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"The Fresh Principal of Norrisville High" is the thirty-eighth episode from the second season (and ninetieth episode overall) of Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja. It premiered on May 18, 2015.


When Randy and Howard get Principal Slimovitz fired, a computer-based program takes his place and traps the students in a simulated world of forced learning.


Randy and Howard are getting late in class, but caught by Principal Slimovitz for running in the hallways. As the bell rings both got late in class with Slimovitz sending both to his office at lunch. During lunch time, Slimovitz talks to the both of them about The school's Rules for his meeting with the school board in which they teach slimovitz about their rules when Randy put Ketchup Packets in Slimovitz's School Rulesbook. As Slimovitz close his book the ketchup packets squirted to slimovitz which causes him to panic which causes Trouble in the school by throwing their books and destroying the property.

Slimovitz goes to his review with the schoolboard, The Board got angry for what he did by showing what happened earlier and for his actions and broken rules Slimovitz is Fired for his job. The boards told him that Norrisville High had been chosen to take part in a experimental program for a new Principal. The next day, Mrs. Driscoll gives students An educational Head wear in which is new principal after Slimovitz was Fired. As the Students wear and active their Head Wear they're Introduce to the new principal Todd Principal who is esteem to make the school better. Slimovitz gets his belongs to the classroom which turns out the new principal is a Robot he is then thrown in the Janitor's Closet by Buttermaker and Mick.

During the simulation, Randy and Howard seems weird about the way bash is talking to them. Back in the real school, Slimovitz keeps pounding the door and crawl in a fetal position he notices some McFist items in a box in which are for communications. Randy and Howard are a bit suspicious about the simulation that the students and adults are act a bit weird and different. Slimovitz manages to get into the simulation with McFist item communications in which he tells the boys that the principal is a not real human but a computer robot whose trying to force your academic potential to destroy Educational Utopia, Slimovitz gave Randy and Howard ketchup packets to get out of the simulation.

Both use the packets to Doug in which they use it as an exit to the simulation. Randy and Howard exited the simulation and goes to find the slimovitz who is trap in the Janitor's Closet. Todd Principal (P.A.L) uses the mind control students and transformed in robots by the head-wear by capturing Randy and Howard. Randy goes to the office and fight robots, while Slimovitz goes to the simulation to face off against the Todd Principal in challenge to see who can take the school with questions. While randy face against the studentbots, Howard goes to the simulation to help out slimovitz.

Howard goes back to the simulation to help Slimovitz against Todd Principal, but he is losing. Randy almost goes to the Principal's Office, but was stop by the studentbots. During the simulation, Slimovitz loses in which todd Principal erases him in reality Howard ask Todd a question in which causes him to glitch. Slimovitz answers the question in which brings back his arms Slimovitz wins the challenge Todd accept his defeat and deactive the bots. Randy goes to the room and destroy PAL with melts todd's face and splits his face which cause both Slimovitz and Howard scream in terror.

The next day, Slimovitz was rehired and giving a second chance.


  • The title is a reference to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
  • The whole plot of this episode is Similar to The Matrix.
  • Marci McFist, Gene Levine, and Doctor Sam were seen as cameos in this episode.
  • The scene where Slimovitz and the Principal were playing a rules game had a similar setup to Who Wants to Be a Millionaire .
  • The scene in which the façade of the Norrisville High building falls down around the Nameless Boy with a Red Shirt without harming him is a reference to a famous sight-gag invented by silent comedian Buster Keaton for the 1928 film, Steamboat Bill, Jr.
  • Ice T & Paul Reubens guest starred in this episode as The Superintendent and Todd Principal/P.A.L.
  • It's revealed by slimovitz that Mick's real name is Nicholas, mick is a nickname.
  • The Norrisville High School Board, which was previously mentioned in episode, "Escape from Detention Island" and "Raiders of the Lost Nomicon", makes their proper appearance.
  • The scene in which the holographic Slimovitz tells Randy and Howard, "You're my only hope," before glitching out is a reference to a similar scene in "Star Wars" (1977) in which a holographic Princess Leia uses the same words in a recorded message to Obi-Wan Kenobi.


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Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade NinjaPunchocalypseEnter the NinjaNomiconNinja SprintMonster Mayhem
Randy CunninghamHoward WeinermanTheresa FowlerDebbie KangRachelBucky HensletterPradeepStevensFlute GirlMaraca BoyMorganDancing FishHeidi WeinermanJuggoJulianCass SimonsonJacquesLevander HartBrentBash JohnsonButtermakerMickDoug JaminskiRanginald BagelDickieMiss ZingwaldMarci McFistMr. BannisterPrincipal SlimovitzS. Ward Smith • Brock Octane • Pitch KickhamSinjin Knightfire • Brawn Brickwall • Father McFistPlop PlopFirst NinjaNicholasNeil ApestrongMcFreaks (characters)Ninja of 2005The CreepBlonde TwinsRhymez's Rap PosseRudd RhymezMrs. DriscollCoach Green

