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"Sorcerer in Love" is the forty-third episode of the first season of Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja. It premiered on November 9, 2013.


Randy, Howard, and all the boys at Norrisville High are entranced by the new girl in school, Amanda Levay. Little do they know she's the Sorcerer's long lost love in disguise.


The episodes starts with the broadcast of Heidi, saying it's their last chance to find a date. Randy suddenly panics, saying they have to find a date, and he and Howard laugh saying only people who have no friends to play video games with would need a date. Then, a girl came in with all the boys staring at her. After she walks past Randy and Howard, she says her name is Amanda Levay. Randy and Howard rush and push each other on their way to her. Randy says get in line and it ironically turned out to be a line. The girl's smell is detected by the Sorcerer and he recognizes her as the Sorceress. He has a flashback of how they met and defeated by the ninja. She seduce all the boys to get the most beautiful thing in the school, stating the one who find is the one she wants. They rush outside of class but was stop by Mr. Bannister, telling them must have pass. He got a McPass all of the other got a past besides Howard as there is a limit. Randy was panic because sooner or later they might the most beautiful thing. Randy and Howard cooperate to get outside and then they will separate ways.

They managed to get outside and they searched for it everywhere even as far in the toilet and every student locker. Howard stated that Randy NinjaNomicon glowed and its his chance to get more time to find it first. Randy say he will go in which annoyed Howard as he thought he will ignore the Nomicon for once. The Nomicon warn about the Sorceress. Randy managed to find the most beautiful thing which turn out to be the eye that held the Tengu previously. Randy states it worthy to show Amanda that. They went back to class and argue to say who find it first. Randy quickly hit the McPass twice and got the pass and went out with Amanda and Howard quickly hit it so he could. He say they haven't ask for permission to which Randy replied that the McPass has spoken, making Mr.Bannister angry and causing him to throw the McPass out of the window. Amanda used her spell to request them to go somewhere else but they came to ask who will she take on a date. They saw her true form which cause Randy to say she belongs to Randy. Randy start battling her and use her true form to free the Sorcerer but Randy has the advantage even though she is causing debris to fall. She outsmarts him by using her human form to seduce Randy. Randy quickly uses his scarf to cover his eys and use smell-vision to be prevented being seduced by her. She is restrained and trap by his Sai. She use her human form and ask help from the boys which tried attacking Randy, but he threw all the boys to Amanda, making debris fall on her. Julian tries to attack the ninja asking what has he done to her.

Heidi thanks to the ninja that the dance is really under the stars during broadcast at the dance. Howard tells Randy that they will not let a girl to get between them which Randy agreed. When they were about to go home to play Grave Puncher, Theresa, who is wearing a beautiful dress, asks Randy if he wanted to dance, but she didn't ask directly, which made him agree to dance with her but then Howard said that she was asking him, which made them argue again. Theresa was annoyed and walked away telling them "Forget it." At the end, the Sorceress is sitting in a cave and planning her revenge. to the ninja


The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Sorcerer in Love.

NinjaNomicon Lesson[]

The Eyes can be Deceived but the Nose Always Knows.


  • This episode and Pranks for Nothing were supposed to air before McFear Factor and Randy Cunningham and the Sorcerer's Key, but instead aired a couple months later.
    • These four episodes had been on the Canadian channel Disney XD on Demand prior to airing, however.
  • This is the first episode with a female villain.
  • There was a deleted scene showing where the other female students were not pleased to see boys trying to get Amanda's attention.
  • The ninja who first appeared in "The Ninja Identity" makes another non-speaking appearance via the Sorcerer's flashback.
  • This marks as the first episode to show the Ninja kissing a female character (on the cheek).
  • Running Gags:
    • Randy getting hit by debris.

External links[]

Randy Cunningham Logo This page uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki. The list of authors can be seen in the page revision history (view authors). As with Disney Wiki, the text of the Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki is available under the CC-by-SA Free Documentation License.

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Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja logo
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade NinjaPunchocalypseEnter the NinjaNomiconNinja SprintMonster Mayhem
Randy CunninghamHoward WeinermanTheresa FowlerDebbie KangRachelBucky HensletterPradeepStevensFlute GirlMaraca BoyMorganDancing FishHeidi WeinermanJuggoJulianCass SimonsonJacquesLevander HartBrentBash JohnsonButtermakerMickDoug JaminskiRanginald BagelDickieMiss ZingwaldMarci McFistMr. BannisterPrincipal SlimovitzS. Ward Smith • Brock Octane • Pitch KickhamSinjin Knightfire • Brawn Brickwall • Father McFistPlop PlopFirst NinjaNicholasNeil ApestrongMcFreaks (characters)Ninja of 2005The CreepBlonde TwinsRhymez's Rap PosseRudd RhymezMrs. DriscollCoach Green

