Miss Erzabet No Biting, demanding pettings:

Went to Emerald City Comic Con for the day, met the Goblin King!

Made some new moss terrariums for my altar:

And, in looking through my witchy and occult books, unearthed an old favorite that might end up being bath time reading for the next few nights:

Of Dealing With One's Parents.

The three letters I used in this post? They're a tiny representation of the sort of mail I get at the GCS address. My heart breaks for these kids, which is part of why I'm still doing this.

Anyway, comments on the post are open (and moderated), because I want babybats everywhere to know they're not alone.


In other news, changeable spring weather can stop ANY TIME NOW, thanks. Day two of a migraine, ugh.
Yep, new post time at Gothic Charm School!

Of Being Compared To Pop Stars, And Of Finding Plus-Size Goth Fashion. And comments are OPEN on this particular post, as I'm asking people for plus-sized fashion resources.

Shoes! One of my delightful co-workers gave me a pair of shoes today. She'd purchased them a few years ago, wore them once, and they've languished in her closet ever since.

New witchy shoes! They're really cute, and comfy.

(The socks are the Extraordinarily Longer Striped Thigh-Highs from Sock Dreams, and they're kind of amazing. They go all the way up to the tops of my thighs, they didn't roll down, and they didn't feel like they were going to cut off circulation! I need to get a few more pairs of these.)
Thing the first: new post time at Gothic Charm School! The Doll House: Tonner Doll and Wilde Imagination! The first in an ongoing series about dolls. In this one, I interview the main designers behind two very interesting doll companies!

Thing the second: Um, so, I'm a meme now? Goodness, Yes! Gothic Charm School! I have NO idea who started this, but I'm utterly tickled by it. But yeah. I'm a meme. Crazy.
Of Goth Styles And Labels.

My beta readers/sanity-check people are brilliant. BRILLIANT.

If you lovely peoples could help spread the word around the internets that there is a new post, that would be wonderful. Me, I'm going to go flop on the couch because I feel kinda wretched. And wait for the weather to make up its mind about whether we're going to get snow in my neighborhood or not.
Full of clicky-links as far as the eye can see, it's the Gothic Charm School Holiday Gift Guide!

My beta readers/sanity check people are awesome. Any problems with links are my fault, not theirs, and if there are any, please tell me so I can fix things!

Also, just like always, please help spread the word about the new post? Thank you!
Taken from [livejournal.com profile] javagoth - thank you!

I'm happy to report he is doing better and has plenty of money for his recovery. All extra funds will be used for other kitties that need vet care and they are also asking for donations to be given to the Humane officers - with a link to the appropriate place on their web site. Among other things these folks pursue legal action in cases like the kitty in the previous post - now named Clark Kent.


There is a special, horrible place in Hell for people who abandon pets. I firmly believe that.
It's time for a new post at Gothic Charm School! Of Gothy Age Limits (There Aren’t Any), And Of A Bad Idea In The Name Of “Fashion”.

As always, my beta readers are the best people EVER.

And also as always, if you lovely people could help spread the word about the new post, that would be wonderful. Thank you!
Just in time for the Halloween weekend, a new Nocturnal House Post!

Nocturnal House: Vampire Kisses!

A bigger-than-usual thank you goes to my beta readers/sanity check loves, who did a wonderful job at short notice for me.

As usual, if you lovely people could help spread the word about the new post, that would be wonderful! Thank you!
New post time at Gothic Charm School! Waiting For The Great Pumpkin: Halloween Ideas! Yes, I wrote a post related to my favorite holiday. Don't even try to look surprised.

My beta readers are, as always, delightful and helpful. Thanks!

And just like always, please help me spread the word about the new post? Thank you!
The big Gothic Charm School post about the Kickstarter for My Summer As A Goth!

My beta readers and sanity check people went above and beyond for this one, as it was written under a somewhat compressed deadline. I love you people, thank you!

Now, I always ask if you charming folks would help spread the word about new GCS posts. It's especially important for this one, because the more people who know about the Kickstarter campaign for the movie, the better the chances that the project will be funded.

Thank you!
An Assortment Of Questions, Including Babybats And Working With Children

My beta readers are a wonder and a delight - thank you! And just like always, if you lovely people will help spread the word about the new post, that would be great!


This Saturday!

