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eatingに関するエントリは18件あります。 通信考え方 などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Anime is Eating the World』などがあります。
  • Anime is Eating the World

    Anime – what started as a niche genre of manga and animation has become a multi-billion dollar industry in its own right, with chart-topping games like Pokémon Go and Genshin Impact grossing billions and movies like Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba becoming one of the highest grossing films of the year. Anime is driving pop culture today; just look at the fashion collaborations like Loewe x Studio G

      Anime is Eating the World
    • Why HTTP/3 is eating the world | APNIC Blog

        Why HTTP/3 is eating the world | APNIC Blog
      • ZFS Is Mysteriously Eating My CPU

        Recent posts: 22 Jul 2024 » No More Blue Fridays 24 Mar 2024 » Linux Crisis Tools 17 Mar 2024 » The Return of the Frame Pointers 10 Mar 2024 » eBPF Documentary 28 Apr 2023 » eBPF Observability Tools Are Not Security Tools 01 Mar 2023 » USENIX SREcon APAC 2022: Computing Performance: What's on the Horizon 17 Feb 2023 » USENIX SREcon APAC 2023: CFP 02 May 2022 » [email protected] 15 Apr 2022 » Netfl

        • Postgres is eating the database world

          PostgreSQL isn’t just a simple relational database; it’s a data management framework with the potential to engulf the entire database realm. The trend of “Using Postgres for Everything” is no longer limited to a few elite teams but is becoming a mainstream best practice. OLAP’s New Challenger In a 2016 database meetup, I argued that a significant gap in the PostgreSQL ecosystem was the lack of a s

          • 日本人の死亡リスクを下げる研究結果 Eating more veggies, fruit lower death risk of Japanese

            20年にわたる研究で、日本人に野菜や果物が死亡リスクを下げるとの、初めての確かな報告が! 「日常的に」を英語でon a daily basis、「~の相関関係」をcorrelaion between A and B。英語で読む9万人対象の研究結果は…… The Asahi Shimbun October 9, 2022より (対訳をとりやすいように、なるべく冒頭から訳しています。日英表現が色で対比になっています。) 【本文】 In the first survey of its kind, consuming veggies and fruits was confirmed to help lower the risk of death among Japanese who partook of them on a daily basis.* 野菜と果物を日常的に消費している日本人の死亡リ

              日本人の死亡リスクを下げる研究結果 Eating more veggies, fruit lower death risk of Japanese
            • Google exec suggests Instagram and TikTok are eating into Google's core products, Search and Maps | TechCrunch

              Google exec suggests Instagram and TikTok are eating into Google’s core products, Search and Maps The TikTok threat to Google’s business isn’t just limited to YouTube, as it turns out. Core Google services, including Search and Maps, are also being impacted by a growing preference for social media and videos as the first stop on younger users’ path to discovery, a Google exec acknowledged today, s

                Google exec suggests Instagram and TikTok are eating into Google's core products, Search and Maps | TechCrunch
              • before eating grace He said | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング

                単語をならべかえて英文を完成させよう(レベル5)「before eating grace He said」「彼は食べる前にお祈りを言った。」#英語学習 | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング

                  before eating grace He said | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング
                • a am banana eating I | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング

                  単語をならべかえて英文を完成させよう(レベル5)「a am banana eating I」「私はバナナを食べています。」#英語学習 | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング

                    a am banana eating I | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング
                  • Robin Guo on LinkedIn: Waifus are eating the world. Mihoyo made $3.8B in revenue last year… | 55 comments

                    Agree & Join LinkedIn By clicking Continue to join or sign in, you agree to LinkedIn’s User Agreement, Privacy Policy, and Cookie Policy. Waifus are eating the world. Mihoyo made $3.8B in revenue last year (PocketGamer), nearly half of Activision Blizzard. Here's why anime games / culture are taking over 🧵 1/ The Rise of Anime 69% of GenZ watch anime, up from 57% of millennials and only 23% of ba

                      Robin Guo on LinkedIn: Waifus are eating the world. Mihoyo made $3.8B in revenue last year… | 55 comments
                    • RocksDB Is Eating the Database World

                      A Brief History of Distributed Databases The era of Web 2.0 brought with it a renewed interest in database design. While traditional RDBMS databases served well the data storage and data processing needs of the enterprise world from their commercial inception in the late 1970s until the dotcom era, the large amounts of data processed by the new applications—and the speed at which this data needs t

                        RocksDB Is Eating the Database World
                      • Eating the Cloud from Outside In

                        Home Ideas Writing & Speaking Book Tactics, Strategy, Principles About Bio, Talks, Photos Subscribe RSS, Newsletter, Mixtape See discussions on Hacker News and InfoQ. I also discussed this on the AWS.FM podcast. Cloudflare launched on September 27, 2010, and every year since, it has made it a point to celebrate ”Birthday Week” with a raft of launches. By far, the show-stopper this year was the ann

                          Eating the Cloud from Outside In
                        • Is a vegan diet healthier than eating meat and dairy?

