cupcake_goth: (Default)
( Mar. 27th, 2025 12:41 pm)
As many of you know, the Madwoman in the Attic is a seamstress, which is why I have over 15 each of two different styles of dress. (Yes, I am spoiled, and this is why I'm not buying clothes these days.) Yesterday she surprised me with one of my high ruffled collar, long sleeves dresses in black and pink stripes. Eeeeeeee! Tonight I sew on the cuff buttons, and then it's ready to wear.

Am I slowly combining my Unnerving Governess fashion with my classic Cupcake Goth style? Yes. Because it makes me happy.

(I'm still at THREAT LEVEL: BANDOM, tho'.) 
So much going on, and while much of it is nibbled to death by ducks (with extra teeth), the combination is leaving me exhausted.

- It turns out I've been being overcharged by a lot for my Wegovy. I spent 45 minutes in a help chat with my insurance company to get that fixed; the rep was very helpful and gave me all the information so I can follow up if needed. 

- Speaking of insurance, fingers crossed they don't do anything weird about the new neurologist I'm going to see next week. There shouldn't be any issues because the neurologist's office confirmed they take my insurance, but anything to do with insurance companies is a guessing game at the best of times.

- I saw Dad, and in the course of conversation he mentioned that he was going to have "another" cardioversion. "How many have you had, Dad?" "Oh, a few." Sooooo Dad has slipped back into not telling me what the hell is going on with his health, yay. At least he's now using a cane because of his bad knees? Finally? And of course I'm freaked out about the news of the bullshit going on with Social Security and Medicare, because those things directly impact Dad.

- The ongoing nightmares and stress dreams haven't let up. Let's just say my background anxiety level is getting harder to ignore. I'm going to send a message to my psych about if we need to up one of my meds, or add something to help. I really don't want to add anything, but I also don't want to keep feeling this way.

- Work is its own whirlwind. Last week I was part of a presentation meeting to the R&D executive team about some suggested changes to how we present content to our customers. It went well, but the execs had waaaaaay more questions about my team's stuff than I had expected. Which means, of course, my impostor syndrome is ridiculously high. 

- I bought a tiny plush raccoon. Once it arrives, I'm making a sign to hang around its neck that says "LIAR", then I'm going to hang it between my work monitors. (This idea came about from my last therapy session, much to my therapists approval and amusement.)

- A good thing! I wrote a new Gothic Charm School article! People were excited by it! And I've already drafted the next one! Now if I can turn that writing momentum on my fiction project, that would be great.

I feel bad because so many of you are dealing with far more stressful things than I, but I'm just constantly tired and anxious. 

Let's see ... 
  • Thursday: redying hair and figuring out my outfits for my photo ops with Mads Mikkelsen and Hugh Dancy. (Note to self, remember to take a fragment of anti-anxiety med BEFORE involving the Stroppy One, king of focusing on tiny details.)
  • Friday WAS going to be head down to the convention, pick up our badges and leisurely explore the vendor hall and artists' alley. That didn't happen because the Stroppy One barely slept the night before and came down with a painless migraine. 
  • Saturday: get up earlier than I'm used to, get ready as quickly as possible without making myself a ball of stress, and hit the road so we can get to the convention and pick up our badges so we can get in line for the Hannibal panel. I was smart and got an ADA sticker; the folks at registration asked if I had a companion helping me, and gave me a second sticker when I said yes. This was incredibly helpful for the two days we were there, as it let me be in a separate queue that was sent first for anything. 
  • Yet More Saturday: the Hannibal panel was great, and Mads sent the crowd into a frenzy when he said, "Of course we're (indicating Hugh) on board for more Hannibal". :: cue fannibal screaming ::
  • Even More Saturday! PHOTO OP PHOTO OP PHOTO OP 

  • Saturday the Reckoning: we powered through artists' alley and didn't see anything that made us go "OMG YES", which made me a little sad. And then the Fannibal "meat"-up, yaaaaaaay! It was nice to meet folks who I only knew from online fandom. After that we decided we were waaaaay too tired to manage the Fannibal dinner at Kell's, so wisely went home.
  • SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY: Oh G-D, daylight savings time. We got to the convention in time for the second photo op! Mads snapped that fan open like a pro.

