely a matter of when) but if that kicks off a chain reaction then we can collectively put our heads between our legs and kiss our asses goodbye - humans can't survive in a planetary atmosphere reduced to 12% oxygen and nor can most other complex life (including virtually everything warm blooded).

Permian extinction V2.0 would be just as bad now as the first time around.

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Another Interpretation?

I can see Nvidia et al deciding they'd rather be headquartered somewhere else, just like AMSL is working on eliminating the last USA-sourced components from their optical rigs

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: One hour of nvidia 600kW

That depends if you can get the whole thing up to 88mph in less than a parking lot's length

2 in 5 techies quit over inflexible workplace policies

Alan Brown Silver badge

I've seen that sentiment a lot - the problem is that the people who leave aren't the ones the company wants made redundant

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: curious to see how they arrange it so that WFH boosts "a sense of community"

"if they like mirroring you by trying to sit on the laptop"

The one of mine that did it the most liked the warmth. Solved by giving her a real (older) laptop to sleep on

After three weeks of night shifts, very tired techie broke the UK’s phone network

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Risking their lives...

On the other hand, if the power did get them, they won't make that mistake again

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Communication is important

This is why fuel gauges and monitoring them matters

I've seen the opposite problem. The smell of 1000 litres of spilled diesel that's soaked into the ground takes a while to go away

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Recipe for disaster

There are two kinds of people:

Morning people

Those who want to kill Morning People

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Ditto

I had the same experience in my last job.

By all accounts things were "difficult" for them after I left, compounded by them taking more than 2 years to find a replacement "me" (and as I understand it, the replacements quitting after only a few months)

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Ditto

"and one poor guy pulling overtime (like they all did) "

And still do. Manglement always prioritise saving money (ie: not hiring people) over safety unless and until held personally accountable for decisions that have life-changing consequences

Even then they usually get away with tossing the unfortunate pleb under a passing Clapham Omnibus rather than admit they bear ultimate responsibility

Alan Brown Silver badge

It seems odd, given the telco culture of massive system redundancies

The telco I worked for never allowed critical hardware updates to be done solo, which meant you had someone along to make the tea whilst you worked

Weeks with a BBC Micro? Good enough to fix a mainframe, apparently

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: hot plug

Fuses are there to protect the WIRING from burning and nothing else

Glitchy taxi tech blew cover on steamy dispatch dalliance

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Not so much over a dispatch system, but....

Most of us know full well what they do. A rifle is cheaper, faster and vastly more humane than a pack of hounds and horses

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Hilarious

"she used the heel of her hand to select a button."

Which to be honest is ergonomically better than using fingers

User complained his mouse wasn’t working. But he wasn’t using a mouse

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: More mouse confusion tales

There are worse things to use

Back in the 80s Jif/Cif (the cream cleaner) made a big thing about not scratching surfaces

I knew from high school biology experiments on various substances (testing "with enzymes" claims of various products) that it has microfine abrasive in it (pumice)

A few years after high school I found the techs at our repair centre cleaning the whiteboards of the training annex during our pre-christmas cleanup - with Jif

Sure enough, the (VERY EXPENSIVE in the 1980s) porcelain coated magnetic whiteboards became nearly impossible to wipe clean of whiteboard marker during training sessions due to the myriad fine scratches in it. The only solution was..... "MORE JIF!"

As a result the boards were being changed out every 3-4 years at about £1000 a pop and whiteboards got a bad reputation for unreliability

If I said it was a telco people will probably understand the mentality at work during this period (demonstrating the abrasive existed didn't help nor did pointing to the manufacturer instructions that the best way to clean most whiteboards is warm soapy water with a dash of isopropyl if absolutely needed, or just about any ammonia-based glass cleaner)

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: What the heck kind of mouse... thick lenses

Sharp.... or hot

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Confused Mouse

That's on par with the old wheeze of taping the hookswitch down on someone's phone and then calling them

I once observed someone smash the phone during this prank - because it wouldn't stop ringing after he picked up the handset

France offers US scientists a safe haven from Trump's war on woke

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Jock centered societies

History is littered with the corpses of countries that put so much money into their military that everything else collapsed

The USA isn't the first to face that fate - it's well on the way, as the rapidly deteriorating civil infrastructure, health and education demonstrates

It's unlikely to be the last either

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Yes, come to France!