Villains: The SorcererThe Sorcerer's RatWillem ViceroyHannibal McFistCatfish BoorayJerry DriscollMac AntfeeThe SorceressTenguNomiRandyEvil JulianKrackenstein • Robo-Snake • Robo-Frog • Robo-Lizard • Slaying MantisPsycho-Bot • Disciplinarian • Franz NukidJack HammerChessbot 5000 • Chainsaw Werewolves • Snowman Robot • Elf Robots • RhinosaurusPunk-Bots • Monk-Bots • Robo-Hooligans • Armor-Dillo • McFist Product Bot • Polar Bear Bot • Shark-Dermanator • Whoopee 2.0 • Amp-Bots • Berserkers • Laser Tag Robots • Cowboy Bots • Assassin Bot • Robo-Hound • Destructo-Bot • P. A. L. • Queen Gabnidine • Blob Monster •

Season One: "Last Stall on the Left" • "Got Stank?" • "So U Think U Can Stank" • "McFists of Fury" • "Gossip Boy" • "House of 1,000 Boogers" • "Monster Dump" • "Attack of the Killer Potatoes" • "The Tale of the Golden Doctor's Note" • "Dawn of the Driscoll" • "Night of the Living McFizzles" • "Viva El Nomicon" • "30 Seconds to Math" • "Monster Drill" • "Silent Punch, Deadly Punch" • "Stank'd to the Future" • "Wave Slayers" • "Sword Quest" • "Nukid on the Block" • "Weinerman Up" • "Evil Spirit Week" • "Der Monster Klub" • "Grave Puncher: The Movie!" • "Escape from Detention Island" • "Bash Johnson: 11th Grade Ninja" • "Shoob Tube" • "Stanks Like Teen Spirit" • "Raiders of the Lost Nomicon" • "Rise of the Planet of the Robo-Apes" • "Secret Stache" • "Hip Hopocalypse Now" • "Ninja Camp" • "McFear Factor" • "Randy Cunningham and the Sorcerer's Key" • "The Ninja Identity" • "The Ninja Supremacy" • "Enter the Nomicon" • "Swampy Seconds" • "McSatchlé" • "Fart-Topia" • "The McHugger Games" • "McFreaks" • "Sorcerer in Love" • "Pranks for Nothing" • "Lucius O’Thunderpunch" • "Bring Me the Head of Ranginald Bagel!" • "Weinerman Tested, Cunningham Approved" • "Sorcerer in Love 2: The Sorceress' Revenge" • "McOne Armed and Dangerous" • "Shloomp! There It Is!" • "Randy Cunningham: 13th Century Ninja"

Season Two: "Flume-Igation" • "On the Poolfront" • "Welcome Back Catfish" • "All the Juice That's Fish to Swim" • "Julian's Birthday Surprise" • "True Bromance" • "Unstank My Hart" • "Whoopee 2: The Wrath of Whoopee 2" • "M-M-M-my Bologna" • "Everybody Ninj-along" • "Fudge Factory" • "Best Buds" • "Otto Know Better" • "Brolateral Damage" • "Let the Wonk One In" • "The Curse of Mudfart" • "Shoot First, Ask Questions Laser" • "Ninjception" • 'Happy Hanukkah, Howard Weinerman!" • "Snow-Klahoma!" • "Randy Cunningham's Day Off" • "Bro-ing Down the House" • "Living in Shooblivion" • "McNinja - Brought to You by McFist" • "Mastermind of Disastermind" • "The Brawn Also Rises" • "Debbie Meddle" • "Aplopalypse Now" • "Rorg: Hero of a Past" • "Mort-al Combat" • "Wonkin' for the Weekend" • "Ninjafan" • "When Howie Met Randy" • "Bro Money Bro Problems" • "The Three Mascot-teers" • "Escape from Scrap City" • "Space Cow-Bros" • "The Fresh Principal of Norrisville High" • "The Prophecy of Hat Sword" • "Fake Fight for Your Right to Party" • "McCluckerbusters" • "Let Them Eat Cake Fries" • "Club Ninja-dise" • "To Smell and Back" • "Big Trouble in Little Norrisville" • "Winner Takes Ball" • "Ball's Well That Friends Well"

NorrisvilleNorrisville High • Mt. Chuck • Lake LaRussoMcFist IndustriesWhoopee WorldGreg's Game HoleRandy Cunningham's House • Howard Weinerman's House • Flackville High • Detention IslandLand of ShadowsScrap City
NinjaNomiconNinja MaskNinja SuitNinja ScarfNinja Sword • Ninja Sai • Ninja Spikes • Ninja Rings • Ninja Ukulele • Smoke Bombs • Chain Sickle • Eskrima • Manrikigusari • Ninja BallsSkunk-Pine • Mood Juice • Sorcerer's KeyStankChaos PearlsEye of EternityMcSquiddles
What the Juice?Detention Deficit DisorderHis Name is CatfishSmart HowardThe Ninja of NorrisvilleNinjafan of NorrisvilleI Want it All (Big Shoppin')