🕚 ([personal profile] passionfruit) wrote in [site community profile] dreamscapes2016-01-21 10:44 pm

13 Themes

Basic Boxes
Theme name/layout: Cherry Lips / Basic Boxes
Author: [personal profile] passionfruit
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layerbrowse?id=755487
Layout source: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=755487

Theme name/layout: Hungry Bunny / Basic Boxes
Author: [personal profile] passionfruit
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layerbrowse?id=755509
Layout source: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=755509

Theme name/layout: Lazarus / Basic Boxes
Author: [personal profile] passionfruit
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layerbrowse?id=755496
Layout source: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=755496

Theme name/layout: Not My Fault / Basic Boxes
Author: [personal profile] passionfruit
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layerbrowse?id=755518
Layout source: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=755518

Theme name/layout: Out in the Garden / Basic Boxes
Author: [personal profile] passionfruit
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layerbrowse?id=755505
Layout source: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=755505

Theme name/layout: Scaled Down / Basic Boxes
Author: [personal profile] passionfruit
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layerbrowse?id=755514
Layout source: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=755514

Dusty Foot
Theme name/layout: Hungry Bunny / Dusty Foot
Author: [personal profile] passionfruit
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layerbrowse?id=755523
Layout source: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=755523

Planet Caravan
Theme name/layout: A Little Blue / Planet Caravan
Author: [personal profile] passionfruit
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layerbrowse?id=755530
Layout source: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=755530

Theme name/layout: Hungry Bunny / Planet Caravan
Author: [personal profile] passionfruit
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layerbrowse?id=755520
Layout source: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=755520

Theme name/layout: Lazarus / Planet Caravan
Author: [personal profile] passionfruit
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layerbrowse?id=755526
Layout source: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=755526

Theme name/layout: Out in the Garden / Planet Caravan
Author: [personal profile] passionfruit
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layerbrowse?id=755524
Layout source: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=755524

Theme name/layout: Stormy Night Memory/ Planet Caravan
Author: [personal profile] passionfruit
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layerbrowse?id=755531
Layout source: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=755531

Theme name/layout: The Tower / Planet Caravan
Author: [personal profile] passionfruit
Layout info: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layerbrowse?id=755532
Layout source: http://www.dreamwidth.org/customize/advanced/layersource?id=755532

Also might be kind of interested in learning to patch themes. Help?
turlough: white vase with pink tulips and salix branches ((other) i love tulips)

[personal profile] turlough 2016-01-22 06:42 pm (UTC)(link)
I like the Hungry Bunny theme, particularly the way it looks in Dusty Foot. And the Planet Caravan themes are all very pretty.
kareila: (Default)

[personal profile] kareila 2016-01-23 08:26 pm (UTC)(link)
If we don't have a how-to for patching themes somewhere already, let me know and I can try to write one.
ninetydegrees: Art: face with a colored stripe over one eye (Default)

[personal profile] ninetydegrees 2016-01-26 12:13 pm (UTC)(link)
Yep, you'd want this section: http://wiki.dwscoalition.org/notes/Newbie_Guide_for_People_Patching_Styles#Adding_a_new_color_theme

And I would be happy to help you! If you're familiar with GitHub then it's just a matter of copying the code into the right place (and making a screenshot if you can). Otherwise there's also a guide to set you up (and would still be happy to help with this too :).
Edited (oops) 2016-01-26 12:13 (UTC)
kareila: Taking refuge from falling debris under a computer desk. (computercrash)

[personal profile] kareila 2016-01-26 06:13 pm (UTC)(link)
Thanks for letting me know about the wiki issue, it's fixed now.