They integrated so well that they had a german-only political party in the USA - The German-American Bund

That party even had a gathering at Madison Square Gardens one evening in 1939, it's on Youtube as "A Night at the Gardens" and is worth looking up for the speeches

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: American Technology

There's the small issue of Puerto Rico and the Pacific territories to consider

It would indeed be highly ironic if Trump's posturing forced the USA to recognise PR as state #51

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: The UK should be paying attention

The sad fact for Britain is that thanks to US influence, all the political parties start at Thatcherism and move right from there

Meantime a guy whose policies were pretty much equivalent to Ted Heath's gets slammed as unelectable communism

FYI: An appeals court may kill a GNU GPL software license

Alan Brown Silver badge

Yes, but in most cases the breach has been egrarious and indisputable

What's at issue here is that the unalterable licence has been altered, with the plaintiff claiming that the license as originally issued was overly restrictive to their way of doing business and not legal under US law

I can't see how that will fly, but American courts have demonstrated over the last few decades that what matters most is who has the deepest pockets

As a lawyer friend of mine oft says "It's not a justice system. It's a LEGAL system. Assuming the law has anything to do with fairness or justice is a fundamental error"

Pirate Bay financier and far-right activist Carl Lundström dies in plane crash

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Rest in Peace

Media corps have been doing that for decades.

They allow a couple of exceptional individuals to make money but the vast majority end up retiring owing even more than when they started out via contractual relationships which would be characterised as modern slavery in any other segment

Politics is complex at the best of times, but the best way of describing how most media companies work is "What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine too". Hence the global coyright carveups, damaging periods of copyright protection and heritability of copyright without restrictions - which has already seen a couple of software author heirs pull critical code out of GPL and attempt to go for licensing fees from those using it

Major reform has been needed for a long time and one of the things that outfits like TPB were hoping to do was cause a critical mass in forcing that to happen

Frack to the future? Geothermal energy pitched as datacenter savior

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Geothermal is okay away from population centres

This is more or less what happened in Staufen, but water contamination of the anhydrite not far below the surface caused it to metamorphise to gypsum and that in turn caused ground heaving - somewhat of a problem when it happens under 500 year old stone/brick buildings

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Easy...

NOTHING that humans can do will affect large volcanoes one way or the other. The energies involved are far more than we can bring to bear (even a large nuke would only trigger an eruption if it was on the brink of blowing anyway)

Rest easy on that score. If it blows up it won't be because we caused it

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Easy...

So are arbitragers, due to the midpoint between North American and European bourses

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: risk of contamination that said fracking involves. Neither of which are an issue here

The problem with fracking is that it's expensive and when you do it for gas, what results is essentially a puff of vapour that doesn't last long

The USA "solved" this by exempting gas fracking operations from environmental requirements like requiring well liners to prevent aquifer cross-contamination and treating the fracking water before discharging it. To be honest the earth temblers are annoying but trivial - they're the absolute least of the problems caused by the American mindset (Living in Surrey UK it's been interesting to observe how ALL earth tremors have been blamed on oil fracking, when the quakes are much deeper in origin and more widely felt than can be explained by fracking activities. People tend to forget that even in a midplate area the crust is constantly moving/creeping and ground levels can easily heave by 50 feet or more just due to aquifer groundwater removal (eg: California Central Valley)

Geothermal fracking of the Eden Project sort is done at very deep levels and shouldn't result in earthquakes, however the mere fact of pumping down fluids and then having them percolate back up means they come back with whatever managed to dissolve into that fluid. This is usually toxic (eg: Arsenic and sulphuric acids at Wairakei)

