英検準1級の要約対策でchatGPTに英文添削をしてもらったのですが、語数指定が上手くできませんでした。 そこで、語数を踏まえて更に自分で直してみたので間違っている部分があれば教えていただきたいです。 [ ]の部分を省略しました。 《chatGPTによる添削》 Electric vehicles [(EVs)] are expected to become [the] dominant [type of car] worldwide in the future. EVs have several advantages, such as being [more] eco-friendly [than gasoline-powered cars]. Additionally, the cost of electricity is more stable and generally cheaper than fuel. However, some people are hesitant to purchase EVs due to certain drawbacks. For instance, EVs tend to be more expensive [upfront] and require more time to recharge compared to [refueling] gasoline-powered vehicles. 《添削文を短くしたもの》 Electric vehicles are expected to become dominant worldwide in the future. EVs have several advantages, such as being eco-friendly. Additionally, the cost of electricity is more stable and generally cheaper than fuel. However, some people are hesitant to purchase EVs due to certain drawbacks. For instance, EVs tend to be more expensive and require more time to recharge compared to gasoline-powered vehicles. また、「いくつかの」と書きたい時は"some"より"several"や"certain"の方が良いんですか? 後者だとより明確な数を示すイメージがありました( ; ; )