Gold Membership is Dead Frontier's optional subscription service, and comes in three variants.
Duration | Price | Auto-renewal? |
Monthly | $ 7.95 | Yes (Monthly) |
6 Months | $ 39.95 (20% Discount) |
No |
12 Months | $ 72.95 (24% Discount) |
No |
(All prices do not include tax, which may be added on during purchase depending on your location)
How to cancel your Gold Membership subscription[]
Click the question mark next to the GM notification text at an outpost. From there, you can view your subscription status, and manually cancel it if needed.
Gold Membership Ticket[]
In addition to real life money, Gold Membership can also be purchased using DF credits or in-game cash, even by non-GM players. This method brings almost all the benefits of the normal GM version, with the exception being the credit bonus per month.
Note: If you use a Gold Membership Ticket while on a GM subscription, you will continue to be billed monthly as normal; the ticket's GM duration only takes effect after you have unsubscribed, and ran out of your normal subscription's duration.
Gold Membership Ticket | |
Grants 31 days of Gold Membership
+ 2x EXP + 2x Mission Rewards + Improved Loot + Credit Shop Discount + F***ing Fast Revive - Excludes Monthly Credits Non-Transferable Credit Price: The amount of credits required to purchase the item from the Credit Shop. The value in brackets, if added, is the discounted price for Gold Members.₵200 Scrap Value: $505 |
A fancy golden card (actually a credit-card shaped bar of chocolate), granting you access to the Gold Members' club and all of its benefits (except the credit bonus) |
7 Day Membership Ticket | |
Grants 7 days of Gold Membership
+ 2x EXP + 2x Mission Rewards + Improved Loot + Credit Shop Discount + F***ing Fast Revive - Excludes Monthly Credits Non-Transferable Venditron Price: The amount of cash required to purchase the item from the Venditron, and where to purchase it.$4,000,000 (Secronom Bunker) Scrap Value: $505 |
A diet GM chocolate bar, made using more environmentally friendly methods. Consider not eating this if you are allergic to peanuts. |
Being a Gold Member gives you the following benefits:
Account Deletion Prevention[]
- Your accounts that have purchased GM are protected from automatic account deletion that occurs after 2 weeks without logging in, if they are lower than level 10. This applies even after the Gold Membership period has ended.
200 Credits right away and for each Gold Membership renewal[]
- Aside from the other bonuses, you get 200 valuable credits on the day your gold membership starts or gets automatically renewed each month, which already equals the $7.95 if you bought only 200 credits. If purchasing the larger subscriptions, the credits are given in one bulk sum from the start. 6 Months giving you 1,200 credits and the 12 Months giving you 2,400 credits.
More Experience per Kill[]
- Gold Members get an additional 2x EXP boost; this stacks multiplicatively with experience boosts from Implants/Drugs/event bonuses. See Formulas#EXP Calculation for the detailed formula.
Better Mission Rewards[]
- Missions reward double the experience and cash upon completion!
Improved Looting Chances[]
- Gold Members receive a bevy of looting improvements compared to normal players:
- +100% Weapon Loot Chance, Armor Loot Chance, Cash Loot Amount and Ammo Loot Amount.
- +60% Loot Spots.
- Bonuses stack additively with Implants/event bonuses.
- Uncap the level-based looting restriction, allowing low leveled accounts (lvl < 45) to immediately find end game loot.
- Increased proficiency cap for weapons/armors; only Gold Members can loot tier 2+ 120 proficiency weapons and level 75+ armors.
- Contrary to popular beliefs, Gold Membership does not change the chance of looting "nothing" (which stays at a constant 25%)
Credit Shop & Extra Items / Special Services Discounts[]
- As a Gold Member, you get various discounts on a lot of things which can be bought with credits, primarily in the Credit Shop. All prices there appear automatically decreased, for example the Stat Reset which gets discounted from 200 to 100 credits.
Reduced Revival Timer[]
- Now you only have to wait a mere 5 seconds to get pulled back into life in case you lose a fierce battle.
Access to the Gold Member Discussion Forum[]
- Gold Members get their own private section at the forums, in which they are basically free to talk about whatever they prefer to tell only Gold Members, instead of the whole community at once. This is basically an alternative Dead Frontier Discussion, but you can post various other things here just as well.
A custom forum title of your choice[]
- Custom titles appear directly below your profile name at each post and as a Gold Member, you can give yourself fancy titles via the profile options.
Fancier in-game username color[]
- Gold Members in-game have golden colored usernames, as a way to show off their status symbol compared to the normal green-username players. Note that PvP will override this, and thus a Gold Member in PvP mode will still have the normal red username.
Priority Technical Support[]
- If technical problems are experienced by Gold Members, who then voice out about the problem, an Administrator or Moderator will promptly assist the player to the best of his or her ability.
AdminPwn Will Annoy You Less Often[]
- While the advertisements may be only a minor bother to some, the number of times you will experience a pop up add regarding membership/buying items will decrease to once a day.