  • fan service
  • SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY con't: Autograph sessions, yaaaay! The vendor hall, which kinda-not-really yay. There were so many booths selling things I recognized from browsing on AliExpress.
Things I learned from ECCC: I don't do well with that level of crowd any more, especially with (mostly) dudes with their giant backpacks, and I need to be more honest with myself as to my stamina. However I also learned that Mads and Hugh are very good with their fans, and that my fellow Fannibals are AWESOME. I wish I could hang out with them more often.

And then to wrap everything up, I spent Monday not recovering from the con, but recovering from a REALLY bad night. I had a bout of chills where nothing would get me warm, the shivers caused muscle cramping, and then the vomiting. I feel fine (if tired) now, so it probably was a bout of food poisoning.  

cupcake_goth: GWay Black Parade (Black Parade)
( Mar. 3rd, 2025 11:23 am)
- My brain has been an asshole lately; I am having nightmares a minimum of three days a week, almost all of which involve the Stroppy One. Which makes total sense because he's pretty much the most important relationship in my life, but it still adds to the background depression and anxiety. I feel like I'm always one stressful thing from crying.

- I'm thinking of selling my tickets for the SF My Chemical Romance show. I don't want to; not only do I want to see my boys multiple times on this tour, but it was going to be the first time seeing them with the Stroppy One. But Jesus, I am so freaked out by the seemingly-constant plane crashes. But G-D dammit, seeing MCR twice was one of the things I was clinging to for joy.

- I dyed my hair yesterday, and the sections I use the semi-permanent on (the front sides, crown, and bangs) didn't take the color as well as they usually do. Which means I now need to decide if I'm going to switch to using the (awesome!) Goldwell Elumen permanent fuchsia dye I use on the back. Luckily that dye has a clear additive that can be used to lighten the color of the dye so I can dilute it a bit and have the blend of different intensity pinks that I like, but I'm still annoyed that I need to redye my hair. And I need to decide if I'm going to redye it before ECCC, which is this weekend. I'm leaning towards no, because I'm either wearing a hat or flower crowns (it's a Fannibal thing) every day of the show.

So to sum up, meh. Ugh. I hope all of you are having good things happen.
cupcake_goth: (Default)
( Feb. 20th, 2025 02:10 pm)
Huh, I guess it's been a while since I've posted. Things are :: tired jazz hands :: yeah. I, like everyone else, am overwhelmed with the state of the world. I keep having to remind folks on my team that WE DO NOT DISCUSS POLITICS AT WORK OMG.

The state of the world, of course, is causing our house to be a vortex of levels of depression and executive disfunction, because who can focus on anything? I'm doing better than the Stroppy One, but only because I'm pretty much forcing myself to for day job reasons. I should probably take a mental health day soon or something.


Soooo there's something weird going on with our gas tankless water heater. The taps give hot water everywhere BUT the master bath, and we don't know why. Well, they give a few minutes of warm-to-tepid water then cycle back to cold. This means I've been having short showers instead of baths and I am VERY CRANKY about that. The Stroppy One is calling a plumber in the next few days.


Good things! I have plunked down a ridiculous amount of money to attend Emerald City Comic Con in March. The reason it's a ridiculous amount of money is because Mads Mikkelsen and Hugh Dancy are guests, so I have treated myself to two different photo shoots with the two of them together and an autograph session. And a bunch of Fannibals will be there, so I'll get to hang out with a bunch of my fandom peeps!

I got my nails done yesterday - dip powder (a form of acrylic) over forms for length and shape - and it is possibly the MOST cupcake goth manicure ever. I think this will become my standard manicure.

cupcake_goth: (Leeches)
( Feb. 4th, 2025 11:28 am)
Yesterday was Not Great. While talking to my boss about my Hopes and Dreams for my team, I got so overwhelmed and stressed that I started crying. Way to be professional, self. Thankfully my boss not only understood, but reassured me that she's also a stress crier.

AND THEN A VISIT FROM THE MIGRAINE DEMON. A really bad one. I took an interrupt med and flopped on the couch with Miss Erzabet No Biting, napped off and on, and none of that did a damn thing. The Stroppy One suggested that I just go to bed; take all my bedtime meds plus extra whatever that would help the migraine, and fall asleep early. I was asleep by 11pm, which is unheard of for me.

I don't have a migraine today, yay! But I do have a migraine hangover, ugh. Plus today is therapy + psych appointments, which, good, but I also know I'll cry during at least therapy, and possibly while talking to my psych about meds and what my general level of anxiety is. (Hint: not good.)

So. Ugh. I hope all of you are doing better than me.
:: points at title :: Yeah. That's pretty much where I'm at. That's pretty much where everyone I know is at.

