Stay Puft
Please tell me I am not the only one who visualised these as the Stay Puft Marshmallow man from Ghostbusters? Can we use 1 Stay Puft as the standard unit of measurement for Fatbergs?
Based on Wikipedia, he is 34.3m tall (I thought he would be taller) and I estimate based my highly scientific approach of holding a ruler up against the picture on my screen that he is around 19.5m wide at his widest. If he follows the UK/US average body sizes I believe he will have a ratio of 1:1.41 depth to width. Therefore he is likely to be 13.8m deep, presuming he follows the ratio consistently and acknowledging he is not likely to be as restricted by musculoskeletal requirements as you and I.
So based on a total potential volume of 9230 cubic metres, I have at a wild guess assumed that his only fills 60% of that cube due to his shape which leaves 5538 cubic metres.
For the instances noted that would give us the following (supposedly 1 cubic metre of beef tallow fat weighs 865kg)
- London would be roughly 46 cubic metres (does anyone know what it actually was in volume?) which is only 0.0083 of a Stay Puft Marshmallow Man (SPMM).
- Whitechapel would be roughly 150 cubic metres (which based on a length of 250m might be close). That would be 0.027 SPMM.
- Devon (using El Reg's prior estimate of 34 tonnes, based only on length, not volume) would be roughly 39 cubic metres or 0.0070 SPMM
Hmm that worked out less than I was hoping, I will have to introduce Inflatable Model Stay Puft Marshmallow Man (IMSPMM) to make the standard measurement easier for the layman to use. Anyone willing to measure volume of one ;-)
Anon or I would have to admit how much work time I now have to make up....