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Harrison Jackson is a recurring character in Mixed-ish, he is Paul Johnson's father and Bow's, Santamonica's and Johan's grandfather. He is portrayed by Gary Cole.[]

Character Info[]

Harrison Jackson was a rich lawyer who owned a law firm. However Harrison references having come from humble beginnings, and that his father wouldn't buy him anything as a child as a result.


Unlike his son Paul Johnson, Harrison Jackson is extremely conservative and very uncharitable. He has particularly conservative views on sexuality. He’s also known for casually dropping racist comments in conversation (about any race: Black, East Asian, Mexican, Italian), even though half of his immediate family is black.


Paul Johnson-Paul is Harrison Jackson's son. They have a complicated relationship because of their drastically differing political and social views. Harrison often casually pokes jokes at Paul's expense and enjoys it when others do as well. Although, Harrison tried to change for his child and grandchildren.

Santamaria-Harrison is fond of his grandchildren. He is particularly proud of Santamaria (in mixed-ish Santamonica), due to her self reliant, and somewhat self-serving nature, and she is probably his favorite grandchild.

Denise-Harrison's dynamic with Denise is a recurring source of comic relief. Harrison even claimed at one point that he didn't wanna be around Denise because she's mean to him (which is true). Both of them serve as the "real" world advise givers to Paul and Alicia and often question their unusual parenting, specifically their approach to talking to Bow about sex. They also act as their respective race's stereotypes.


  • He pretends to be on a phone when he's put in awkward situations.
  • He supports child labor.
  • He is catholic.
  • He thinks that non-Catholics and democrats are sent to hell.
  • He isn't sure that Paul is really Johan's father.
  • He served in The Korean War, something he is extremely proud of, considering himself to be a war hero.
  • He owned a rental home which he let his son and his family live in.
  • He was in the same battalion as someone who used to beat up Buzz Aldrin in grade school.
  • In the intro, one of the pictures associated with him was a map of the 1984 presidential election, in which Ronald Reagan won 49 out of 50 states.
    • This is most likely a reference to Harrison's own conservative political outlook.

