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2011-08-22 20:43:29 | æ™‚事ネタ(海外)
先週の13~15日にかけて、香港で『香港フードエキスポ 2011(HKTDC Food Expo 2011)』というイベントが行われていた。
で、このイベントの最中、Sea Shepherd のメンバーである Gary STOKES 氏が出展企業の八洲商事(Yashima Shoji)にイチャモンをつけていた。
・Rare tuna offerings hit raw nerve(2011年8月13日 topics.scmp.com)

・『香港フード・エキスポ2011』に道内企業18社が出展(2011年8月5日 経済産業省北海道経済産業局)
・チーバ君の海外出張@Food Expo(2011年8月20日 Hong Kong Days)

・フード・エキスポ2011 出展のお知らせ(2011年7月31日 八洲商事)
・Yashima Shoji Co., Ltd - Japan(hktdc.com)

実は、hktdc の出展商品紹介では、取り扱うマグロが "Bluefin Tuna Otoro" なんて表記されていた。
これだと、クロマグロ(Pacific bluefin tuna)なのかタイセイヨウクロマグロ(Northern bluefin tuna)なのか判断できないけど・・・。

STOKES 氏は八洲商事のブースに近寄った後、意味深な発言で八洲商事を非難した。
以下、2011年8月13日分 topics.csmp.com『Rare tuna offerings~』から前半部分を(略

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A row has broken out over the sale of critically endangered bluefin tuna at the Food Expo.

At loggerheads are an international conservation group, exhibitors and the Trade and Development Council, which organises the expo.

As representatives of the Japan-based Yashima Shoji Company handed out bite-sized pieces of the delicacy yesterday, Gary Stokes, a member of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, tried to alert people to the nature of the fish they were sampling.
"It's like eating a panda," he said to the crowds gathered for the food.
"Who wants some endangered species?"

Although tasters slowly backed away from the counter, they were soon replaced by more eager hands.

The episode highlights the difficulties in protecting the species, because of its high commercial value, popularity, and the nonchalance of some consumers towards its possible extinction.
"It's just one type of fish," one woman said.
"There are many, many more fish in the sea."

"The bluefin tuna is not listed as an endangered species in Hong Kong or elsewhere in the world," TDC spokeswoman Katherine Chan said.
"Since we are promoting free trade and it's legal to sell and promote bluefin tuna in Hong Kong, we don't see why we should take action to ban the bluefin tuna."
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『南鮪』は「インド洋で捕獲した」云々と書かれてるので、おそらくミナミマグロ(Southern bluefin tuna:IUCN では絶滅危惧1A種)だと思われる。

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この表記を踏まえれば、例のイベントで出していた "Bluefin Tuna Otoro" は、タイセイヨウクロマグロ(Northern bluefin tuna)のことだと思われる。

で、このマグロ、ミナミマグロ程ではないとはいえ絶滅の危険性が指摘されている(IUCN ではデータ不明という扱い)。
もっとも、米国海洋大気圏局(NOAA)は今年5月の時点で、絶滅の危機に瀕する種の保存に関する法律(Endangered Species Act)の対象にしないと判断したが・・・。
NOAA finds endangered species listing for Atlantic bluefin tuna not warranted(2011年5月27日 noaa.gov;.pdfファイル)

参考までに、2011年5月27日分 noaa.gov『NOAA finds~』から、後半部分を(略

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NOAA’s status review, released with today’s decision and peer-reviewed by The Center for Independent Experts, indicates that based on the best available information and assuming countries comply with the bluefin tuna fishing quotas established by ICCAT, both the western and eastern Atlantic stocks are not likely to become extinct.

The status review team also looked at the best available information on the potential effects of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon BP oil spill on the future abundance of the western stock of bluefin tuna and found that it did not substantially alter the results of the extinction risk analysis.
While the NOAA team found that the presently available information did not favor listing, it also recognized the need to continue to monitor the potential long-term effects of the spill on bluefin tuna and the overall ecosystem.
New scientific information is expected in a 2012 bluefin tuna stock assessment and as part of the Natural Resources Damage Assessment of the Deepwater Horizon BP oil spill.

“Based on careful scientific review, we have decided the best way to ensure the longterm sustainability of bluefin tuna is through international cooperation and strong domestic fishery management,” said Eric Schwaab, assistant NOAA administrator for NOAA’s Fisheries Service.
“The United States will continue to be a leader in advocating science-based quotas at ICCAT, full compliance with these quotas and other management measures to ensure the longterm viability of this and other important fish stocks.”
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・Fishermen angry as BP pushes to end payments for future losses(2011年7月8日 wwltv.com)


Sea Shepherd の総帥こと Paul WATSON 船長は、この騒動をどう思ってるんだろうか?