- I'm seriously considering switching to only reading the fandom feed on bsky, because I am finding it harder and harder to navigate the line between "informed" and "panicked". I fully acknowledge I've got a hell of a lot of privilege to be able to do that, but I also know that I can't help others or give any support if I'm frozen with horror.

- I, like many, am having difficulty concentrating on anything. I'm trying to stop spending my evenings flipping between social media feeds and instead read an actual book, work on a craft project, write ... anything but social media. It's difficult.

- I'm keeping FB because of some groups I love, and it's the only way to get in touch with some folks. I'm keeping IG because a hell of a lot of small artists I follow only post to IG and TikTok. They don't have regular websites, or if they do you only find out about new music/jewelry/clothes by following their IG. Plus I just found a bunch of plus-size goth accounts to follow.

- I've been listening to Opheliac by Emilie Autumn on off-and-on repeat. Does this mean I'm headed to crazytown? I don't think so, but it's hard for me to tell if that's going on. But last week I had nightmares every night, so maybe? But hey! I have therapy AND a psych appointment tomorrow, so at least I can check with professionals.

Weight loss talk behind here, for those who want to scroll )
cupcake_goth: (Default)
( Jan. 21st, 2025 10:58 am)
I, like many others, stayed the hell off FB and IG yesterday. I went so far as to log out on my computer; I don't remember my password and can't be bothered to look it up, so I guess the only place I'll have FB is on my phone. The only reason I'm not leaving FB forever is that there are some groups that I love, and they haven't been duplicated anywhere else.

(Please don't mention Discord. I'm part of two, and they are the death of productivity for me.)


I also avoided most of the news yesterday, because I knew it would lead to a spiral of doomscrolling. But I caught the big things, and ... yeah. I know there are people leading the charge on resisting and helping others; I hope at some point I have the energy to help.


We watched The Substance over the weekend. I liked it, but not as much as I expected. Plus the last 20 minutes go off the rails and feel like they're by a completely different writer and director. But if I want body horror and the problems of "making it" in Hollywood, I prefer Starry Eyes.

I suspect The Substance hits differently for those of us who've struggled with body image issues/body dysmorphia; while it didn't trigger a full meltdown, it did remind me why I've gone back to therapy. (Also, watching it on the same day as my first GLP-1 injection was maybe not the best idea.)


Speaking of that GLP-1 med (I'm on Wegovy), I had two days of very mild side effects, and that seems to have settled down. As I'm on the "starter" dose for the month, I don't expect to see any weight loss yet. Apparently that kicks in when you titrate up to .5mg.


I am TIRED. Like, I could fall back asleep RIGHT NOW tired. This is not okay.
(Man, I've been getting a lot of use out of that title.)

Yes, I've read the Vulture article about Neil Gaiman. I believe the victims. 100%
If you haven't read it, know that it should have ALL the content warnings, because it documents horrific things. Seriously, it's stomach-churning.

I have a LOT of things by him - books, comics, collectibles. I think they're all going to go live in boxes while I decide what to do with them.

I, like a lot of people who had varying degrees of "friendship" with him, am struggling with the specter of "I should have known. I should have seen through the mask". If you're someone struggling with similar feelings, know you're not alone.

(The Stroppy One read the article before me and gave me some serious warnings. He also said that, after reading the article, he realized that I was somehow very lucky in the mid 90s when I met Gaiman and hung out with him at conventions, because I was the sort he preyed on. There's a line in the article, from the reporter seeing the gathering of the women who came forward, describing them as "Dark haired, with delicate features, they could be sisters".)

cupcake_goth: (Default)
( Jan. 12th, 2025 05:07 pm)
I spent the past week in Phoenix, AZ for the annual company kickoff event. The first two days were, as traditional, the Big Company Events, with talks by the CFO/acting CEO, the company founder, assorted senior VPs, and ... motivational speakers. Who are always sports people. Our entire C-suite looooooooves sports. I tend to doze or scroll through my phone during the motivational speakers, because if you've heard one you've heard them all, and I am Very Much Not a sports person.

Our CFO/CEO also looooooooves Taylor Swift (his daughters got him into her music), so his talks always reference her in some way. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if at some point the company blows all the money they spend on motivational speakers to get her to perform at the company party or something.

Speaking of the company party: it was held at a basketball stadium. There was an emcee/DJ who was very loud, there were flashing lights, a massive crowd of people, and a marching drum corps who constantly circled around the venue. I lasted about an hour and then fled back to my hotel in the hopes of warding off a migraine.

