2007年 05月 15日
Re Earthquake-Resistance Data Fake Scandal: Every internal whistle-blower is in a way a conspirator
Since early this March, when I noticed "BBC WTC7 Demolition Preview Scandal", I've entirely sticked at British origin news and blogs, and to some extent came to know the corrupt status of present British government, specifically her intelligence community. Recently I've found some interesting articles below and my concern become huge.
1. Hookers, spies, cases full of dollars...how BP spent £45m to win 'Wild East' oil rights (Daily Mail, 2007-05-12)
2. BP chief and ex-boyfriend: full text of judgment (TIMESONLINE, 2007-05-01)
3. Ban on 'war stories' follows day of retreat at Whitehall (scotsman.com, 2007-04-11)

Faye Turney, the only woman among the 15 freed hostages.
Picture: Bruno Vincent/Getty Images
If you have some spare time, I recommend you to read them. I believe that at lease the first is must read. It had appeared early in the morning of May 1st on the Daily Mail and was pulled out soon afterward. This alone shows how large the impact of the news for them. Fortunately there exist many sites which reserve the copy. Quotes from prisonplanet.com: "If correct, this story could bring down the entire British government which is probably why it was immediately subject to a D notice - a British government order to censor a story. Look out for a big story on this tomorrow."
This is a great scandal revealing that BP executives working for MI6 and Lord Browne, the ex-chief executive officer of BP (see the second story), spent millions of pounds on champagne-fuelled sex parties to help secure lucrative international oil contracts. This story came into public by an BP engineer, Les Abrahams who worked for BP in 1991-1994.
The following is as usual an excerpt from a dialog at certain blog. We did not discuss the issue itself but mostly talked on the credibility of the informants in general. I recalled "Earthquake-Resistance Data Fake Scandal" in 2006 in our country and pointed out the intricate situation that an informant is himself always a co-partner of the scandal. Our subject implicitly refers to the personality of Richard Tomlinson, the proclaimed administrator of the very blog and the ex-MI6 operative.
susan said...
"Hookers, spies, cases full of dollars...how BP spent £45m to win 'Wild East' oil rights "
Am I wrong to assume this was all done before Russia went capitalist?
I can see why they would spend so much to get what they wanted. It was safer than murder or war, but still wrong. It could have been another war like in Iraq if it were handled differently.
If all these supposed mafia members were visitors to under cover operations, then why weren't they arrested? They obviously work for the UK as snitches. It's hard when your government doesn't know wrong from right. That's the kind of mentality they get when they start thinking pediphiling should be legal for them, white-slavery should be legal for them, and violating the trusts of businesses through out all of Europe to build up who they want to create as their rich should be legal for them. They have no morals, but expect their civilian residents to walk a tight rope or be arrested and charged with some rediculous charge.
Brown was well aware of all of it, so if he is going to say he was never a part of it and expect everyone to believe him, he is crazy.
13 May 2007 11:54
babalabo said...
You are absolutely right, Susan.
Every internal whistle-blower is in a way a conspirator. We have to recognize the reality. Accordingly it is rather hard to convince others without confessing his own misdeed. But in many cases the man behaves like a man on the side of angels. This makes things always very complicated, obscure and incredible.
13 May 2007 12:45
susan said...
" But in many cases the man behaves like a man on the side of angels. This makes things always very complicated, obscure and incredible. "
I know what you are saying and I hope it could be true. If anything, it shows he will make a deserate attempt to solve a problem before going to war! LOL. I don't think it was a moral way to handle it being it involved lots of prostitutes and probably drugs, but better than making war with a big country and losing many soldiers.
Angels can show themselves in all walks of life, and I hope he has one that is leading the UK to better themselves rather bury themselves.
13 May 2007 18:49
babalabo said...
"But in many cases the man behaves like a man on the side of angels. This makes things always very complicated, obscure and incredible."
