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"The Richest Duck in the World!" is the forty-seventh episode of DuckTales. It premiered on September 11, 2019 and is the twenty-third episode in the second season.


The episode begins in a flashback in 1960, Scrooge closed a deal that enabled him to succeed businessman Mr. Zee as the richest person in the world. Zee, surprisingly, was overjoyed, as now he was no longer the target of the Bombie, a monstrous being who relentlessly pursues the richest person on the planet. As a gleeful Zee departed, Scrooge was initially unconcerned due to the thrill of his newfound wealth, only for the Bombie to make its presence known.

In the present day, Scrooge comes down to breakfast in McDuck Manor only to be confronted by Louie and his aids Zan Owlson and Manny.

Louie reminds Scrooge that he is now the owner of McDuck Enterprises and expresses his intention to retain the company; unconcerned, Scrooge departs, sure that Louie will soon surrender it back to him. Meanwhile, Della attempts to contact Penumbra on the Moon, but once again receives no response. Upon learning that her own transmissions from the moon were never received, Della is convinced to go onto Dewey Dew-Night! as a way to send Penumbra a message, as she knows from experience that TV transmissions can reach the Moon. Huey and Webby join in on the effort, though the show suffers from Dewey's usual showboating and Della's own negative experiences.

At the Money Bin, Louie is enjoying the benefits of his newfound wealth, much to the annoyance of Owlson. After he spends $100 million on one of Johnny and Randy's ottomans, after getting the two reunited, he is summoned to a board meeting. When the Board of Directors inform him that the company isn't his personal bank account, he authorizes them to cut magical defense spending on Falcon Island. They do so, and Owlson immediately enters with news of an emergency on said island.

Back at the mansion, Scrooge initially plans to laze about like Louie, but after seeing Johnny and Randy working on Louie's ottoman on TV decides to start work on a new fortune. He promptly sets up as a shoe-shiner on a street in downtown Duckburg, but suffers from an overabundance of uninterested-and often shoeless-pedestrians. Louie, Owlson, Manny, and Launchpad arrive on Falcon Island in a newly repainted Sunchaser, only to discover that they have virtually no information about the island. Upon exploring they discover what appears to be another money bin, but this one is surrounded with various defensive measures and has a massive hole in its side.

The party responsible for the hole soon makes itself known: the Bombie, now targeting Louie as the new richest duck in the world. Louie leads the others in fleeing the beast, but also demonstrates his inabilities as a leader and quickly aggravates Manny and Owlson. Back at McDuck Manor, Della discusses her relationship with Penumbra on Dewey Do-Night!, only for Dewey to note that evidence is in favor of Penumbra hating her rather than being her friend. On Falcon Island, Louie and his comrades manage to fake out the Bombie, and race back towards the plane.

Desperate to stop the unstoppable Bombie, Louie calls Bradford and has him cut funding to McDuck Enterprise's satellite network. The satellites all crash down on the island, and the relieved Louie boards the Sunchaser believing the Bombie to have been destroyed. However, the creature manages to board the plane, and Louie's excuses and entitled behavior finally push Owlson to the breaking point. Announcing her intention to become her own billionaire-and putting in her two weeks' notice-she opens the cargo door of the plane.

The Bombie is sucked out, but Louie ends up falling out with him, and floats back to Duckburg on his ottoman only for the Bombie to emerge from the sea. The beast pursues him into town, and they run into Scrooge just after Louie's great-uncle has finished shining the stolen shoes of Gavin of the Sasquatch Pack. Scrooge quickly recognizes his old enemy, and tries to convince Louie to turn the company back over to him so that the Bombie will turn its attention to him. Cornered by the beast, Louie is finally able to admit that he isn't prepared to be a multi-billionaire causing the Bombie to stop. Louie recognizes that despite his wealth what he truly lacked was humility. Scrooge scoffs at the notion, arrogantly claiming the Bombie is just scared to fight him causing it to growl at him.

In coming to this realization, Louie satisfies the demands of the Bombie's curse, and works together with Scrooge to shine the monster's shoes. He also agrees to turn the company back over to Scrooge, who likewise is freed from the Bombie's curse when he admits that Louie proved himself to be a better man. As the Bombie departs, Scrooge comments that things will be fine if the visible damage to Duckburg is the worst Louie has caused. Unbeknownst to the pair, Dewey apologizes to Della for what he said about her friendship with Penumbra until Della finally receives a return message from Penumbra, who notes that the satellites Louie had brought down were defensive in nature. She then warns that General Lunaris is on his way to destroy Earth, with Della's family as his particular targets.




