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Center for American Progress vs Robert SPENCER and David HOROWITZ?

2011-08-29 21:01:42 | æ™‚事ネタ(海外)
米国では、右巻きの方々や一部キリスト教の団体がイスラム教徒を Dis る活動を繰り広げている。
こうした活動の実態に関して、アメリカ進歩センター(the Center for American Progress:Think Progress という blog でも情報発信してる)が調査した報告書を公表したのだが・・・。
・Fear, Inc.
The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America(報告書の概要)
(2011年8月26日 americanprogress.org)
・Fear, Inc.
The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America(報告書の全文)
(2011年8月26日 americanprogress.org;.pdfファイル)

とはいえ、合計で 130p もある報告書本体を読み込むのは苦行でしかないので、報告書の概要からさらにかいつまんで(何)ネタにしてみる。


・Introduction and summary
・Chapter 1: Donors to the Islamophobia network
・Chapter 2: The Islamophobia misinformation experts
・Chapter 3: The grassroots organizations and the religious right
・Chapter 4: The right-wing media enablers of anti-Islam propaganda
・Chapter 5: The political players


で、この報告書の冒頭では、2011年7月にノルウェーで発生した爆破事件+銃乱射事件の実行犯(というか被告?)である Anders Behring BREIVIK 氏が、犯行前に Web 上で公開していた「マニフェスト」で米国の右曲りのシンクタンクだか blog を相当数引用してたと述べていた。
以下、2011年8月26日分『The Roots of~(中略)(報告書のr)』から、中盤部分を(略

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While these bloggers and pundits were not responsible for Breivik’s deadly attacks, their writings on Islam and multiculturalism appear to have helped create a world view, held by this lone Norwegian gunman, that sees Islam as at war with the West and the West needing to be defended.
According to former CIA officer and terrorism consultant Marc Sageman, just as religious extremism “is the infrastructure from which Al Qaeda emerged,” the writings of these anti-Muslim misinformation experts are “the infrastructure from which Breivik emerged.”
Sageman adds that their rhetoric “is not cost-free.”

These pundits and bloggers, however, are not the only members of the Islamophobia infrastructure.
Breivik’s manifesto also cites think tanks, such as the Center for Security Policy, the Middle East Forum and the Investigative Project on Terrorism—three other organizations we profile in this report.
Together, this core group of deeply intertwined individuals and organizations manufacture and exaggerate threats of “creeping Sharia,” Islamic domination of the West, and purported obligatory calls to violence against all non-Muslims by the Quran.

This network of hate is not a new presence in the United States.
Indeed, its ability to organize, coordinate, and disseminate its ideology through grassroots organizations increased dramatically over the past 10 years.
Furthermore, its ability to influence politicians’ talking points and wedge issues for the upcoming 2012 elections has mainstreamed what was once considered fringe, extremist rhetoric.

And it all starts with the money flowing from a select group of foundations.
A small group of foundations and wealthy donors are the lifeblood of the Islamophobia network in America, providing critical funding to a clutch of right-wing think tanks that peddle hate and fear of Muslims and Islam—in the form of books, reports, websites, blogs, and carefully crafted talking points that anti-Islam grassroots organizations and some right-wing religious groups use as propaganda for their constituency.
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その重要人物の1人である David HOROWITZ 氏(David Horowitz Freedom Center の主宰)は、the Center for American Progress (正確には Think Progress に掲載された)の報告書を少しズレた視点で Dis っていた。
・THINK PROGRESS WITCH-HUNT(2011年8月26日 frontpagemag.com)

以下、2011年8月26日分 frontpagemag.com『THINK PROGRESS WITCH-HUNT』から、後半部分を(略

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In the meantime, let me deconstruct one of the numerous lies which this “report” retails, which is the matter of the $42 million. $42 million is the kind of figure that progressive fascists like George Soros give out in a single year to organizations like Think Progress.
The $42 million mentioned in the report is the total given by the seven foundations it smears over a decade for many many causes unrelated to criticism of Islamic terror, misogyny and Jew-hatred.

Secondly, ninety-percent of the funding for the David Horowitz Freedom Center comes from 100,000 individual donors — not foundations.
The principal funding for Robert Spencer and Jihad Watch comes from the Freedom Center.
The Think Progress report is a typical fascistic attempt to silence critics and scare donors from supporting their efforts to inform the American public about the threats we face from the Islamic jihad.
<san class="bld"> Needless to say all Muslims are not jihadists or terrorists or bigots.
But too many are.
Muslim terrorists have a vested interest in accusing their critics of being anti-Muslim.
Think Progress has joined them as enablers.
This is a sad day for American liberalism and a troublesome day for America.
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例の報告書では、HOROWITZ 氏の運営する団体などが献金を「誰から」もらったかではなく、「どれだけ」もらってるかを問題にしてるのだが・・・。

つーか、"Needles to say~" から "But too many are" の流れは正直意味不明なんだけど。

なお、例の報告書で HOROWITZ 氏以外に重要人物と目された Robert SPENCER 氏も、例の報告書を Dis っていた(順番的には SPENCER 氏が先に表明した)。
・The Islamic Supremacist Propaganda Machine Cranks Out Another “Islamophobia” Report(2011年8月26日 frontpagemag.com)

SPENCER 氏も、こういう場で(イスラム教徒に対する)ヘイトスピーチを言い張るのは、ある意味根性があるというかなんというか・・・(謎)