We are jumping through a lot of very expensive hoops in order to avoid using nuclear power and whilst I understand the objections to water-moderated systems, they're still safer than every other form of energy generation and there ARE other safer technologies which are immune by design to every kind of covil nuclear accident we've seen (this was tested in 1965-69), but the problem with them is that anything which doesn't require enriched uranium essentially buggers the nuclear weapons industry(*) so cold warrior mentalities have (rather forcefully) kept them on the shelf until recently

The cold hard fact is that no matter how much magic pixie dust or ground up unicorn you apply to the equation, NONE of the renewables can bridge the gap between "approximately matching existing electricity generation capacity"(**) and the increase in capacity needed to fully decarbonise. The only way to bridge that gap is with nuclear power - If China's work on TMSR-LF1 pays off (it's a rebuild of the Oak Ridge work) then nuclear is suddenly 80% cheaper to build/maintain - which undercuts EVERYTHING and produces less than 1% of the waste currently being generated - PLUS is makes rare earth mining economic worldwide by providing a market for the single greatest waste product of that mining - thorium(+)

(*) Nobody is making U235 bombs. At around $16billion worth of materials apiece even today, it's cheaper to buy your enemy. Depleted uranium is neutron-bombarded to make weapons-grade plutonium and THAT is made into weapons. All the fuss about "uranium enrichment" is a three-cup-monty game to distract people from where the dangers really are (Yes, U235 implosion weapons were found to reduce the volume required by 90% but that still leaves a "fat man" size bomb which is hard to put on the end of a cruise missile and it's still cheaper to make plutonium weapons, which is why only 3 were tested before the designs were permanently shelved)

(**) In Britain that will require paving every rooftop with solar panels and planting forests of wind turbines with no regard to safety spacing from populated areas, both on land and in shallow waters, also requiring massive overbuilding of the electrical grid to handle massive decentralised generation and instantaneous large energy flow direction changes - something that would cost vastly more than 65-70 nuclear power plants

(+) China didn't corner the rare earth markets by having laxer environmental standards for their mines than rest-of-world. They did so by buying the thorium output of those mines over the last 25 years in anticipation of their nuclear power research paying off. That turned an expensive remediation problem into an income stream for the mine operators and kept them in business

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: risk of contamination that said fracking involves. Neither of which are an issue here

"Plus how long it'll take before useful heat is extracted from an area, and the rock has cooled to a point where the project becomes non-viable."

This is a big point that Geothermal advocates like to handwave away.

Rock is a VERY GOOD INSULATOR and with a few exceptions on top of magma chambers (eg: Iceland), the maximum extracted power of geothermal plants happens in the first year, with energy extraction tending to taper off relatively rapidly (a bit like fracked gas wells produce a lot of gas for a short period but dry up quickly, so to be a going concern you need to be constantly drilling new holes)

The other problem with geothermal is the same one with water-moderated nuclear power: It isn't hot enough

What I mean by that is that the fluid is only at about 350C or thereabouts - which is only hot enough to produce "wet" steam. Such steam will condense and form droplets in steam turbines which in turn cause major wear on the blades and subsequent very high engineering costs to maintaine them (lots of downtime, expensive parts, etc)

What's needed is dry or supercritical steam at 650C or higher. This makes for vastly more efficient energy conversion (greater delta-T along the turbine) as well as reducing impact wear on the blades to essentially zero

Regarding the cross-contamination of aquifers - yes, this is a very real concern and one addressed by using sealed well liners. One of the big USA problems is that they aren't required and that's why they have so many more issues than in other areas

Even WITHOUT fracking, geothermal extraction is rather fraught and risky for the immediate vicinity. New Zealand's Wairaki field drilling caused geothermal eruptions to pop up in a number of areas outside the exploration area - most notably "The Craters of the Moon" - That particular operation IS on top of an active magma chamber but still suffered a massive drop in output over time (only mitigated by drilling more holes) so even being on top of a "moving" heat source is no guarantee of long-term viability - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wairakei_Power_Station

I've seen geothermal advocates try and push for deeper holes but nothing solves the temperature and longevity issues. If you get to depths that are hot enough you're going to have lava coming up the drill holes - as has happened in Iceland

AI running out of juice despite Microsoft's hard squeezing

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: MS AI running out of steam?