  • This episode continues where "GlomTales!" left off, and takes place after the events of "Timephoon!"
    • Originally, the final part of the 3-story episode arc was titled Louie's Scheme.
  • This marks Bombie the Zombie's first appearance in animation. Previously he only appeared in the Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge comics created by Carl Barks.

v - e - d
DuckTales logo
Shows/Movies: 1987 series (videography) • 2017 seriesWalt Disney's World on Ice: Double Feature... Live!Raw ToonageDuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost LampChibi Tiny TalesThis Duckburg Life

Video Games: Video game (HD remake/Soundtrack) • DuckTales 2The Quest for GoldScrooge's LootDisney Heroes: Battle ModeDisney All-Star RacersDisney All-Star Party
Comics: Comic Books (IDW)
Books: The Secret City Under the SeaSphinx for the Memories and Sir Gyro GearlooseScrooge's Treasure HuntChristmas at the North PoleWebby Saves the DayThe Art of DuckTales

Disney Parks
DuckTales World Showcase AdventurePLAY!Donald's Duck Pond
1987 series: Scrooge McDuckHuey, Dewey, and LouieLaunchpad McQuackWebby VanderquackBentina BeakleyDuckworthChief O'HaraShedlock JonesGyro GearlooseLittle HelperYardarmDoofus DrakeFenton CrackshellDonald DuckLudwig Von DrakeGladstone GanderBubba the Cave DuckAbominable SnowwomanTootsie the TriceratopsSkittlesBlackjackPouponGene the GenieGlittering GoldieMad Dog McGurkFeathers GaloreBurt QuackarachMajor CourageMicro DucksAdmiral GrimmitzKing HomerQueen ArielShawebizadGandra DeeMcPapaMcMamaRoboticaBeagle BoysMa BeaglePeteFlintheart GlomgoldPhantom BlotDijonArgus McSwineMagica De SpellMinima De SpellPoe De SpellEl CapitanJoaquin SlowlyMerlock the MagicianCinnamon TealDracula DuckDr. NoGoodMillionara VanderbucksFritter O'WayLawrence LoudmouthArmstrongThe SirensCirceHarpiesYuckalindaQueen GriseldaDjinniTerra-Firmie KingOverlord BulovanSolegoGICU-2Magica's ShadowThe Fear DemonsVacation Van Honk

2017 series: Della DuckLenaBradford BuzzardBentley and Buford BuzzardCaptain PeghookManny the Headless Man-HorsePixiuGabby McStabbersonHack and Slash SmashnikovRoxanne FeatherlyToad Liu HaiMark BeaksFalcon GravesAmunetSabafToth-RaZeusSeleneStorkulesCharybdisBriar and BrambleDarkwing DuckGosalyn MallardMegavoltDon KarnageQuackerjackLiquidatorBlack HeronZan OwlsonFisherMannDrosera occidendumJosé CariocaPanchito PistolesFethry DuckJohn D. RockerduckJeevesGavinGrandpappy BeagleViolet SabrewingUnicornPercival P. PeppingtonNightmare BeastPaddywhackBushrootNegaduckDaisy DuckGoofyChip and Dale Monterey JackZipperGadget HackwrenchKit CloudkickerTaurus BulbaMolly CunninghamLieutenant PenumbraGeneral LunarisMoonlandersMoon MitesGilded ManNeighbor JonesSteelbeakIsabella FinchIndy and Ty SabrewingTri-Crested TittertwillAletheiaVeroKing HonestusEmma GlamourInspector TezukaAkitaStrongbeardHeckaJormungandrPonce de LeonMatilda McDuckEmutilda

1987 series

Season One: "The Treasure of the Golden Suns" • "Send in the Clones" • "Sphinx for the Memories" • "Where No Duck Has Gone Before" • "Armstrong" • "Robot Robbers" • "Magica's Shadow War" • "Master of the Djinni" • "Hotel Strangeduck" • "Lost Crown of Genghis Khan" • "Duckman of Aquatraz" • "The Money Vanishes" • "Sir Gyro de Gearloose" • "Dinosaur Ducks" • "Hero for Hire" • "Superdoo!" • "Maid of the Myth" • "Down and Out in Duckburg" • "Much Ado About Scrooge" • "Top Duck" • "Pearl of Wisdom" • "The Curse of Castle McDuck" • "Launchpad's Civil War" • "Sweet Duck of Youth" • "Earth Quack" • "Home Sweet Homer" • "Bermuda Triangle Tangle" • "Micro Ducks from Outer Space" • "Back to the Klondike" • "Horse Scents" • "Scrooge's Pet" • "Catch as Cash Can" • "Merit-Time Adventure" • "The Golden Fleecing" • "Ducks of the West" • "Time Teasers" • "Back Out in the Outback" • "Raiders of the Lost Harp" • "The Right Duck" • "Scroogerello" • "Double-O-Duck" • "Luck o' the Ducks" • "Duckworth's Revolt" • "Magica's Magic Mirror"/"Take Me Out of the Ballgame" • "Duck to the Future" • "Jungle Duck" • "Launchpad's First Crash" • "Dime Enough for Luck" • "Duck in the Iron Mask" • "The Uncrashable Hindentanic" • "The Status Seekers" • "Nothing to Fear" • "Dr. Jekyll & Mr. McDuck" • "Once Upon a Dime" • "Spies in Their Eyes" • "All Ducks on Deck" • "Ducky Horror Picture Show" • "Till Nephews Do Us Part"
Season Two: "Time is Money" • "Super DuckTales"
Season Three: "The Land of Trala La" • "Allowance Day" • "Bubbeo & Juliet" • "The Good Muddahs" • "My Mother the Psychic" • "Metal Attraction" • "Dough Ray Me" • "Bubba's Big Brainstorm" • "The Big Flub" • "A Case of Mistaken Secret Identity" • "Blue Collar Scrooge" • "Beaglemania" • "Yuppy Ducks" • "The Bride Wore Stripes" • "The Unbreakable Bin" • "Attack of the Fifty-Foot Webby" • "The Masked Mallard" • "A DuckTales Valentine"
Season Four: "Ducky Mountain High" • "Attack of the Metal Mites" • "The Duck Who Knew Too Much" • "New Gizmo-Kids on the Block" • "Scrooge's Last Adventure" • "The Golden Goose"

