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I lost....I lost Gwen. She was my MJ. I couldn't save her. I'm never gonna forgive myself for that.
The Amazing Spider-Man recalls Gwen's death.[src]

Gwendolyn Maxine "Gwen" Stacy was Spider-Man's girlfriend in the The Amazing Spider-Man films, portrayed by Emma Stone. While she does not make an appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, she is mentioned in Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Gwen Stacy was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.


When Gwen's Peter Parker arrives on earth-616, he tells his MCU counterpart about the death of his girlfriend, describing her as "his MJ", the girlfriend of the MCU Peter. Gwen's Spider-Man explains that he will never forgive himself for his failure in saving her. While trying to move on from the loss and be the hero Gwen wanted him to be, he eventually became rageful and bitter.

Not wishing his younger counterpart to suffer and end up like him, the Amazing Spider-Man watches with fondness the relationship of this universe's Peter and MJ. At the Statue of Liberty, during the final battle of the film, MJ falls off the scaffolding and her Peter fails to reach her because of the interference of the Green Goblin. Horrified that his younger self might suffer the same as he did, he jumps and saves MJ, preventing her to die in a very similar way that Gwen did. Saving MJ from the same fate Gwen endured, makes the Amazing Spider-Man emotional and he almost cries while holding MJ when he safely lands with her on the ground.


  • The primary version of Gwen Stacy was the college girlfriend of Peter Parker who was tragically killed during a battle between Spider-Man and Harry Osborn's Green Goblin. Her death is considered one of the most iconic moments in comic book history.
  • In reality, Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield, were dating around the time of The Amazing Spider-Man films. They were the second Spider-Man co-stars to date following Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst, followed by Tom Holland and Zendaya.
  • According to the Across the Spider-Verse film, Gwen's death is a canon event.

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