The Shark-Dermanator is a creature featured in the Disney XD series Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja. This shark-like creature is one of Willem Viceroy's earliest creations. Because its skin is so dry and flaky, it resides in Lake LaRusso to stay moisturized.
Role in the series[]
The Shark-Dermanator first appears in the episode "Flume-Igation". When Randy Cunningham destroys the McFlume water slide, the lake drains and the creature's skin dries up. Irritated by the constant itching of its dry skin, the Shark-Dermanator goes on a rampage through Norrisville. Randy uses the Robo-Ape life guard to plug the hole in the water slide, then sends the monster down the slide and back into the refilled lake.
The creature makes a minor appearance in "Debbie Meddle", where it grabs the Assassin Bot in its jaws.
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