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traditionalに関するエントリは27件あります。 github音楽英語 などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『体感!日本の伝統芸能 Traditional Japanese performing arts』などがあります。
  • 体感!日本の伝統芸能 Traditional Japanese performing arts

    日本の伝統芸能展は、こんなにも日本のアートはクールなのかと再認識させてくれそうです。日本の伝統芸能は、英語で traditional Japanese performing arts。「紡ぐ」プロジェクトの一環として3月まで開催。改めて日本の文化を見直すいい機会になりそうです。 Expression: 日本の伝統芸能 英語 traditional Japanese performing arts 日本の伝統文化 英語 traditional Japanese culture 無形文化財 英語  intangible cultural heritage January 07, 2022 The Yomiuri Shimbun より 【本文】 A special exhibition showcasing traditional Japanese performing arts opened

    • The Layout Crisis: The Collapse Of Anime’s Traditional Immersion, And The Attempts To Build It Anew

        The Layout Crisis: The Collapse Of Anime’s Traditional Immersion, And The Attempts To Build It Anew
      • 水あんみつ と レインドロップ・ケーキ Raindrop jellies as traditional summer dessert

        Japan Today May 26, 2022 より一部抜粋 (対訳をとりやすいように、なるべく冒頭から訳しています) 【本文】 Mizu Shingen mochi is a type of wagashi that drew attention for resembling an edible raindrop, 水信玄餅は、食べられる雨の雫に似ているとして注目を浴びた和菓子。 and became known globally as “raindrop jellies” and “raindrop cakes.” 世界的に“レインドロップ・ゼリー”や“レインドロップ・ケーキ”として知られるようになりました。 NYなど海外で人気のRaindrop jellies. きなこと蜜をかけます。 One Japanese sweet store, Kamakura Goro, has tak

        • JTC (Japanese Traditional Company) という英語は間違っているのか?

          JTC (Japanese Traditional Company) とは、伝統的な日本の大企業が持つダメなところをからかう意味で使われる言葉 [1] です。普段 Zenn を使っているユーザーの中にも、JTC で働いている人、JTC を退職した人、JTC に就職しようか迷っている人などがいるかと思います。 この記事では JTC での働き方うんぬんに関してではなく、JTC という(日本で発生した)英単語自体について考察してみます。 形容詞の順番からの考察 さて、形容詞の順番には一定のルールがあるとされています。 画像の出典は https://www.langland.co.jp/english/column/english-column13.php より この図にもとづくと、Japanese は Origin(出身)、Traditional は Age(古さ)に相当し、Age は Orig

            JTC (Japanese Traditional Company) という英語は間違っているのか?
          • The New Business of AI (and How It’s Different From Traditional Software) | Andreessen Horowitz

            The New Business of AI (and How It’s Different From Traditional Software) At a technical level, artificial intelligence seems to be the future of software. AI is showing remarkable progress on a range of difficult computer science problems, and the job of software developers – who now work with data as much as source code – is changing fundamentally in the process. Many AI companies (and investors

              The New Business of AI (and How It’s Different From Traditional Software) | Andreessen Horowitz
            • What Silicon Valley "Gets" about Software Engineers that Traditional Companies Do Not

              I've worked at various tech companies: from "traditional" shops and consultancies, through an investment bank, to high-growth tech firms. I've also talked with software engineers working at startups, banking, automotive, big tech, and more "traditional" companies. This mix had a healthy sample of Silicon-Valley companies and ones headquartered outside this region. I've noticed that Silicon Valley

                What Silicon Valley "Gets" about Software Engineers that Traditional Companies Do Not
              • Experience Traditional Tokyo: One Day in Yanesen Area

                Looking for somewhere you can experience the more traditional Edo culture and traditions, see old buildings and shops handcraft in Tokyo? Then you should visit the Yanesen area! Yanesen refers to a district located near Ueno, in the west part of Bunkyo ward and the east part of Taito ward. It comprises of three areas called Yanaka, Nezu, and Sendagi that are located next to each other. Yanesen is

                  Experience Traditional Tokyo: One Day in Yanesen Area
                • ゆうま君 いなせ連 草加宿場まつり Japanese traditional dance, AWA-ODORI

                  いなせ連 輪踊り ゆうま君、大活躍。

                    ゆうま君 いなせ連 草加宿場まつり Japanese traditional dance, AWA-ODORI
                  • stairway to heaven by gagaku 雅楽で「天国への階段」covered with Japanese traditional instruments.