The kickoff was useful, tho'. I talked to a lot of our Sales team about what the hell they're doing ("OMG you're in charge of localization?! I will set up a meeting" was a thing that was frequently said), caught up with some PMs who I needed to get info from, and generally learned about plans that I had no idea about.

But MY G-D, I am glad to be home. Post-event crash means a lot of sleeping or flopping on the couch and reassuring Miss Erzabet No Biting that I haven't abandoned her.


This coming week has turned out to be non-stop medical appointments.
Monday: Breast MRI
Tuesday: Therapy AND psychiatrist
Friday: Botox

Yay? I guess?
cupcake_goth: (Vampire Governess)
( Jan. 5th, 2025 12:33 pm)
- Our NYE was quiet. We spent the day hanging out with a friend, then spent the evening watching Wicked (which had just hit streaming), and then a compilation on YouTube of goth artist's appearances on Top of the Pops. The Stroppy One had found it previously, and cleverly set it to run so it would end at 11:59.

- Today is packing day for flying on Monday to Arizona for the annual Company Kick-off week. I reached out to the VP and senior VP of Global Sales, introduced myself and talked about my owning localization for user documents and the UI, and asked if I could sit in on the team sessions for their org. They enthusiastically invited me and thanked me for the work I've done so far.

- I'm perpetually fatigued these days. In part because hoo-boy did I let my sleep schedule slide during the holiday break, but I'm pretty sure that's not the only reason. Ugh.
cupcake_goth: (Default)
( Dec. 28th, 2024 02:07 pm)
- We do indeed have a PINK sparkly tree, and it makes me happy every time I see it.


- The Stroppy One went all-out on making sure I had a good holiday. One weekend he surprised me with going to the Woodland Park Zoo "Zoo Lanterns" exhibit with [personal profile] minim_calibre and family (which includes the eldest godkid). It was beautiful, but my favorite part was probably the area where they had a bubble machine set up with a fog machine, which means the bubbles were filled with swirling vapor and were otherworldly.

Then the Sunday before Christmas he informed me that we were going to the Herb farm the next evening and staying at the fancy hotel across the road. (minim & husband also joined us for that.) We're extremely lucky to have had the disposable income to go to the Herbfarm a few times before, and each time is magical. The menu that we had (the date says Dec. 27, but it's the same one we had on the 23rd).

Fancy om-nom-nom )

- We spent Christmas day with one set of friends for a holiday brunch and trip to see Nosferatu. I, as you can guess, loved it. It's a gothic romance with some elements of horror, the cast were stellar in their performances, and it's so gothic-ly lush and beautiful. I am, of course, going to buy it on blu-ray as soon as it's available.


I saw a friend's copy of the 2025 Witch's Planner from Open Sea Design Co., and decided I needed it. One of my plans for next year is to get back to doing more witchy things; I haven't had the energy or focus for it, but I know that getting back to it will help ground me and lower my damn stress levels.
cupcake_goth: (Default)
( Dec. 10th, 2024 11:04 am)
- We are going to have a Christmas tree this year! I think this is the first year since 2011 that we'll have a tree. The Stroppy One indulged me, and a pre-lit tree in PINK is arriving this week. PINK SPARKLY TREE! Things are going to be interesting, because this will be the first time ever that the Kitties of Chaos will experience a tree. My theory is that Vlad will lose his mind in glee and Erzabet will be freaked out. (And yes, we're securing the tree to walls with hooks and fishing line.)

- Mood swings and crying for no reason continue. I'm meeting with my doctor next week to talk about what non-HRT options there are. 

- Related to visiting my doctor: I read the site for the medical weight loss specialist the oncologist recommended to me, and their approaches will not work for me. Intensive exercise isn't possible with my physical issues (plus that lovely post-exertional malaise that is a gift with purchase with ME/CFS), and calorie tracking + very restricted calorie intake will send me on the path of madness of an eating disorder. (Also the place offers "medispa" services, which makes me very suspicious of them.) So! After a ton of research AND being in customer service chat hell with my insurance provider, my doctor and I are going to talk about GLP1 meds. Yes, the "magic bullet" weight loss drug family that's gotten so much press. However, there is strong evidence that that drug family not only helps with weight loss, but reduces inflammation, some menopausal issues, and mental health. (I discussed them with my psych, and he thinks they'd help me.) And because I have some interlocking health issues, there's a strong chance my insurance will actually approve and pay for this med. Fingers crossed.

