10 Themes

Oct. 1st, 2015 09:17 pm
[personal profile] passionfruit
5 for Basic Boxes, 5 for Crisped )

Oh, before I forget. Could one of the mods remove the "needs CLA" tag from these two entries of mine? Thanks!
[personal profile] zaluzianskya
I have a CLA on file under my old username (ketsu).

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ninetydegrees: Art: face with a colored stripe over one eye (Default)
[personal profile] ninetydegrees
Edit: these are now live and can be selected from Customize Style. Original layers and pics are no longer available.

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ninetydegrees: Art: cute piggie waving hello (hi)
[personal profile] ninetydegrees
Edit: these are now live and can be selected from Customize Style. Original layers and pics are no longer available.

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[personal profile] zaluzianskya
First of all, these are all fixed-width (800 pixels wide). [staff profile] denise said that was all right here. Well... actually she said it would be all right to have one fixed-width layout, but I already had all three of these in progress when I asked. :x If three is too many then just feel free to pick one, I guess (I'm fond of Reliable and LomL). (And if three isn't too many, I have several more potential header images I can use...)

Theme name/layout: Sun Goes Down
Author: [personal profile] zaluzianskya
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=716948
Layout source: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=716948
Image info: Header image from [community profile] skylark_photos (who should already have a CLA on file)

Theme name/layout: Reliable
Author: [personal profile] zaluzianskya
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=716958
Layout source: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=716958
Image info: [community profile] skylark_photos

Theme name/layout: Damselfly
Author: [personal profile] zaluzianskya
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=716964
Layout source: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=716964
Image info: [community profile] skylark_photos

Edit: Three more, and one of them is fluid width!

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forthwritten: looking up through a tree's branches and leaves against a blue sky (the trees they grow high)
[personal profile] forthwritten
Theme name: the trees, the forest
Theme info: Layout info // Layout source // Preview

Theme name: city spring
Theme info: Layout info // Layout source // Preview

Theme name: beach hut
Theme info: Layout info // Layout source // Preview

ETA: One more

Theme name: all flowers in time
Theme info: Layout info // Layout source // Preview // Image info
timeasmymeasure: kerry washington with a rose held right below her lips (Default)
[personal profile] timeasmymeasure
theme name/layout: foggy beach / lefty
layout: info || source || preview

theme name/layout: glossalia / lefty
layout: info || source || preview

theme name/layout: foggy beach / patsy
layout: info || source || preview

theme name/layout: glossalia / patsy
layout: info || source || preview
timeasmymeasure: corrine bailey ray with flowers in her hair (corrine: flowers in my hair)
[personal profile] timeasmymeasure
Name: Sensibility
Author: [personal profile] timeasmymeasure
Layout Submission Type: CSS layout based off Tabula Rasa
Images: No images
Notes: CSS currently only works with "2 column sidebar right" but please feel free to fix that and anything else that needs fixing/changing.







rosecarmine: (Default)
[personal profile] rosecarmine
Name: Easel
Author: [personal profile] rosecarmine
Image info:  recoloured patterns from subtlepatterns (license), metadata, tag images by p.yusukekamiyamane.com (license)

Layout layer: Info | Source | Syntax Highlighted
Theme layer: Info | Source | Syntax Highlighted | Preview
dancing_serpent: (Default)
[personal profile] dancing_serpent
layout: Ciel
author: [personal profile] dancing_serpent

Dried Flowers / Preview
Marble IV / Preview
Quasar / Preview
Rose Garden I / Preview
Rose Garden II / Preview

Trying to get my feet wet again, getting back into things with recycled colours.


dreamscapes: Sheep holding a paint brush and dreaming of Dreamwidth (Default)

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