                    Led Zeppelin レッドツェッペリンの「天国への階段」を雅楽の篳篥、笙、龍笛を使って演奏してみた。バックの演奏も全て一人で。 Gagaku is Japanese traditional court music. It has been inherited by generation to generation for more than thousand years.

                      stairway to heaven by gagaku 雅楽で「天国への階段」covered with Japanese traditional instruments.
                    • Best Places To Rent a Kimono in Japan – A Traditional Experience!

                        Best Places To Rent a Kimono in Japan – A Traditional Experience!
                      • GitHub - baku89/glisp: Glisp is a Lisp-based design tool that combines generative approaches with traditional design methods, empowering artists to discover new forms of expression.

                        Demo (Chrome Only) Documentation 🇺🇸 English 🇯🇵 日本語 Glisp, an acronym for Graphical LISP, is the prototyping project to experiment what if a design tool meets a way of creative coding, and obtain the self-bootstrapping power of LISP. This tool looks like the integration of Illustrator and Processing IDE at a glance. And in fact, it adopts both benefits of intuitiveness of direct manipulation on

                          GitHub - baku89/glisp: Glisp is a Lisp-based design tool that combines generative approaches with traditional design methods, empowering artists to discover new forms of expression.
                        • GitHub - material-shell/material-shell: A modern desktop interface for Linux. Improve your user experience and get rid of the anarchy of traditional desktop workflows. Designed to simplify navigation and reduce the need to manipulate windows in order to i

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                            GitHub - material-shell/material-shell: A modern desktop interface for Linux. Improve your user experience and get rid of the anarchy of traditional desktop workflows. Designed to simplify navigation and reduce the need to manipulate windows in order to i
                          • GitHub - cli-guidelines/cli-guidelines: A guide to help you write better command-line programs, taking traditional UNIX principles and updating them for the modern day.

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                              GitHub - cli-guidelines/cli-guidelines: A guide to help you write better command-line programs, taking traditional UNIX principles and updating them for the modern day.
                            • kirikuzudo blog - 雑訳:AIAA講演資料『System Engineering: A Traditional Discipline in a Non-Traditional Organization』(SpaceX 2012年)

                              ブログ: 2023/01/15 雑訳:AIAA講演資料『System Engineering: A Traditional Discipline in a Non-Traditional Organization』(SpaceX 2012年) 雑訳:AIAA講演資料『System Engineering: A Traditional Discipline in a Non-Traditional Organization』(SpaceX 2012年) 『System Engineering: A Traditional Discipline in a Non-Traditional Organization』というAIAAで2012年に公開されたSpaceXの講演資料があります。 Googleで検索するとAIAAからは消えていて、いまは怪しげなサーバにコピーされたPDFが残されてるぐらいで

                                kirikuzudo blog - 雑訳:AIAA講演資料『System Engineering: A Traditional Discipline in a Non-Traditional Organization』(SpaceX 2012年)
                              • GitHub - GraphiteEditor/Graphite: 2D vector & raster editor that melds traditional layers & tools with a modern node-based, non-destructive, procedural workflow.

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                                  GitHub - GraphiteEditor/Graphite: 2D vector & raster editor that melds traditional layers & tools with a modern node-based, non-destructive, procedural workflow.
                                • GenOps: Learnings From Microservices and Traditional DevOps | Google Cloud Blog

                                  GenOps: learning from the world of microservices and traditional DevOps Who is supposed to manage generative AI applications? While AI-related ownership often lands with data teams, we're seeing requirements specific to generative AI applications that have distinct differences from those of a data and AI team, and at times more similarities with a DevOps team. This blog post explores these similar

                                    GenOps: Learnings From Microservices and Traditional DevOps | Google Cloud Blog
                                  • How does in-context learning work? A framework for understanding the differences from traditional supervised learning

                                    In this post, we provide a Bayesian inference framework for in-context learning in large language models like GPT-3 and show empirical evidence for our framework, highlighting the differences from traditional supervised learning. This blog post primarily draws from the theoretical framework for in-context learning from An Explanation of In-context Learning as Implicit Bayesian Inference 1 and expe

                                      How does in-context learning work? A framework for understanding the differences from traditional supervised learning
                                    • Traditional Wedding Ceremony in Japan

                                      There are basically two types of wedding ceremony in Japan: western style and Japanese traditional style. The wedding ceremony and being legally married are two separate things in Japan. In order to be legally married, you need to register with the city or municipal office, and you can have a wedding ceremony before or after registering as a married couple. Today, most of Japanese couples have a w

                                        Traditional Wedding Ceremony in Japan
                                      • JTC(Japanese Traditional Company)とは? 古い企業体質、変革を模索 - 日本経済新聞