"then you will get hit with the realisation that AI is not the best thing since sliced bread"

and then 2-5 years later we'll start seeing quiet announcements of things being facilitated by AI

It's a tool, not a universal panacea. It's already useful but people want flying cars so it's easy to sell hype hype for that. Remember: People once brushed their teeth with radium toothpaste because it was the new cure-all

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: What's the next boondoggle?

"France is at 22 minutes of power"

Not quite. The plasma has been maintained for 22 minutes, that's not the same as being over unity end to end (It's still impressive but practical Fusion is still as far off as it's ever been and those neutrons are problematic)

Need cash? Your IPv4 stash can now be collateral for $100M loans

Alan Brown Silver badge

Let me get this straight

IPv4 - which will eventually be turned off - is being used as loan collateral?

It's more valuable over time, until it isn't

Britain dusts off idle spectrum for rail and emergency comms

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Good idea, ruined

"* straitened"

See icon. It's the one with 4 foot wraparound sleeves

Meta blocked Distrowatch links on Facebook while running Linux servers

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Great Enshittening

The thing about adverts for illegal stuff (as with spam) is that for the most part the advertisers don't actually pay their bills

Controlling this kind of thing isn't a cost centre, it's revenue protection and they seem to have things farse about ace with their approach. It will cause them more long term damage too, as users either invest in ad filters or drop FB entirely

Remember, you can't spell advertisements without having semen between the tits

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: One step beyond...

You have a Facebook account whether you opened one or not. We established that happens over a decade ago

It's not so much opening one as claiming the profile that they already have on you

Quad goals: Meta proposes QLC SSDs as a new storage tier in datacenters

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Bad tradeoff

"It only makes sense for applications where reads outnumber writes by at least 10:1"

Which is 99.9% of all bulk storage applications in a bit barn. This is why the vast majority of data is stored on tape

Alan Brown Silver badge

Every QLC drive I've looked at already uses this strategy internally

The only thing keeping SSD pricing high at the moment is AI demand. Everyone says "bubble" and I hope they're right as this will bring things down to more reasonable rates (ie: in line with the density increase/cost decrease curve we all know and love)

China's bringing SHITLOADS of NAND memory production online. It doesn't need cutting edge fabs and the end result is that NAND is turning into bulk commodity product

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: And while they are at it, start using dual actuator tech

To be blunt, dual actuator is a problem looking for a solution. It adds complexity and power consumption whilst not addressing the fundamental limitations of HDDs in a meaningful way

By the time you factor in power consumption and endurance, QLC may end up being CHEAPER than HDDs. HAMR is a decade behind schedule and HDD densities are not increasing at anything near the rates for SSD

I'm sure Meta is getting its HDDs at a steep discount, but bit barns are increasingly the only niche large consumer of HDDs and sooner or later they won't be economic anymore. The question is whether bit barns dump HDDs first or HDD makers decide to get out of the racket

The ups and down of a virtual trip to the Moon in Zero G's 727

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: 737 not really suitable

The 757 is a very good fit for what they want. The airframe is ROBUST and the things are ridiculously overpowered by modern accounting standards.

Pilots love them because of the sheer power they have - stories of rapid climbs to altitude and then throttling down to cruise usually include being pressed hard to the seat and then feeling like you're about to be tossed out of said seat

Alan Brown Silver badge

737 not really suitable

737 engines have a low power/airframe ratio, resulting in them needing LONG runways and slow climb compared to 727 or 757

Whilst one _could_ be used as a parabola-flier, there would be such a long gap between arcs that productivity would be badly affected

Parts may be an issue for the 727, but the driving reason why they use it is simple: It was cheap to acquire and convert - and that's because it was end of commercial life

FWIW Airbus has been looking at this issue for a while to support ESA requirements

Developer sabotaged ex-employer with kill switch activated when he was let go

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: What?