Villains: The SorcererThe Sorcerer's RatWillem ViceroyHannibal McFistCatfish BoorayJerry DriscollMac AntfeeThe SorceressTenguNomiRandyEvil JulianKrackenstein • Robo-Snake • Robo-Frog • Robo-Lizard • Slaying MantisPsycho-Bot • Disciplinarian • Franz NukidJack HammerChessbot 5000 • Chainsaw Werewolves • Snowman Robot • Elf Robots • RhinosaurusPunk-Bots • Monk-Bots • Robo-Hooligans • Armor-Dillo • McFist Product Bot • Polar Bear Bot • Shark-Dermanator • Whoopee 2.0 • Amp-Bots • Berserkers • Laser Tag Robots • Cowboy Bots • Assassin Bot • Robo-Hound • Destructo-Bot • P. A. L. • Queen Gabnidine • Blob Monster •

Season One: "Last Stall on the Left" • "Got Stank?" • "So U Think U Can Stank" • "McFists of Fury" • "Gossip Boy" • "House of 1,000 Boogers" • "Monster Dump" • "Attack of the Killer Potatoes" • "The Tale of the Golden Doctor's Note" • "Dawn of the Driscoll" • "Night of the Living McFizzles" • "Viva El Nomicon" • "30 Seconds to Math" • "Monster Drill" • "Silent Punch, Deadly Punch" • "Stank'd to the Future" • "Wave Slayers" • "Sword Quest" • "Nukid on the Block" • "Weinerman Up" • "Evil Spirit Week" • "Der Monster Klub" • "Grave Puncher: The Movie!" • "Escape from Detention Island" • "Bash Johnson: 11th Grade Ninja" • "Shoob Tube" • "Stanks Like Teen Spirit" • "Raiders of the Lost Nomicon" • "Rise of the Planet of the Robo-Apes" • "Secret Stache" • "Hip Hopocalypse Now" • "Ninja Camp" • "McFear Factor" • "Randy Cunningham and the Sorcerer's Key" • "The Ninja Identity" • "The Ninja Supremacy" • "Enter the Nomicon" • "Swampy Seconds" • "McSatchlé" • "Fart-Topia" • "The McHugger Games" • "McFreaks" • "Sorcerer in Love" • "Pranks for Nothing" • "Lucius O’Thunderpunch" • "Bring Me the Head of Ranginald Bagel!" • "Weinerman Tested, Cunningham Approved" • "Sorcerer in Love 2: The Sorceress' Revenge" • "McOne Armed and Dangerous" • "Shloomp! There It Is!" • "Randy Cunningham: 13th Century Ninja"

Season Two: "Flume-Igation" • "On the Poolfront" • "Welcome Back Catfish" • "All the Juice That's Fish to Swim" • "Julian's Birthday Surprise" • "True Bromance" • "Unstank My Hart" • "Whoopee 2: The Wrath of Whoopee 2" • "M-M-M-my Bologna" • "Everybody Ninj-along" • "Fudge Factory" • "Best Buds" • "Otto Know Better" • "Brolateral Damage" • "Let the Wonk One In" • "The Curse of Mudfart" • "Shoot First, Ask Questions Laser" • "Ninjception" • 'Happy Hanukkah, Howard Weinerman!" • "Snow-Klahoma!" • "Randy Cunningham's Day Off" • "Bro-ing Down the House" • "Living in Shooblivion" • "McNinja - Brought to You by McFist" • "Mastermind of Disastermind" • "The Brawn Also Rises" • "Debbie Meddle" • "Aplopalypse Now" • "Rorg: Hero of a Past" • "Mort-al Combat" • "Wonkin' for the Weekend" • "Ninjafan" • "When Howie Met Randy" • "Bro Money Bro Problems" • "The Three Mascot-teers" • "Escape from Scrap City" • "Space Cow-Bros" • "The Fresh Principal of Norrisville High" • "The Prophecy of Hat Sword" • "Fake Fight for Your Right to Party" • "McCluckerbusters" • "Let Them Eat Cake Fries" • "Club Ninja-dise" • "To Smell and Back" • "Big Trouble in Little Norrisville" • "Winner Takes Ball" • "Ball's Well That Friends Well"

NorrisvilleNorrisville High • Mt. Chuck • Lake LaRussoMcFist IndustriesWhoopee WorldGreg's Game HoleRandy Cunningham's House • Howard Weinerman's House • Flackville High • Detention IslandLand of ShadowsScrap City
NinjaNomiconNinja MaskNinja SuitNinja ScarfNinja Sword • Ninja Sai • Ninja Spikes • Ninja Rings • Ninja Ukulele • Smoke Bombs • Chain Sickle • Eskrima • Manrikigusari • Ninja BallsSkunk-Pine • Mood Juice • Sorcerer's KeyStankChaos PearlsEye of EternityMcSquiddles
What the Juice?Detention Deficit DisorderHis Name is CatfishSmart HowardThe Ninja of NorrisvilleNinjafan of NorrisvilleI Want it All (Big Shoppin')