Time Travelers' Rummage Sale, Seattle WA

Just in time to get your last minute costume accessories for Steamcon III, or your Halloween costume ~
the Time Travelers' Rummage Sale returns!
Noon - 6:00 PM
All Pilgrims Church
500 Broadway East (lower level)
Seattle, WA

The Bags Of Mystery! I'm putting together for this event are INSANE. Plus I culled my closet, so there's all sorts of interesting wearables!


Thank you to everyone who has helped with the Kickstarter for My Summer As A Goth! We're off to a great start. Expect to see a lot of posts from me about it, because I want this project to succeed and start filming next summer.
It's time for another visit to the Nocturnal House at Gothic Charm School, where I talk about the vampire book that flat-out scares me: 'Salem's Lot.

Many thanks to the Finishing School of Flail, Staxxy, Thea, and the StuntHusband, are invaluable sanity check people. And fantastic beta readers!

If you lovely folks could spread the word about the new post, that would be very helpful. Thank you!
Of New School Worries. Yes, it's a Back To School post for the babybats and gothlings! (And it has filled me with the urge to go shopping for back to school supplies. I want new crayons!)

Thank you to the Finishing School of Flail, Staxxy, and Thea for being wonderful beta readers and sanity check people!

And as always, you folks know the drill: if you could help spread the word about the new post, I'd be very grateful.
It's time for another visit to the Nocturnal House! Nocturnal House: Lost Souls.

[personal profile] staxxy and the Finishing School of Flail are, as always, fantastic beta readers and sanity check people. ::smooch::

If you lovely folks could help spread the word about the new post, that would be wonderful. Thank you!


In other news: yep, still hate job hunting. A lot.
The Nocturnal House: Anno Dracula. Where I talk about one of my favorite vampire books!

ALSO! That talented husband of mine has a blog post up talking about a possible Kickstarter project, and he'd like feedback from people. Go read it and give your opinion! http://www.peteventers.com/blog/2011/08/01/kickstarter/
Unveiling a new wing at Gothic Charm School! The Nocturnal House: Dracula.

Yes, I'm finally carrying out my threat to talk about vampire books I like. And! I'm allowing (moderated) comments! So, come on by, talk about vampire books, and PLEASE tell other people about it.

[livejournal.com profile] maiaarts, [livejournal.com profile] staxxy, and the Finishing School of Flail were, as always, fantastic beta readers and sanity checkers. Thank you, lovelies!
Of Book Recommendations, Depression, And What Is In Your Purse.

As always, [livejournal.com profile] staxxy, [livejournal.com profile] maiaarts, and the Finishing School of Flail were wonderful beta readers. And extra-special thanks to [livejournal.com profile] cass404 for additional san checks.

Also just like always, this is where I ask for you lovely folks to help spread the word about the new post. Thank you very much!


In other news, there is a new toy on the internets that is EATING MY BRAIN. turntable.fm is in beta mode, but it's a cross between Pandora (with no ads!) and a social network. There are rooms, and you can DJ music in them with other people. There are buttons that say AWESOME and LAME that let people vote on your choice of music. (The AWESOME button gets you points, and also makes the avatars bounce around in time to the music.)

This thing is CRACK. Pure crack. I have discovered some great new music through it. And yes, there is a Gothic Charm School room, thanks to Libby. We'll be in there this afternoon, sharing music with people. Keep an eye on my Twitter or FB for the link, and I hope you'll come join us!
Review: Heavy Red Clothing! (Who are wonderful, in case you were wondering.)

I know I say it every time, but it's true! My beta readers are delightful people. Thank you to the Finishing School of Flail, [livejournal.com profile] maiaarts, [livejournal.com profile] skarrin, and [livejournal.com profile] staxxy!

And just like every time, this is me asking you lovely folks to help spread the word about the new post. Thank you!


Look what arrived in my inbox today! A Gothic Charm School reader did fan art for me!

(The DeviantArt page: http://sabarae.deviantart.com/#/d3ibqhc )

I'm incredibly flattered. Thank you, sabarae!
An Assortment Of Questions And Answers.

Thanks are owed, as always, to the Finishing School of Flail, [livejournal.com profile] staxxy, and [livejournal.com profile] maiaarts, who are the best beta readers I could ever ask for.

If you lovely folks could help spread the word about the new post, that would be very helpful. Thank you!


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