I'f you've ever had to interact with Eaton products, this really shouldn't be a surprise

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Not a very bright boy...

Think being the operative word

You'd know that if you've ever had to interact with Eaton software

101 fun things to do with a locked Kindle e-reader

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Overzealous protection of 'content' is counterproductive

> the latter ploy arising because they acquiesce to the demands of publishers/makers for geographical division of 'rights'

It's worth noting that the Copyright Cartels (all based out of London) are one of the few Empire entities which haven't been stomped on by modern global trading rules

I say "empire" because most of the regional carveups are based on 19th century European empire territories. It leads to such inanity as American magazines (which are printed with a cover date 3 months out) arriving in Australia/NZ via London, 3 months AFTER the cover date at 8-10 times the American cover price and with very spotty quantities (some months simply fail to show up at all)

There are similar attitudes and restrictions in EMEA supply agreements which bear zero relation to modern shipping patterns and invariably the common factor of EMEA agencies is "let's gouge the clients for as much as they can bear" - prior to Internet distribution it wasn't unusual for software to cost 20 times the USA figure in Au/NZ and one could take a first class flight from Auckland to LA, stay in a five-star hotel for a week and purchase a top end Apple Mac, then return to Kiwiland with said Mac and STILL save 25% over the local purchase price

Copyright cartels have managed to control lawmakers for a long time, which is both bad for consumers and in the long term, bad for them. Piracy is rampant mostly BECAUSE of their shady practices, not despite it

Eutelsat in talks with Euro leaders as they mull Starlink replacement in Ukraine

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Hmm

At the rate Putin is going, Russia is likely to be reduced to a few oblasts around Moscow and St Petersberg

There are increasingly loud voices advocating that various members of the Russian Federation (Commonwealth of Independent States) become EX members of that federation. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see 20-30 new flags flying outside UN headquarters within the next 15 years (if not sooner)

Putin: Making Russia Small Again

More Voyager instruments shut down to eke out power supplies

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: I could only wish my work lasted that long

"They don't write code like they used to"

Yes they do. The filter of time applied: 99% of everything is garbage and the old stuff you see today is merely what survived longest

One example is victorian housing. The stuff that people point as as "built to last" was specifically built to much higher standards than were normal, mainly for use as low cost housing. The old and ornate piles (mansions) you see have a LOT of issues and need huge amounts of money invested to keep them falling down because for the most part they weren't meant to stand more than 50 years (one place I worked in had the entire back wall bowing by over a foot (3 floors) out due to the builders cutting corners in the 1870s and needed work to keep it standing which would have been more than a new BUILDING)

The classic extreme example is the Brighton Pavilion. It's eggshell fragile due to the cheap and cheerful method of construction but shows the adage that the richer people are, the less they tend to care about longevity (See: Luxury Cars)

Oh Brother. Printer giant denies dirty toner tricks as users cry foul

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: HP is the way to go?

That's what happens when you wipe the wheels down with old ink and let it age. You'll get different hallucinations depending on the colour used

Alan Brown Silver badge

Why bother?

Given the cost of laser printers and the fact that seldom-used inkjets end up with serious quality issues (crystallised ink in the jets) which usually require ink-heavy purge routines(*), why would anyone bother with buying inkjets in this day and age unless they have very specific use cases?(**)

(*) Going heavy on the purge routine is a staple go-to for manufacturers when non-OEM cartridges are detected. No print quality issues but your cheap cartridges have to be replaced N times more often than the OEM ones

(**) Usually cases which justify continuous ink systems and commercial grade printers anyway. The consumer printers are mostly nasty toys and have been for a while.

The rise of tablets and phablets has seen a "need" for printing to fall off a cliff. These days it's mostly for long term archival use and ink is an expensive way to do that