With respect to this paragraph I clearly implied both cases of Les Abrahams and Richard Tomlinson. Although I've not yet got any conclusion for Tomlinson case.
"Earthquake-Resistance Strength Fake Data Scandal" rampaged in the media all through the last year. Togo Fujita, ex-president of building inspection agency eHomes Inc., first reported the data falsification by a registered architect to the Land, Infrastructure and Transport Ministry and made the scandal public. The fraud is very fundamental and perceived as of bottomless spread. He acted as a great whistle-blower and was accepted as a hero by the public, specifically in the blog-sphere. He appeared in TV shows so many times, published appeals in popular blogs, made a press-conference at The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan, further he dared to storm to the office of Prime Minister with a letter of his direct plea.
Obviously the origin of the problem is the privatization of the function of public building inspection, i.e., part of so called globalization or neo-liberalism. It was observed that some of major donors of the Prime Minister were involved with the scandal. In the progress of prosecution at least three persons died in suspicious manner including a newspaper reporter who had been pursueing the true cause. After all several participators were arrested and convicted including Mr. Fujita himself. A small ritual modification of the law passed the congress, while it left behind hundreds of people who lost their housings and still charged with a huge amount of loans as the buildings admitted to be infringing the regulations were doomed to be destroyed.

A very sad but not unusual ending. IMHO the fault of the opponents was that they could not perceive that complicated role of the star, Mr. Fujita, who was arrested on suspicion of falsifying his company's financial documents before acquiring official government certification as an inspector. This is a so-called "show money" to fake the amount of capital, ordinarily perceived as a relatively minor offense. However the point is that the largest benefiter was none other than Fujita and his company above all. After the privatization of building inspection, constructors and architects simply select the cheapest and fastest agency for the procedure, and eHomes just fitted. The company rose to the top agency in the country in a few years from a small venture local company.
What's the lesson from this? I do not have the answer yet.
14 May 2007 04:22
Trail to the epicenter of faulty math (The Japan Times, 2006-05-13)
Japanese construction frauds are accused, but the Japanese media remains silent. (嗚呼、負け犬の遠吠え日記(旧館), 2006-10-24)
藤田社長からの最新メッセージ (きっこのブログ, 2006-11-07)
アパ疑惑について(馬淵議員の不易塾より) (反戦は家づくり, 2007-03-28)
権力による不正に立ち向かう男、藤田社長を応援しよう! (カナダde日本語, 2006-10-20)
Blog Ranking Thanks in Advance.
1. Hookers, spies, cases full of dollars...how BP spent £45m to win 'Wild East' oil rights (Daily Mail, 2007-05-12)
2. BP chief and ex-boyfriend: full text of judgment (TIMESONLINE, 2007-05-01)
3. Ban on 'war stories' follows day of retreat at Whitehall (scotsman.com, 2007-04-11)

Picture: Bruno Vincent/Getty Images
If you have some spare time, I recommend you to read them. I believe that at lease the first is must read. It had appeared early in the morning of May 1st on the Daily Mail and was pulled out soon afterward. This alone shows how large the impact of the news for them. Fortunately there exist many sites which reserve the copy. Quotes from prisonplanet.com: "If correct, this story could bring down the entire British government which is probably why it was immediately subject to a D notice - a British government order to censor a story. Look out for a big story on this tomorrow."
This is a great scandal revealing that BP executives working for MI6 and Lord Browne, the ex-chief executive officer of BP (see the second story), spent millions of pounds on champagne-fuelled sex parties to help secure lucrative international oil contracts. This story came into public by an BP engineer, Les Abrahams who worked for BP in 1991-1994.
The following is as usual an excerpt from a dialog at certain blog. We did not discuss the issue itself but mostly talked on the credibility of the informants in general. I recalled "Earthquake-Resistance Data Fake Scandal" in 2006 in our country and pointed out the intricate situation that an informant is himself always a co-partner of the scandal. Our subject implicitly refers to the personality of Richard Tomlinson, the proclaimed administrator of the very blog and the ex-MI6 operative.
susan said...
