Apple? Locking customers in?
Apple? Locking customers in to their ecosystem? Shurely shome mishtake?
The demands on El Reg reader's fainting couches will surely be huge this morning! ;-)
On a more serious note although my on-call phone is an iPhone I've never really bothered doing anything about backups.
On my personal Android phone it's a doddle to use other storage systems for backing up photos, videos etc - in fact it's felt at times like every other app wants to do it. I think I currently have both Google Photos and Flickr backing up my photos. I recall OneDrive, Dropbox (when I used it) and others also offering.
Is this a permissions thing where Apple make it difficult - if not impossible - to do? Or is it a guidelines & policy thing where Apple discourage apps from offering the service, like they don't want alternative payment options?
Because I'm actually a little surprised that this could be a genuine complaint. As I said, on Android backing up such things to somewhere else has been the norm for almost as long as I've been using Android. So I'm genuinely curious to hear iOS user's opinions and experiences...