Dead Frontier Wiki
Mastery pic

Masteries were added on January 29th, 2023, as a way to give players opportunities to earn more rewards for investing time into the game.

  • Mastery levels can go up indefinitely; however currently there is a cap on maximum bonus possible from each mastery:
    • Item Find Chance: 5%
      • Multiplies the chance of finding nothing (base 25%) by (1 - Item Find Chance). At max mastery, the chance of finding nothing is: 25% * (1 - 5%) = 23.75%
    • Search Speed: 5%
    • Creation Decrease: 20%
    • Use Hunger Decrease: 20%
      • Multiplies the hunger cost for service professions' abilities by (1 - Use Hunnger Decrease). For example, at max mastery, the hunger cost for an Engineer service is: 10% * (1 - 20%) = 8%
    • Experience Gain: 5%
    • Weapon-specific Damage Boost: 10%

Special Masteries[]

Completed by: Looting any object in game (+1 point regardless of content)
MasteryLooter Loots Per Level Level Total Loot Requirement Bonus Item Find Chance Bonus Loot Speed
101 1 101 0.005% 0.01%
200 20,200 1.000% 2.00%
102 201 20,302 1.005% 2.01%
400 40,600 2.000% 4.00%
103 401 40,703 2.005% 4.01%
500 50,900 2.500% 5.00%
600 61,200 3.000% 5.00%
104 601 61,304 3.005% 5.00%
800 82,000 4.000% 5.00%
105 801 82,105 4.005% 5.00%
1,000 103,000 5.000% 5.00%

Completed by: Providing services and goods as a service (Chef, Doctor, Engineer) or production (Farmer, Scientist) profession.
  • Each Chef/Doctor service sold on the Marketplace gives +4 point.
  • Each Engineer service sold gives +1 point
  • Each Farmer/Scientist/Craftsman/Weaponsmith production cycle gives +10 points per item created (totaling 20-40 points).
MasteryArtisan Services Per Level Level Total Service Requirement Bonus Creation Decrease Bonus Use Hunger Decrease
101 1 101 0.05% 0.1%
100 10,100 5.00% 10.00%
200 20,200 10.00% 20.00%
102 201 20,322 10.05% 20.00%
300 30,420 15.00% 20.00%
400 40,620 20.00% 20.00%

Completed by: Completing other Masteries (+1 point per level)
MasteryMaster Masteries per Level Level Total Mastery Requirement Bonus Experience Gain
100 1 100 0.0001%
5,000 500,000 0.50%
10,000 1,000,000 1.00%
25,000 2,500,000 2.50%
50,000 5,000,000 5.00%

Weapon Masteries[]

Damage from Masteries is additive with the bonus from implants and drugs.
Example: 25% Damage Boost + 5% Shotgun Damage Boost = 30% damage boost for shotguns.

Melee Expert
Completed by: Killing zombies with Melee Weapons
MasteryMeleeExpert Kills Per Level Level Total Kill Requirement Bonus Damage
500 1 500 0.1%
10 5,000 1.0%
20 10,000 2.0%
100 50,000 10.0%
200 100,000 20.0%

Chainsaw Expert
Completed by: Killing zombies with Chainsaws
MasteryChainsawExpert Kills Per Level Level Total Kill Requirement Bonus Damage
500 1 500 0.1%
10 5,000 1.0%
20 10,000 2.0%
100 50,000 10.0%
200 100,000 20.0%

Pistol Expert
Completed by: Killing zombies with Pistols
MasteryPistolExpert Kills Per Level Level Total Kill Requirement Bonus Damage
500 1 500 0.1%
10 5,000 1.0%
20 10,000 2.0%
100 50,000 10.0%
200 100,000 20.0%

Rifle Expert
Completed by: Killing zombies with Rifles
MasteryRifleExpert Kills Per Level Level Total Kill Requirement Bonus Damage
500 1 500 0.1%
10 5,000 1.0%
20 10,000 2.0%
100 50,000 10.0%
200 100,000 20.0%

Shotgun Expert
Completed by: Killing zombies with Shotguns
MasteryShotgunExpert Kills Per Level Level Total Kill Requirement Bonus Damage
1,500 1 1,500 0.1%
10 15,000 1.0%
20 20,000 2.0%
100 150,000 10.0%
200 300,000 20.0%

SMG Expert
Completed by: Killing zombies with Sub-Machine Guns
MasterySMGExpert Kills Per Level Level Total Kill Requirement Bonus Damage
1,500 1 1,500 0.1%
10 15,000 1.0%
20 20,000 2.0%
100 150,000 10.0%
200 300,000 20.0%

Machinegun Expert
Completed by: Killing zombies with Assault Rifles/Heavy Machine Guns
MasteryMachinegunExpert Kills Per Level Level Total Kill Requirement Bonus Damage
1,500 1 1,500 0.1%
10 15,000 1.0%
20 20,000 2.0%
100 150,000 10.0%
200 300,000 20.0%

Explosive Expert
Completed by: Killing zombies with Grenade Launchers/Flamethrowers
MasteryExplosiveExpert Kills Per Level Level Total Kill Requirement Bonus Damage
1,500 1 1,500 0.1%
10 15,000 1.0%
20 20,000 2.0%
100 150,000 10.0%
200 300,000 20.0%