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"Wave Slayers" is the seventeenth episode of the first season of Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja. It premiered on March 4, 2013.


The Wave Slayer relays are occurring in Norrisville as Randy and Howard accidentally wrecks the Wave Slayer where an accident injures Buttermaker and causes Howard to take his place. The Sorcerer takes the opportunity to turn Buttermaker into an aquatic monster that attacks the opposing team.


The episode starts off with Randy and Howard waxing wave slayers (jet skis). Randy laments on how he didn't join the Wave slayers to wax them and claims to Howard that he was born to ride them. Howard dismisses the idea, and he states that he simply joined to get snack bar privileges. Randy gets an idea and hops aboard the captain's wave slayer, Buttermaker, in order to take it for a little spin.

Randy accidentally forgets to untie the wave slayer from the docks and the recoil damage from the wave slayer, causes it to break. Frantically, Randy temporarily fixes the slayer with a bit of wax. Randy attempts to state his mistake to Buttermaker, who wishes to warm-up before a great championship wave slayer race, but he quickly changes his mind. Buttermaker quickly gets injured, crushing Howard's snack bar and Buttermaker is benched until further notice.

Coach Green states that they will forfeit from the loss of the captain, but Randy manages to convince Coach Green to make one of the waxers a wave slayer; unfortunately for Randy, it ends up being Howard. Randy consults the NinjaNomicon for guidance, and it tells him to own up to his mistakes. Randy understands it, but he pretends he isn't, much to the annoyance of the Nomicon. While all of this is happening, the Sorcerer takes the opportunity to transform Buttermaker into an aquatic monster from his despair and broke hope to be in the team through the pipe in the public toilet.

Heidi is doing a live commentary on the wave slayer competition which was going to be held that day, but is shocked to learn her younger brother had taken over Buttermaker's positions. The race starts off good, but aquatic-Buttermaker jumps into the water in order to thwart the race. Seeing the havoc, Randy goes Ninja and goes into the water to stop him. After exchanging hits, Randy learns that the sunscreen on Buttermaker's nose is the key into de-stanking him. After wiping his nose, Randy tries his best not to reveal his identity and to tell Buttermaker it was not his fault and makes a mini-pact with him.

Randy returns Buttermaker into the race and takes Howard from the race and Buttermaker ends up winning correcting his mistake that he has done. The Sorcerer is heavily disappointed with another failed attempt, but is comforted by his rat. After the race, Randy returns with a flicked red ear and exclaims that that it hurts.


The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Wave Slayers.

NinjaNomicon Lesson[]

When a Ninja does Wrong He Must own up to his Mistakes.


  • Buttermaker makes his first speaking appearance in this episode, along with getting stanked.
  • Flackville High, Norrisville High's rival high school, first appears here.
  • This is one of the rare times Randy gets the Nomicon's advice, but doesn't agree to it and pretends to not understand it.
  • Howard's amusement at the word "duty" appears for the first time in this episode.
  • In the beginning of the episode, Randy refers to himself as a "phenon", which is synonymous with "phenomenon" and usually used to describe "young prodigies".
  • When Randy puts on his sunglasses while saying "Howard, sometimes you just have to say... what the juice," he is making a reference to Haratio Caine from CSI: Miami.
  • This is the first time where Randy did not wear his normal outfit.
  • This is the second time where Howard appear did not wear his normal outfit. The first was "Monster Drill".
  • In the beginning of the episode, Randy refers to himself as a "phenom," a shortened form of "phenomenon" often used to describe "young prodigies," particularly in show business.
  • Again, a Wilhelm scream can be heard by the Titmouse bird.

External links[]

Randy Cunningham Logo This page uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki. The list of authors can be seen in the page revision history (view authors). As with Disney Wiki, the text of the Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki is available under the CC-by-SA Free Documentation License.

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Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja logo
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade NinjaPunchocalypseEnter the NinjaNomiconNinja SprintMonster Mayhem
Randy CunninghamHoward WeinermanTheresa FowlerDebbie KangRachelBucky HensletterPradeepStevensFlute GirlMaraca BoyMorganDancing FishHeidi WeinermanJuggoJulianCass SimonsonJacquesLevander HartBrentBash JohnsonButtermakerMickDoug JaminskiRanginald BagelDickieMiss ZingwaldMarci McFistMr. BannisterPrincipal SlimovitzS. Ward Smith • Brock Octane • Pitch KickhamSinjin Knightfire • Brawn Brickwall • Father McFistPlop PlopFirst NinjaNicholasNeil ApestrongMcFreaks (characters)Ninja of 2005The CreepBlonde TwinsRhymez's Rap PosseRudd RhymezMrs. DriscollCoach Green

