Dead Frontier Wiki

Stoneward Penitentiary[]

Stoneward Penitentiary Outside

Stoneward Penitentiary Location


Located in the western side of Raven Ridge, Stoneward Penitentiary used to house the bulk of the region's incarcerated. The facility was quickly abandoned at the outbreak's onset, with those left behind turned into zombies.

Its exterior is littered with corpse piles, proof of a large battle amongst the inmates, the wardens and the besieging infected. Most of its security walls, fences and watch towers are intact, but some fences are fallen and their barbed wires can damage survivors passing through.

Available facilities include cafeteria, library, baseball court, warden office (inaccessible), and gym. Overall, Stoneward is a safe place for looters, with buildings containing lots of loot spots and safe spaces to hold out.


Several zombies are exclusive to Stoneward Penitentiary:

  • Inmate/Irradiated Zombie
  • Prison Stunlancer
  • Prison Shieldbearer (only appears during aggro spikes)

Forest infected animals can also be found in the open, outside buildings.


Name Exterior 1st Floor Other Floors Exits Floors
Cell Block A Cell Block A Outside Cell Block A 1F Cell Block A 2F2nd Floor
3 2
Cell Block B Cell Block B Outside Cell Block B 1F Cell Block B 2F2nd Floor
2 2
Prison Cafeteria Prison Cafeteria Outside Prison Cafeteria 2 1
Prison Library Prison Library Outside Prison Library 1F Prison Library 2F2nd Floor
2 2

Xtractus Chemical Plant[]

Xtractus Minimap

Xtractus Location


A dilapidated factory built in eastern Raven Ridge. The Chemical Plant takes up an entire standard city's block worth of space and is notable for its spacious layout, more in common with a Wasteland block than a normal building. Zombie spawn rate and loot spot count are also unusually high, and puddles of leaking toxic chemical pose a frequent threat to looters.


These zombies can be found inside Xtractus Chemical Plant:

  • Chemical Worker Zombie
  • Irradiated/Elite Irradiated Hazmat Zombie
  • Mutant Rat (exclusive to Chemical Plant)

Toxic infected animals can also be found on the outskirts of, but not inside the Chemical Plants.

Overall, zombies in Xtractus are more dangerous than those in Stoneward: More fast exploding zombies are present, who are also more aggressive due to their lack of long range vomit attack. Mutant Rats are also immune to knockback, with a fast, tricky to dodge lunge attack.


Name Exterior 1st Floor Other Floors Exits Floors
Chemical Plant Chemical Plant Outside Chemical Plant 4 1