- I've been getting back into vintage perfume, specifically Opium. Which has gone through several reformulations, so I'm only interested in ones from the 80s to very early 90s. The holy grail, of course, is an OG bottle from the late 70s when it was released. I just got my tiny decant of that from a specialist store, and mmmmm. Yes, this is the sort of fragrance I want. This, Chanel Coromandel, and the OG Thierry Mugler Angel are my favorite "name brand" perfumes; thankfully I have enough of Angel from the era of me wearing it every day that I don't have to haunt eBay to find some. Now let's see if my skin does the thing where it completely absorbs and nullifies any perfume I apply. This started a few years ago, which is part of the reason I collect scent lockets. 
cupcake_goth: (Vampire Governess)
( Dec. 7th, 2024 11:23 am)
I barely looked at my Spotify Wrapped, but I did want to see what my most-listened to song was. I really should have expected what it was. :D

Hold Me Like a Grudge by Fall Out Boy

I do really like the song, but part of it is also that as soon as the new FOB album hit, the Hannibal Extended Universe side of the Hannibal fandom rose up, pointed at the song, and declared it the anthem of a particular cross-media pairing. Look, we're predictable in some ways. "Part time soul mate, full time problem" indeed. 

(For those who want to know what characters: Nigel, played by Mads Mikkelsen, from The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman, and Bobby Bronson, played by Hugh Dancy, from one single episode of the Roar show on Apple TV. Charming assholes, the both of them.)
cupcake_goth: (Default)
( Dec. 1st, 2024 11:55 am)
- We didn't have a Thanksgiving. We were going to head out to my step-sister's, but the Stroppy One had been at a big M:tG event since the previous Wednesday. He returned on Monday completely exhausted, and still didn't feel safe enough to drive on Thursday. We're making separate plans with Dad and Patty to see them very soon. 

- At that big M:tG event, the Stroppy One was the most popular artist there. Apparently the shortest time to get through his line was 90 minutes. It was a great show for him, but no wonder he's still exhausted. 
- The "change a back closure bra to a front closure" test went fantastically! I promptly bought three more of the same style of bra, and the Madwoman has altered them. Yay, more underthings!

- I've been off HRT for over a month now, and whoo-yeah, it was making a difference. A BIG difference. I'm back to having crying meltdowns for no reason at least two times a week. Do. Not. Want. So there are messages that I need to send to a few of my medical team and talk about what can be done. In the meantime, this is terrible.

- News that shocked my particular section of music fandom: Bob Bryar, the longest-tenured drummer who was with My Chemical Romance, was found dead. (There are additional details but they lead to some pretty gruesome speculation, so I'm sparing you all.) After the band fired Bob, he slowly turned into a pretty unpleasant person who was falling down the alt-right pit, but he was an important part of the band through the end of everything with The Black Parade and all of the MCR fans are in shock.

- The Stroppy One is determined that we will do fun holiday stuff this year. He doesn't have a deadline over December (for once), and he knows that over the past decade or so, I get low during the holidays. That usual mild depression + the no HRT mood swings? Yeah, he is determined to make the month as good as possible for me. 

cupcake_goth: (Default)
( Nov. 25th, 2024 11:13 am)
Because of my back and general body aches, I have switched to wearing front-closure bras. I like them, but the ones that work best for me (and my wardrobe) are plunge bras, and sometimes I don't want that. After searching the interwebs, I found this post on how to convert a back-closure bra to front-closure. 

After showing the post to the Madwoman in the Attic (who snorted and said, "Yeah, that's easy enough that you could probably do it yourself, please don't"), I ordered a bra in my current size and handed it over to her. She did the change overnight, so later today I will try on the new bra and report back on how it works. 


Because of OMG WEATHER in our region (we didn't lose power, thank goodness) and the general stress of my life recently, I had a migraine off-and-on all last week. I finally admitted defeat on Friday, tapped out super early, and spent most of the weekend sleeping or being a lump on the couch. Miss Erzabet No Biting approved of this. 


I've really missed the long-skirted velvet waistcoats that I used to wear all the time. ChicStar no longer makes them, and they're impossible to find on any of the 2nd hand sites. So I pulled out the two that I could almost button closed and added D-ring tape down the front so I can lace them closed. I also waved one (before the alterations I did), waved it at the Madwoman, and then unearthed the black and the wine velvet that I had the most of. She confirmed there was enough yardage of both, so I'll have new waistcoats sometime in the near future, yay!
But that's not today. 