Villains: The SorcererThe Sorcerer's RatWillem ViceroyHannibal McFistCatfish BoorayJerry DriscollMac AntfeeThe SorceressTenguNomiRandyEvil JulianKrackenstein • Robo-Snake • Robo-Frog • Robo-Lizard • Slaying MantisPsycho-Bot • Disciplinarian • Franz NukidJack HammerChessbot 5000 • Chainsaw Werewolves • Snowman Robot • Elf Robots • RhinosaurusPunk-Bots • Monk-Bots • Robo-Hooligans • Armor-Dillo • McFist Product Bot • Polar Bear Bot • Shark-Dermanator • Whoopee 2.0 • Amp-Bots • Berserkers • Laser Tag Robots • Cowboy Bots • Assassin Bot • Robo-Hound • Destructo-Bot • P. A. L. • Queen Gabnidine • Blob Monster •

Season One: "Last Stall on the Left" • "Got Stank?" • "So U Think U Can Stank" • "McFists of Fury" • "Gossip Boy" • "House of 1,000 Boogers" • "Monster Dump" • "Attack of the Killer Potatoes" • "The Tale of the Golden Doctor's Note" • "Dawn of the Driscoll" • "Night of the Living McFizzles" • "Viva El Nomicon" • "30 Seconds to Math" • "Monster Drill" • "Silent Punch, Deadly Punch" • "Stank'd to the Future" • "Wave Slayers" • "Sword Quest" • "Nukid on the Block" • "Weinerman Up" • "Evil Spirit Week" • "Der Monster Klub" • "Grave Puncher: The Movie!" • "Escape from Detention Island" • "Bash Johnson: 11th Grade Ninja" • "Shoob Tube" • "Stanks Like Teen Spirit" • "Raiders of the Lost Nomicon" • "Rise of the Planet of the Robo-Apes" • "Secret Stache" • "Hip Hopocalypse Now" • "Ninja Camp" • "McFear Factor" • "Randy Cunningham and the Sorcerer's Key" • "The Ninja Identity" • "The Ninja Supremacy" • "Enter the Nomicon" • "Swampy Seconds" • "McSatchlé" • "Fart-Topia" • "The McHugger Games" • "McFreaks" • "Sorcerer in Love" • "Pranks for Nothing" • "Lucius O’Thunderpunch" • "Bring Me the Head of Ranginald Bagel!" • "Weinerman Tested, Cunningham Approved" • "Sorcerer in Love 2: The Sorceress' Revenge" • "McOne Armed and Dangerous" • "Shloomp! There It Is!" • "Randy Cunningham: 13th Century Ninja"

Season Two: "Flume-Igation" • "On the Poolfront" • "Welcome Back Catfish" • "All the Juice That's Fish to Swim" • "Julian's Birthday Surprise" • "True Bromance" • "Unstank My Hart" • "Whoopee 2: The Wrath of Whoopee 2" • "M-M-M-my Bologna" • "Everybody Ninj-along" • "Fudge Factory" • "Best Buds" • "Otto Know Better" • "Brolateral Damage" • "Let the Wonk One In" • "The Curse of Mudfart" • "Shoot First, Ask Questions Laser" • "Ninjception" • 'Happy Hanukkah, Howard Weinerman!" • "Snow-Klahoma!" • "Randy Cunningham's Day Off" • "Bro-ing Down the House" • "Living in Shooblivion" • "McNinja - Brought to You by McFist" • "Mastermind of Disastermind" • "The Brawn Also Rises" • "Debbie Meddle" • "Aplopalypse Now" • "Rorg: Hero of a Past" • "Mort-al Combat" • "Wonkin' for the Weekend" • "Ninjafan" • "When Howie Met Randy" • "Bro Money Bro Problems" • "The Three Mascot-teers" • "Escape from Scrap City" • "Space Cow-Bros" • "The Fresh Principal of Norrisville High" • "The Prophecy of Hat Sword" • "Fake Fight for Your Right to Party" • "McCluckerbusters" • "Let Them Eat Cake Fries" • "Club Ninja-dise" • "To Smell and Back" • "Big Trouble in Little Norrisville" • "Winner Takes Ball" • "Ball's Well That Friends Well"

NorrisvilleNorrisville High • Mt. Chuck • Lake LaRussoMcFist IndustriesWhoopee WorldGreg's Game HoleRandy Cunningham's House • Howard Weinerman's House • Flackville High • Detention IslandLand of ShadowsScrap City
NinjaNomiconNinja MaskNinja SuitNinja ScarfNinja Sword • Ninja Sai • Ninja Spikes • Ninja Rings • Ninja Ukulele • Smoke Bombs • Chain Sickle • Eskrima • Manrikigusari • Ninja BallsSkunk-Pine • Mood Juice • Sorcerer's KeyStankChaos PearlsEye of EternityMcSquiddles
What the Juice?Detention Deficit DisorderHis Name is CatfishSmart HowardThe Ninja of NorrisvilleNinjafan of NorrisvilleI Want it All (Big Shoppin')