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だからBDS運動は反ユダヤ主義じゃないと何回書かせれば(略)(Sep 3, 2015)

2015-09-03 21:52:56 | ãƒ‘レスチナかイスラエルか
今回は、色んな意味で(悪)名高いイスラエルのソーダストリーム(SodaStream) という企業に関する小話・・・。

その際、SodaStreamは業績不振が原因とし、イスラエルへのボイコット運動(BDS movement against Israel)の影響じゃない、と述べていたが・・・。
・2014年:躍進するボイコット運動と迷走するソーダストリーム社(2015年1月7日 stop-sodastream)





そんなヨルダン川西岸地区の工場閉鎖に絡め、CEOのダニエル・ビルンバウム(Daniel Birnbaum)氏が妙なことを語っていた。
・SodaStream chief accuses boycotters of anti-Semitism(2015年9月2日 timesofisrael.com;AP)

以下、2015年9月2日 timesofisrael.com『SodaStream chief~』から、前半の一部を(略)

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Standing in the sprawling new factory deep in Israel’s Negev Desert that will replace the West Bank facility when it shuts down in two weeks, CEO Daniel Birnbaum said the boycott movement has only had a “marginal” effect on his business.
He accused the BDS movement of spreading lies and said Palestinian employees were given pay and benefits far higher than anything else they could find in the West Bank.

“It’s propaganda. It’s politics. It’s hate. It’s anti-Semitism. It’s all the bad stuff we don’t want to be part of,” Birnbaum said.
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この後、BIRNBAUM氏は、SodaStreamの業績悪化についてBDS運動の影響はあまりない(~the impact of the boycotters has been negligible)と述べる一方、ヨルダン川西岸地区の工場閉鎖に関し妙なコメントをしていた。
以下、2015年9月2日 timesofisrael.com『SodaStream chief~』から、終盤部分を(略)

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SodaStream employed up to 600 Palestinians at the West Bank factory and sought to transfer their jobs to the Israeli plant.
But Birnbaum said Israel has granted only 130 work permits so far due to security issues.
Many likely will lose their jobs.

“All the people who wanted to close (SodaStream’s West Bank factory) are mistaken. … They didn’t take into consideration the families,” said Ali Jafar, a shift manager from a West Bank village who has worked for SodaStream for two years.

Palestinians, like other employees, are offered a bus service that brings them to the factory.
But what was once a short jaunt to the West Bank factory is now a two-hour journey each way that involves crossing an Israeli checkpoint, where workers must show their permits and be screened for security checks.

BDS has accused SodaStream of paying Palestinian workers less than their Israeli counterparts, but Birnbaum and employees at the factory said wages for Palestinians and Israeli workers are commensurate.

“SodaStream should have been encouraged in the West Bank if (the BDS movement) truly cared about the Palestinian people,” Birnbaum said.
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