"Hookers, spies, cases full of dollars...how BP spent £45m to win 'Wild East' oil rights "
Am I wrong to assume this was all done before Russia went capitalist?
I can see why they would spend so much to get what they wanted. It was safer than murder or war, but still wrong. It could have been another war like in Iraq if it were handled differently.
If all these supposed mafia members were visitors to under cover operations, then why weren't they arrested? They obviously work for the UK as snitches. It's hard when your government doesn't know wrong from right. That's the kind of mentality they get when they start thinking pediphiling should be legal for them, white-slavery should be legal for them, and violating the trusts of businesses through out all of Europe to build up who they want to create as their rich should be legal for them. They have no morals, but expect their civilian residents to walk a tight rope or be arrested and charged with some rediculous charge.
Brown was well aware of all of it, so if he is going to say he was never a part of it and expect everyone to believe him, he is crazy.
13 May 2007 11:54
babalabo said...
You are absolutely right, Susan.
Every internal whistle-blower is in a way a conspirator. We have to recognize the reality. Accordingly it is rather hard to convince others without confessing his own misdeed. But in many cases the man behaves like a man on the side of angels. This makes things always very complicated, obscure and incredible.
13 May 2007 12:45
susan said...
" But in many cases the man behaves like a man on the side of angels. This makes things always very complicated, obscure and incredible. "
I know what you are saying and I hope it could be true. If anything, it shows he will make a deserate attempt to solve a problem before going to war! LOL. I don't think it was a moral way to handle it being it involved lots of prostitutes and probably drugs, but better than making war with a big country and losing many soldiers.
Angels can show themselves in all walks of life, and I hope he has one that is leading the UK to better themselves rather bury themselves.
13 May 2007 18:49
babalabo said...
"But in many cases the man behaves like a man on the side of angels. This makes things always very complicated, obscure and incredible."
With respect to this paragraph I clearly implied both cases of Les Abrahams and Richard Tomlinson. Although I've not yet got any conclusion for Tomlinson case.
"Earthquake-Resistance Strength Fake Data Scandal" rampaged in the media all through the last year. Togo Fujita, ex-president of building inspection agency eHomes Inc., first reported the data falsification by a registered architect to the Land, Infrastructure and Transport Ministry and made the scandal public. The fraud is very fundamental and perceived as of bottomless spread. He acted as a great whistle-blower and was accepted as a hero by the public, specifically in the blog-sphere. He appeared in TV shows so many times, published appeals in popular blogs, made a press-conference at The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan, further he dared to storm to the office of Prime Minister with a letter of his direct plea.
Obviously the origin of the problem is the privatization of the function of public building inspection, i.e., part of so called globalization or neo-liberalism. It was observed that some of major donors of the Prime Minister were involved with the scandal. In the progress of prosecution at least three persons died in suspicious manner including a newspaper reporter who had been pursueing the true cause. After all several participators were arrested and convicted including Mr. Fujita himself. A small ritual modification of the law passed the congress, while it left behind hundreds of people who lost their housings and still charged with a huge amount of loans as the buildings admitted to be infringing the regulations were doomed to be destroyed.

What's the lesson from this? I do not have the answer yet.
14 May 2007 04:22
Trail to the epicenter of faulty math (The Japan Times, 2006-05-13)
Japanese construction frauds are accused, but the Japanese media remains silent. (嗚呼、負け犬の遠吠え日記(旧館), 2006-10-24)
藤田社長からの最新メッセージ (きっこのブログ, 2006-11-07)
アパ疑惑について(馬淵議員の不易塾より) (反戦は家づくり, 2007-03-28)
権力による不正に立ち向かう男、藤田社長を応援しよう! (カナダde日本語, 2006-10-20)
Blog Ranking Thanks in Advance.
by exod-US
| 2007-05-15 02:52
| 政治テロルと全体主義