cesy: "Cesy" - An old-fashioned quill and ink (Default)
[personal profile] cesy
Theme name/layout: Starry Night (Modular)
Author: [personal profile] cesy
Layout info: Source code / Preview
Image info: By [community profile] skylark_photos, who offered it in the graphics post.
cesy: "Cesy" - An old-fashioned quill and ink (Default)
[personal profile] cesy
Name: Collapsed / Purple and Grey
Author: Cesy
Layout ID: Style / Source / Preview

It's the one I'm currently using, anyway, and I think it's fairly different from some of the other public ones, particularly with the collapsed reading page.

Can anyone help me turn it into something that can go into Bugzilla, please?
cesy: "Cesy" - An old-fashioned quill and ink (Default)
[personal profile] cesy
Theme name/layout: Bases / Light on Dark
Author: [personal profile] cesy
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=77277
Image info: None
Preview: http://cesy.dreamwidth.org/?s2id=90493

I can't find a setting for the subtitle text colour or the page title background colour. Any ideas? This currently means that both the journal subtitle and "Recent Entries"/"Tags"/whatever are invisible. Fixed.
cesy: "Cesy" - An old-fashioned quill and ink (Default)
[personal profile] cesy
Theme name/layout: Tranquility III / Light on Dark
Author: [personal profile] cesy
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=77253
Image info: None
Preview: http://cesy.dreamwidth.org/?s2id=90676

I think this is done, but it should probably be tested by someone else.
Now tested and fixed; thanks [personal profile] turlough!
cesy: "Cesy" - An old-fashioned quill and ink (Default)
[personal profile] cesy
Theme name/layout: ColorSide / Light on Dark
Author: [personal profile] cesy
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=77092
Image info: None
Preview: http://cesy.dreamwidth.org/?s2id=90525

There isn't an image with this. That's deliberate, so users can pick their own or leave it blank.
cesy: Computer geek - Maria. Lots of 1s and 0s in techie colours. (Maria)
[personal profile] cesy
Theme name/layout: Negatives / Light on Dark
Author: [personal profile] cesy
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=77107
Image info: None
Preview: http://cesy.dreamwidth.org/?s2id=90539

Looking at the navigation module across the top, the hover colour only seems to work on "Memories". None of the other menu items change colour on hover. Why is this happening? - now in Bugzilla.

Also, the tags page has just the pale grey background, not the dark background I used for the entries. How can I get a dark background on the tags page, so it's readable, without losing the grey on Recent Entries? - fixed for this theme, though the bug should also go in Bugzilla.
cesy: "Cesy" - An old-fashioned quill and ink (Default)
[personal profile] cesy
Theme name/layout: Boxes and Borders / Light on Dark
Author: [personal profile] cesy
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=76731
Image info: None
Preview: http://cesy.dreamwidth.org/?s2id=90145

Entry border colour is apparently used as the background for the navigation module at the top. Could these be separated, please?

The background for days without entries in the calendar module in the sidebar is apparently the page border colour. Could this be clarified or separated, please?

"Top of page" at the bottom of the page is invisible against a white footer. How can I correct it? I've set the footer background colour but it doesn't seem to affect it. - now in Bugzilla.
cesy: "Cesy" - An old-fashioned quill and ink (Default)
[personal profile] cesy
Theme name/layout: Drifting / Light on Dark
Author: [personal profile] cesy
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=76717
Image info: None
Preview: http://cesy.dreamwidth.org/?s2id=90132

The header image on this is replaced by a white box. I can't find the setting to change it to another colour. If anyone can help with that, that would great. It looks okay even without, though, so probably still worth creating to give more choice of light-on-dark styles, and a better header can be found later.
cesy: "Cesy" - An old-fashioned quill and ink (Default)
[personal profile] cesy
Theme name/layout: Funky Circles / Light on Dark
Author: [personal profile] cesy
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=76707
Image info: Uses images from Funky Circles / Dark Purple (specified in the layout info).

Ideally this needs the image converting as well, but it looks okay as-is.

Edit: I've now fixed this to use the Dark Purple images, so it's ready for testing and submission.


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