Remember when we all did memes on LJ? Because we liked sharing information? I miss that, so because I am distracting myself from stuff, I am swiping a meme from
How old are you?
50! I'm pretty excited about that. Not because I never thought I'd see that age -- I knew from childhood that my ultimate goal was vampirism and immortality -- but 50 is a Big Number!
Ha, yes. From oldest to newest:
I also keep thinking about getting "My childhood spat back up the monster that you see" on one of my legs, but friends keep telling me I should think long and hard about getting a Fall Out Boy lyric inked.
Ever hit a deer?
No, thank goodness.
Ridden in an ambulance?
Nope! My urgent care trips have all been by car.
Sang karaoke?
Yep! But not very often, because I had, with no false modesty, a really good singing voice in my teens and twenties. It's deteriorated with age and a lack of practice, which makes me kind of angry. Thus, I don't sing in public very often.
Ice skated?
Once, in childhood. It was Not For Me.
Ridden a motorcycle?
Yes. My Tragic Hair Metal and Tragic LARPing Pasts meant I knew a lot of boys who were very invested in the Bad Boy image. It's possible to ride a motorcycle while wearing long skirts, but I wouldn't recommend it.
Stayed in hospital?
As a child, for tonsil removal. Any other trips to the hospital didn't involve staying overnight.
Skipped school?
AHAHAHAHA. I could forge my parents' signatures AND the signatures of two different teachers. Not only did I skip, but I helped friends skip.
Last phone call?
Making a neurologist appointment.
Last text from?
The Stroppy One, about groceries.
Watched someone die?
Some of my pet cats.
Pepsi or Coke?
Coke, as it tastes less sweet to me than Pepsi. Not that I drink either anymore.
Favourite pie?
Favourite pizza?
The local pizza place does a seasonal one with prosciutto, roasted pears, fried sage, and goat cheese, on an olive oil base.
Favourite season?
Autumn. Let me scuffle through fallen leaves on a cool and blustery day, and I am a happy goth.
Broken bones?
Nope! Sprains, but no breaks.
Received a ticket?
Nope. I never was caught in any of my minor criminal activity.
Favorite color?
In order: black, burgundy, pink, black & white stripe.
Sunset or sunrise?
Sunset. Sunrise belongs to a part of the day I'd rather not willingly see.
![[personal profile]](
How old are you?
50! I'm pretty excited about that. Not because I never thought I'd see that age -- I knew from childhood that my ultimate goal was vampirism and immortality -- but 50 is a Big Number!
Ha, yes. From oldest to newest:
- A woman's face surrounded by ivy on my upper left breast.
- Blackwork faerie wings across my upper back and shoulders, which cover my very first tattoo of a bat (which aged poorly over the years). Fun and/or insane fact: The enormous wings took 8.5 hours to ink, and I did it all in one marathon session. The artist who did them was only in town for a week.
- All three Gothic Charm School bats on my left forearm.
- "Get Out Of Your Own Way" on my right forearm. A message I need to be reminded of so often that having a permanent reminder seemed the best option.
- Crossed keys from the Haunted Mansion on my upper left arm. The heads of the keys have Mom's birth and death dates, and there's a ribbon below with "Love, Mom" in her handwriting.
- "Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nuc" on the outside of my right forearm. The family motto. "We gladly feast on those who would subdue us. Not just pretty words."
- The faces from the wallpaper of the Haunted Mansion, flanking Mom's tattoo.
- "If you care to find me look to the western sky" on the outside of my left forearm. The newest tattoo, reminding me to defy gravity. My other childhood goal was to become the Wicked Witch of the West, and Wicked is my favorite musical.
I also keep thinking about getting "My childhood spat back up the monster that you see" on one of my legs, but friends keep telling me I should think long and hard about getting a Fall Out Boy lyric inked.
Ever hit a deer?
No, thank goodness.
Ridden in an ambulance?
Nope! My urgent care trips have all been by car.
Sang karaoke?
Yep! But not very often, because I had, with no false modesty, a really good singing voice in my teens and twenties. It's deteriorated with age and a lack of practice, which makes me kind of angry. Thus, I don't sing in public very often.
Ice skated?
Once, in childhood. It was Not For Me.
Ridden a motorcycle?
Yes. My Tragic Hair Metal and Tragic LARPing Pasts meant I knew a lot of boys who were very invested in the Bad Boy image. It's possible to ride a motorcycle while wearing long skirts, but I wouldn't recommend it.
Stayed in hospital?
As a child, for tonsil removal. Any other trips to the hospital didn't involve staying overnight.
Skipped school?
AHAHAHAHA. I could forge my parents' signatures AND the signatures of two different teachers. Not only did I skip, but I helped friends skip.
Last phone call?
Making a neurologist appointment.
Last text from?
The Stroppy One, about groceries.
Watched someone die?
Some of my pet cats.
Pepsi or Coke?
Coke, as it tastes less sweet to me than Pepsi. Not that I drink either anymore.
Favourite pie?
Favourite pizza?
The local pizza place does a seasonal one with prosciutto, roasted pears, fried sage, and goat cheese, on an olive oil base.
Favourite season?
Autumn. Let me scuffle through fallen leaves on a cool and blustery day, and I am a happy goth.
Broken bones?
Nope! Sprains, but no breaks.
Received a ticket?
Nope. I never was caught in any of my minor criminal activity.
Favorite color?
In order: black, burgundy, pink, black & white stripe.
Sunset or sunrise?
Sunset. Sunrise belongs to a part of the day I'd rather not willingly see.