foxfirefey: A guy looking ridiculous by doing a fashionable posing with a mouse, slinging the cord over his shoulders. (geek)
[personal profile] foxfirefey
I don't know if this is the proper thing to do, but I have a suggestion for Ciel! Basically, it has a min-height for comments, which is fine, but when it comes to collapsed comments, I feel it's a bit excessive and gets in the way.

If we change this:

.comment {
    min-height: 138px;

To this so the min-height only targets the full comments:

.comment-wrapper.full .comment {
    min-height: 138px;

I feel like it would improve things greatly--there is enough padding in the collapsed comment areas to keep it from being too crowded, and not having 100 or so pixels of extra space around each collapsed comment really helps out in scanning them to see the flow of conversation.
rising: a moon (the cadre: moon)
[personal profile] rising
I made more. The preview on Five Hundred Wishes isn't working right now but I'm not sure WTF I DID to it, so if someone can tell me what I did wrong, I'll fix it and such.

Theme name/layout: Winter Magic // Practicality
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Theme name/layout: Five Hundred Wishes // Practicality
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Theme name/layout: Certain Frogs // Paletteable
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Theme name/layout: Vinyl // Paletteable
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rising: a kitty with very piercing eyes (the cadre: kitty eyes)
[personal profile] rising
This is what happens when I can't sleep. Apparently.

Theme: They Corrupt // Paletteable
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Theme: Her Eyes // Paletteable
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Theme: Suitcase // Paletteable
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rising: paper chain of figures and one is burning at screen right (the cadre: paperchain)
[personal profile] rising
I made themes. Five of them. Kinda reused colours on two of them. Might do more soon.

Theme: Full Sky // Paletteable
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Theme: Like Light // Paletteable
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Theme: Rocket // Paletteable
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Theme: Slowing Down // Paletteable
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Theme: Untouchable // Paletteable
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dreamscapes: Sheep holding a paint brush and dreaming of Dreamwidth (Default)

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