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"Extremely fast rod that catches fish at record speeds! -It even has racing wings!"


The Rapid Rod, as the name suggests, is a rod in Fisch capable of catching fish at a very fast rate. With a Lure Speed of 72%, players are able to catch a fish within 7 clicks of the shake UI.

However, the Rapid Rod has Luck and Resilience stats of -20% along with a low Max Kg of 700, making it unsuitable for deep-sea fishing and catching mythic fish such as the Colossal Squid. Higher-rarity fishes will move rapidly across the fishing bar, proving to be a challenge for many players.


The Rapid Rod can be obtained for C$14,000 in Roslit Bay. It is located near the Roslit Blacksmith, Alfie, in the same area where the Steady Rod and the Fortune Rod can be found.


  • The Rapid Rod is best used for mid-game progression only. The best location to fish using the rod is Harvesters Spike, where there is an abundance of Bluefin Tuna.
    • Though, one might struggle catching the mentioned fish, as the Rapid Rod's low resilience make even 'Unusual' fish hard to catch.
  • The Rapid Rod is recommended to be skipped, as other mid-game rods such as the Steady Rod and Nocturnal Rod outperform it.
  • If the player has the Hasty enchant or is using Rapid Catchers (bait), the Rapid Rod can lure fish immediately after casting, without having to "shake" the rod.
  • The Hasty Enchantment however, works better as Rapid Catchers will make fish harder to catch, owing to a further resilience reduction of 15%. Still, it is not recommended to spend money to enchant this rod due to its obsolescence in the long run.