Chank Blog

May 24, 2010, 6:10 pm
Filed under: Chank Art, Non-Profit

Chank Art: A Glass of WaterHow about a little springtime benefit art auction to make the world a better place? Today’s good cause is charity:water and the painting I’m donating is called “A Glass of Water.” I’m selling this painting to raise money for Erica Mayer’s charity:water campaign. You could help bring clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. 100% of public donations directly fund water projects. And all you have to do is buy this neat little painting. It measures about 16″ x 22″ and is made with acrylic paint on paper, a one-of-a-kind original.

This painting is being made available directly from the artist and is available today! There’s no real structure to the auction, it’s not on eBay or anything. But if you think you might like a deep and profoundly simple piece of Chank Art, send me a tweet or an e-mail and let me know if you’d like to make a bid. I reckon I’ll let the bidding go til $250 or June 1st, whichever comes first.

The bidding is currently at $99.

How about $120? Would you pay $120 for a Chank Original painting? Let me know:) Auction ends today.

Let’s help make the world a better place with more clean and safe water!

Ampersand Font Sets Sail for Haiti
February 16, 2010, 3:15 pm
Filed under: Font News, Non-Profit

Font Aid IVThe Haitian benefit font “Coming Together” is now available! Can a font make the world a better place? “Coming Together” is a new fundraiser font to help raise money for earthquake relief in Haiti. The font is part of FONT AID IV and all money from the sale of the font goes to Doctors Without Borders. The font consists entirely of ampersands, representing the theme of coming together, featuring artwork by almost 400 designers from 37 countries. Not only is it a font with a good cause, but it’s also a very functional and helpful font. Go go get it now.It’s available from MyFonts, Veer, FontShop and Ascender.

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