2017 series
Season One: "Woo-oo!" • "Daytrip of Doom!" • "The Great Dime Chase!" • "The Beagle Birthday Massacre!" • "Terror of the Terra-firmians!" • "The House of the Lucky Gander!" • "The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks!" • "The Living Mummies of Toth-Ra!" • "The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest!" • "The Spear of Selene!" • "Beware the B.U.D.D.Y. System!" • "The Missing Links of Moorshire!" • "McMystery at McDuck McManor!" • "JAW$!" • "The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains!" • "Day of the Only Child!" • "From the Confidential Casefiles of Agent 22!" • "Who is Gizmoduck?!" • "The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck!" • "Sky Pirates...in the Sky!" • "The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck!" • "The Last Crash of the Sunchaser!" • "The Shadow War!"
Season Two: "The Most Dangerous Game...Night!" • "The Depths of Cousin Fethry!" • "The Ballad of Duke Baloney!" • "The Town Where Everyone Was Nice!" • "Storkules in Duckburg!" • "Last Christmas!" • "What Ever Happened to Della Duck?!" • "Treasure of the Found Lamp!" • "The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck!" • "The 87 Cent Solution!" • "The Golden Spear!" • "Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!" • "Raiders of the Doomsday Vault!" • "Friendship Hates Magic!" • "The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!" • "The Duck Knight Returns!" • "What Ever Happened to Donald Duck?!" • "Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!" • "A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!" • "The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot!" • "Timephoon!" • "GlomTales!" • "The Richest Duck in the World!" • "Moonvasion!"
Season Three "Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks!" • "Quack Pack!" • "Double-O-Duck in You Only Crash Twice!" • "The Lost Harp of Mervana!" • "Louie's Eleven!" • "Astro B.O.Y.D.!" • "The Rumble for Ragnarok!" • "The Phantom and the Sorceress!" • "They Put a Moonlander on the Earth!" • "The Trickening!" • "The Forbidden Fountain of the Foreverglades!" • "Let's Get Dangerous!" • "Escape from the ImpossiBin!" • "The Split Sword of Swanstantine!" • "New Gods on the Block!" • "The First Adventure!" • "The Fight for Castle McDuck!" • "How Santa Stole Christmas!" • "Beaks in the Shell!" • "The Lost Cargo of Kit Cloudkicker!" • "The Life And Crimes of Scrooge McDuck!" • "The Last Adventure!"

DuckburgAtlantisThe Money BinMcDuck ManorCastle McDuckFountain of YouthScotlandNotre DuckValley of the Golden SunsSt. CanardCape Suzette
Air PiratesF.O.W.L.Junior WoodchucksS.H.U.S.H.
Number One DimeJunior Woodchucks GuidebookGizmosuitGene's LampMerlock's TalismanSun CoinSun ChaserHarp of TroyMillennium ShortcutGyro's HelicopterMolecular ManipulatorGolden GooseWebby's Quacky Patch DollHindentanicMagic MedallionRatcatcherJewel of AtlantisPep!Gummiberry JuiceIron VulturePirate FightersSpear of SeleneSea DuckRanger Plane
DuckTales ThemeThree Cheers for Bubba DuckBoogie Beagle BluesMoon Stage ThemeSky PiratesThe Three CaballerosHear My Voice
See also
Carl BarksThe Disney AfternoonDarkwing DuckQuack PackDisney XD (Netherlands)Let's Go to Disneyland Paris