                          Is a vegan diet healthier than eating meat and dairy? Identical twins Hugo and Ross Turner are adventure athletes that are always trying to find ways to improve their performance. With the help of scientists at King's College London, they went on a 12-week fitness program with a twist: Hugo turned vegan, and Ross continued to eat meat.

                            Is a vegan diet healthier than eating meat and dairy?
                          • Should we be eating three meals a day?

                            Breakfast as we know it was a surprisingly modern invention (Credit: Getty Images) The idea that we should eat three meals a day is surprisingly modern. How many meals a day is best for our health? It's likely you eat three meals a day – modern life is designed around this way of eating. We're told breakfast is the most important meal of the day, we're given lunch breaks at work, and then our soci

                              Should we be eating three meals a day?
                            • Japanese Food and Eating Habits

                              Japanese food and eating habits are enviable because of their evident health consciousness. Japanese love to eat, and many Japanese people even travel to enjoy different kinds of food. However, the Japanese always consider food not just food but a means to have a healthy life. The Japanese diet typically consists of fresh and unprocessed ingredients. Some main items in regular Japanese food are ri

                                Japanese Food and Eating Habits
                              • ウェーブレット行列(wavelet matrix) - Eating Your Own Cat Food

                                ウェーブレット行列(wavelet matrix)の話です ウェーブレット行列 ウェーブレット行列で可能な操作 索引の構築 操作 access rank select quantile topk sum intersect ソース いろいろな人の実装 参考 ウェーブレット行列 例えば,T = [5, 4, 5, 5, 2, 1, 5, 6, 1, 3, 5, 0] という配列があったとき,この配列の中で 7 番目に小さい値を求めたいとします. 最も単純なやり方は値をソートしてから T[7] にアクセスすることです(1-origin). このような操作をいちいち行うことは,同様の操作を何回も繰り返し行いたいときには非効率です. ウェーブレット行列では,あらかじめ索引を作っておくことで,配列に対する様々な操作を効率的に行うことができます. ウェーブレット行列は内部で完備辞書(簡潔ビットベクトル

                                • IT業界と今後のビジネスモデルを指し示すアンドリーセンの言葉、「software is eating the world」について。

                                  「software is eating the world(ソフトウェアが世界を飲み込んでいる)」という言葉を耳にしたことはあるでしょうか。 IT企業にコミットしている人やシリコンバレーのビジネスの状況に詳しい人、また投資家の方にとっては馴染みのある言葉かもしれない一方で、それらとは無縁であれば聞いたことがないかもしれません。 しかしこのフレーズはシンプルでありながら、今後の世界の姿を端的に指示したものであり、このフレーズの意味を知ることは今後の世界を理解することにも繋がります。 そこで今回は特にこの言葉に馴染みの無い方向けに、「What is “software is eating the world?”」という解説をしていきたいと思います。 マーク・アンドリーセンこの「software is eating the world」という言葉を生み出したのは、シリコンバレーを代表するエンジニ

                                    IT業界と今後のビジネスモデルを指し示すアンドリーセンの言葉、「software is eating the world」について。
                                  • Don't leave Japan without eating this delicious yakisoba. バソキ屋 basokiya japanese street food やきそば

                                    This channel introduces Japanese food culture and the skills of Fukuoka Hakata chefs. Unlike general boat gourmet reviews, a camera sneaks into the kitchen, We will deliver scenes such as ingredients selection and preparation in a documentary. This time, we visited “Basokiya,” a yakisoba specialty restaurant located in Nanokawa, Minami Ward, Fukuoka City. A popular restaurant in Fukuoka that has

                                      Don't leave Japan without eating this delicious yakisoba. バソキ屋 basokiya japanese street food やきそば
                                    • voluntary stopping eating and drinking (VSED) ~苦痛に満ちたVSEDにならないための医療補助medical assistを考える~ | 姫路聖マリア病院 緩和ケア病棟

                                      以前、voluntary stopping eating and drinking (VSED)とmedical assist in dying(MAID)という表題で、自分なりの考えを述べさせて頂きました。いろいろ反響も頂き、自分なりに考えさせられるものがありました。また、この半年間で経験したことなども踏まえて、再度今の考えを述べたいと思います。なお、この半年間でmedical assist in dying(MAID)という表現は、やや不適切ではないかと考えはじめましたので、今回はvoluntary stopping eating and drinking (VSED) ~苦痛に満ちたVSEDにならないための医療補助medical assistを考える~というタイトルにさせて頂きます。 終末・臨死期医療に携わっていると、毎日のように「もう死なせて下さい。」とか「楽にしてほしい(死を早め