                                          JTC(Japanese Traditional Company)とは? 古い企業体質、変革を模索 - 日本経済新聞
                                        • From places like Bunkyo Ward with a traditional atmosphere to ultramodern areas like Ginza and Roppongi, Tokyo is a modern city with amazing contrasts - GMX Search

                                          GMX Search – quick, clear, accurate

                                          • Fried Rice Recipe [Traditional Japanese Style] / 炒飯

                                            Basic fried rice recipe Japanese style Traditional Japanese fried rice How to cook Yakimeshi fried rice 📖FULL RECIPE: https://www.chefslabo.com/post/fried-rice-traditional-japanese-style-炒飯 🧑‍🍳About me: https://www.chefslabo.com/about-the-chef 🙏 Support CHEF'S LABO: https://www.chefslabo.com/support 💻 Website (Recipe blog): https://www.chefslabo.com/ 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram

                                              Fried Rice Recipe [Traditional Japanese Style] / 炒飯
                                            • 【高松市のゲストハウス】トラディショナルアパートメント(Traditional Apartment))をご紹介します。

                                              2020年1月に行った香川県高松市にあるゲストハウス『トラディショナルアパートメント(Traditional Apartment)』の紹介をします。 最高だったので皆さんもぜひ参考にしてみてください(^^) では、いってみましょう! 『トラディショナルアパートメント』の『ハナレ』 『トラディショナルアパートメント』は香川県高松市にあるゲストハウスです。 施設の建物は多く、5つの施設があります。 2段ベッドのドミトリータイプから普通のベッドタイプまで豊富なラインナップになっています。 今回は『ハナレ』という一番安い施設で2泊しました。 ここはアットホーム系のゲストハウスでした! アットホーム系がわからない方は下記の記事を読んでみてくださいね。 ゲストハウスの種類と目的に合わせた選び方を3分で解説します 他の施設は下記の公式サイトよりご確認ください。 参考 Traditional Apartm

                                              • JTC (Japanese Traditional Company)とは 意味/解説 - シマウマ用語集

                                                日本語のインターネットスラングとして用いられる「JTC」とは、「Japanese Traditional (Big, Old) Company」の略で、伝統的な日本の大企業のことを意味する。 伝統的な日本の企業の悪しき風習や良くない文化、もしくは「ありがちなこと」に対して揶揄、冷笑、自虐する際に用いることが多い。「伝統的な日本企業」の一般的な話として使用する場合や、勤務先や取引先がそのような企業である場合に匿名で表す際にも用いる。 略語の元となる「Japanese Traditional Company」そのものも、和製英語的な表現と考えられる。 類似する表現として、本来は「歴史ある大企業」を意味するがネガティブなニュアンスを伴って用いられる「レガシー企業」がある。

                                                  JTC (Japanese Traditional Company)とは 意味/解説 - シマウマ用語集
                                                • What is Setsubun? Traditional Bean-Throwing Event in February

                                                    What is Setsubun? Traditional Bean-Throwing Event in February
                                                  • 匠宿 - TRADITIONAL HAND CRAFT ARTS CENTER

                                                    〒421-0103 静岡県静岡市駿河区丸子3240-1 TEL:054-256-1521  FAX:054-256-1584 開館 10:00~19:00 月曜休館(月曜祝日は営業、翌平日休館) (電話によるお問い合わせ 10:00〜18:00) 駿府の工房 匠宿は国内最大級の伝統工芸体験施設。 今川・徳川時代から静岡に受け継がれ、 今も大切に伝わる駿河竹千筋細工・和染・木工・漆・陶芸などの さまざまな工芸体験を楽しんでいただけます。 ものづくりというかけがえのない経験を。 ぜひ匠宿で工芸を体験してください。

                                                      匠宿 - TRADITIONAL HAND CRAFT ARTS CENTER
                                                    • 7 Unique Elements of Japanese Traditional Architecture

                                                      Japanese traditional architecture is one of the most distinct features of Japanese culture and you can find unique elements of architecture in castles, temples, shrines, and also homes. But what is the meaning behind it and why the structure has been developed like that? When you understand the details of the traditional architecture, it makes more sense and it will make it more fun to look at the

                                                        7 Unique Elements of Japanese Traditional Architecture
                                                      • Tokyo Attractions: Traditional vs Modern

                                                        Tokyo, being the biggest city in the world with 37 million inhabitants in the metropolitan area, is also one of the most developed cities in the world. It is a center of some cutting-edge technology and exciting attractions that take you to an unknown world that you have never imagined before. On the other hand, it also boasts some old areas that played a significant role building such a metropoli

                                                          Tokyo Attractions: Traditional vs Modern