I had my second appointment with the pulmonologist to try and figure out why I randomly feel short of breath/air hunger. The final "answer": X-rays show my lungs look great, yay! My breathing tests are normal, yay! Why do I need a rescue inhaler multiple times a week? Who knows! Possibly ME/CFS post-exertion malaise and general fuckery? Oh, probably. Soooooo there's no real solution, except use the inhaler when I need it.

... I guess that means I can stop putting brain power to that, and focus on the various things I'll need to do in order to lessen the risk of breast cancer. Because that'll be fun or something.

Yes, yes, taking care of my stupid mortal shell is vital and necessary, but DAMN is it stressful. 

cupcake_goth: (Default)
( Nov. 20th, 2024 12:46 pm)
- In an attempt to keep my sanity/improve my mood/reboot my brain, I'm (mostly) staying off social media once I'm done with work. (Yes, I'm active on social media during the work day, mostly because my personal computer is next to my work computer, so I dink around while I'm waiting for things to do what they're supposed to.) What am I doing in the evenings? Recently it's been rewatch all the comfort media, because I am STRESSED about :: gestures vaguely :: everything. I'm getting back into DIY and customizing clothes. My beloved (and long-discontinued) long velvet waistcoats from ChicStar no longer fit me, but I can add D-ring tape to the inside of the openings and lace them up over ruffled blouses! I'm currently working on my black one, and am adding wide venice lace along the front to cover where the button holes are. Depending on how this works, I'm doing this to the matching wine red one. 

-I 'm hoping that doing this will eventually get me to the point where I can write non-work stuff again. I know what the next few Gothic Charm School articles will be, I just need to get the motivation and brain together to write.

- I have my follow-up appointment for the microblading of my brows in early Dec. Since it involves going to Seattle, I'm going to contact my regular tattoo artist and find out if he has an opening on the same day so I can go get my next tattoo. It's a small one, but vital that I get pretty damn soon, especially with all the poking at my insecurities that has been going on in therapy. It's two lines from "Rock n' Roll Suicide" by David Bowie: "you're wonderful", in his handwriting. (Yes, there are images of the handwritten lyrics out there online.) So yeah, if the scheduling works out, I'm essentially getting two tattoos in one day. Wheee!

- Speaking of therapy, whooo. I now know that if someone says "I'm proud of you", my instinct is to either vocally dismiss it or start crying. Thanks, Brain Raccoons, so helpful. Look, I know repressing my emotions so I can take care of other people is not a valid long-term plan of behavior, but figuring out how to rein back that impulse is difficult. As much as I get mad at Dad about the "Oh, I don't want to bother you" pattern, I have to admit that I do the same damn thing. (People of a certain age, you're welcome for the "I learned it from you!" PSA flashback.)

cupcake_goth: (Default)
( Nov. 15th, 2024 11:42 am)

Yesterday's meeting with the oncologist was okay. He was super-nice and gave me a lot of information. The tl;dr version:

  • I am at risk for breast cancer. Not super-super high risk, but more at risk than the general population. 
  • Next step: MRI.
  • Then more convos with the oncologist and my doctor.
  • Annual mammograms and MRIs.
  • I almost certainly need to lose weight, and have a referral for a medical weight loss specialist. When I see her, I'll be very clear and emphatic about my chronic illnesses and back issue.

Yay? I guess?


Ticketmaster is the devil. By the time I got through the virtual queue to buy MCR tickets, there were NO ADA seats showing. I bought tickets anyway, stayed on hold with Ticketmaster forever, and learned that there isn't anything they can do right now. A ticket has been opened with the Tier 2 support folks, and now it's a case of wait and see if any ADA options become available or they can do something. 

I may end up buying a second set of $280+ tickets and selling the ones I originally bought. I dunno. I HATE TICKETMASTER. 

(There were no options for getting ADA seats for either L.A. or SF, and the remaining tickets were $300+, arrrrgggh.)

 My Chemical Romance announced a short 2025 tour focusing on The Black Parade.


Wow, did I need that news. Tickets go on sale on Friday. I'm hoping to get tix for THREE different cities, as they're only playing one night per location. I'm also reminding myself that if Ticketmaster does what Ticketmaster always does, I do have the option of calling the venues and saying "Hi, I need ADA seats and Ticketmaster isn't showing if any are available. Plz help me buy tickets"



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