- We didn't have a Thanksgiving. We were going to head out to my step-sister's, but the Stroppy One had been at a big M:tG event since the previous Wednesday. He returned on Monday completely exhausted, and still didn't feel safe enough to drive on Thursday. We're making separate plans with Dad and Patty to see them very soon.
- At that big M:tG event, the Stroppy One was the most popular artist there. Apparently the shortest time to get through his line was 90 minutes. It was a great show for him, but no wonder he's still exhausted.
- The "change a back closure bra to a front closure" test went fantastically! I promptly bought three more of the same style of bra, and the Madwoman has altered them. Yay, more underthings!
- I've been off HRT for over a month now, and whoo-yeah, it was making a difference. A BIG difference. I'm back to having crying meltdowns for no reason at least two times a week. Do. Not. Want. So there are messages that I need to send to a few of my medical team and talk about what can be done. In the meantime, this is terrible.
- News that shocked my particular section of music fandom: Bob Bryar, the longest-tenured drummer who was with My Chemical Romance, was found dead. (There are additional details but they lead to some pretty gruesome speculation, so I'm sparing you all.) After the band fired Bob, he slowly turned into a pretty unpleasant person who was falling down the alt-right pit, but he was an important part of the band through the end of everything with The Black Parade and all of the MCR fans are in shock.
- The Stroppy One is determined that we will do fun holiday stuff this year. He doesn't have a deadline over December (for once), and he knows that over the past decade or so, I get low during the holidays. That usual mild depression + the no HRT mood swings? Yeah, he is determined to make the month as good as possible for me.
- At that big M:tG event, the Stroppy One was the most popular artist there. Apparently the shortest time to get through his line was 90 minutes. It was a great show for him, but no wonder he's still exhausted.
- The "change a back closure bra to a front closure" test went fantastically! I promptly bought three more of the same style of bra, and the Madwoman has altered them. Yay, more underthings!
- I've been off HRT for over a month now, and whoo-yeah, it was making a difference. A BIG difference. I'm back to having crying meltdowns for no reason at least two times a week. Do. Not. Want. So there are messages that I need to send to a few of my medical team and talk about what can be done. In the meantime, this is terrible.
- News that shocked my particular section of music fandom: Bob Bryar, the longest-tenured drummer who was with My Chemical Romance, was found dead. (There are additional details but they lead to some pretty gruesome speculation, so I'm sparing you all.) After the band fired Bob, he slowly turned into a pretty unpleasant person who was falling down the alt-right pit, but he was an important part of the band through the end of everything with The Black Parade and all of the MCR fans are in shock.
- The Stroppy One is determined that we will do fun holiday stuff this year. He doesn't have a deadline over December (for once), and he knows that over the past decade or so, I get low during the holidays. That usual mild depression + the no HRT mood swings? Yeah, he is determined to make the month as good as possible for me.
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December sounds like it has started with a BANG for you and yours.
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I am glad you chose self-care this year. We did no tday either really. I am prolly going to make the foods today (I picked up a turkey breast while they were on sale because we do both like turkey). We are doing super lowkey christmas as well (we will be exchanging just a couple of gifts, then opening a fuckton of blind boxes of pins and dice that she bought a few years ago and we just haven't gotten to). With my upcoming surgery, all of the appointments I have related to that, all of the usual appointments Dor has, and the state of the apartment, we really just don't have any time to invest in doing a lot of holiday stuff, including gift shopping. So no real 'christmas' for us. we hung stockings but they are likely to stay empty and just be decorations honestly.
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He's a keeper.
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