Re: Replace tape
@ Zippy's Sausage Factory
This is a little bit off-topic, but still relates to tapes...
Way back in the mid 80's I was in school in Los Angeles to be a recording engineer. Our school had a very high end recording studio. Some of us that had earned the trust of our professor were allowed access to the studio on off hours. We had friends with bands that wanted to record demos to send in to record companies (those were the days).
The problem was that reels of 2-inch tape were very expensive for us poor students. A reel of good quality tape could be as much as $200-300. Our professor told us where to get really good tape for cheap. He explained that the high-end recording studios sell reels of "used" tape for really cheap. The reason is that when well known bands come in to record an album, they run many takes of the same song. Since they are paying thousands of dollars per hour to use the studio, they just keep grabbing new reels of tape. When the project is over, the studio bulk erases the tape, and sells them off cheap.
A friend and fellow student had some friends of his that wanted to record a few demos. So, he went and bought a few reels of this used tape. We arrange to use the studio ofter class one afternoon. His friends aren't quite there yet, so we start getting things ready in the control room. I take one of the reels and start loading it up on our 24-track deck. I notice that a bunch of the VU meters twitch as I'm winding the tape onto the take-up reel. We both look at each other, and realize this tape wasn't erased. So, we quickly re-patch the console for playback instead of recording.
We start listening to the tracks, and make a rough mix. As we are listening we're thinking we've never heard this song before, and are trying to figure out who is the band. About this time Richard's friends show up. They come into the control room and say "Cool.. The Bangles... where did you get this?" It turns out we had an un-released song.
There was one mostly usable take on the tape. We quickly unloaded the tape and put it away. I don't know what Richard ever did with the tape. These days, we could have done a decent mix-down, and posted it on the net. We were both too honest do anything unscrupulous with the tape. It would be quite an artifact to have these days, however.