2007年 05月 09日
Queen Elizabeth || visited the ommonwealth of Virginia and met survivors of the VT massacre, why?
The queen visited Virginia on May 3 after a half-century and met privately with some survivors and the families of the victims of the April 16 shooting. The state was the first plantation of Great Britain in America (400 years ago) and the commonwealth of Virginia is named for the Virgin Queen, Elizabeth I. Accordingly it might be that on her visit the queen showed her potential sovereignty/responsibility on her royal domain and her intention/regret to protect her subjects. Britain is very sensitive in such a matter not to mention the Falkland war case.
Unification Church has deeply infiltrated the land Virginia. Liberty University is a Christian liberal arts university in Lynchburg, founded by Jerry Falwell, the leader of Moral Majority Movement, in 1971, the largest private university in Virginia with 25,000 students on campus and another 25,000 in the Distance Learning Program. In '90 the school was on the bring of bankruptcy and in 1994 a great amount of money as estimated as 75 million dollars from Moon was poured into the school through Women's Federation for World Peace, a front affiliate of Unification Church.

The message in the performance of the queen is apparent, "Don't behave like that in my land", wasn't it? Just a fantasy. I think MI6 is busy for now in Palestine at BBC reporter abduction case. On the other side it is said that CIA has newly employed 15000 people since Sept. 11, 2001.
Unification Church has deeply infiltrated the land Virginia. Liberty University is a Christian liberal arts university in Lynchburg, founded by Jerry Falwell, the leader of Moral Majority Movement, in 1971, the largest private university in Virginia with 25,000 students on campus and another 25,000 in the Distance Learning Program. In '90 the school was on the bring of bankruptcy and in 1994 a great amount of money as estimated as 75 million dollars from Moon was poured into the school through Women's Federation for World Peace, a front affiliate of Unification Church.

by exod-US
| 2007-05-09 01:28
| 偽メシア文鮮明と統一教会